Cloud giant 5e. I flavored them as snow owl griffons when I did it once.

Cloud giant 5e Control Weather +, Multiattack +, Slam +, Telekinetic Strike +, Change Shape +, Spellcasting + and Cloud Step + Habitat: Mountain + Hit Points: 250 + Name: Cloud Giant Smiling One + Publication: Monsters of the Multiverse + Size: Huge + SortText: Giant Cloud Smiling One MotM + Subtype: Cloud Giant + Summary: Masked cloud giant tricksters (MotM Statistics, Actions, Traits and Abilities of the DnD 5e monster 'Cloud Giant' Deck of Dungeons Blog. Zephyros was an eccentric cloud giant wizard sometime after the War of the Silver Marches. The extravagances a cloud giant wears or places about its home must also be beautiful or wondrous. Incorporeal Movement. 3rd-Level Path of the Giant Feature. Young Cloud Giant. True giants were those born of Annam All-Father and Othea, which includes cloud, fire, fog, frost and storm giants. The oracle however told also that Blagothkus never can impress the giant Languages: Common, Giant Organization: solitary, gang (2–5), family (2–5 plus 35% noncombatants plus 1 sorcerer or cleric of 4th–7th level and 2–5 griffons), or tribe (6–20 plus 1 sorcerer or cleric oracle of 7th–12th level and 2–5 griffons) Cloud Giant Smiling One + Experience Points: 7,200 + Features: Innate Spellcasting +, Spellcasting +, Keen Smell +, Multiattack +, Morningstar +, Rock + and Change Shape + Habitat: Mountain + Hit Points: 262 + Name: Cloud Giant Smiling One + Publication: Volo's Guide to Monsters + Size: Huge + SortText: Giant Cloud Smiling One + Subtype: Cloud Learn about the Cloud Giant Smiling One, a rare and secretive breed of cloud giants who worship the god of trickery and deception, Memnor. Unlike the rest of their kin, cloud giants possess a natural affinity for magic, especially the elemental magics of air. 雲巨人 [Clound Giant] 巨型巨人,中立善良( 50%)或中立邪惡( 50%) ⼒量 敏捷 體魄 智⼒ 感知 魅⼒ In Storm King’s Thunder for 5e, it is explained that a cloud giant castle will have a large sized magic orb made of mithril and engraved with magic giant runes. 1/day each: control weather, gaseous form In times of need, scattered cloud giant families band together as a unified clan. A cloud palace or cloud castle was an abode of cloud giants kept floating on a single large cloud by magic. RELATED: D&D: 20 Best Undead Creatures You Need In Your Dungeon Cloud Giant: Giant Cloud Giant Huge 200 9 (5,000) Mountain SRD-CC v5. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. The ghost regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn. Cloudy Escape. Actions Copy Multiattack. Fire Giant. The hill giant is the smallest drawn and manages a ‘mere’ 4. mod. Griffons or Hippogriffs are fun easy ones. Morningstar. Morningstar Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft. The giant makes two morningstar attacks. [3] Sansuri was one of the giant lords at the time of the shattering of the ordning. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light 3/day each: feather fall, fly, misty step, telekinesis 1/day each: control weather, gaseous form. Giant’s Havoc. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) force damage. However, value is only one part of the assessment. Prerequisite: 4th Level, Strike of the Giants (Cloud Strike) Feat. 9m or 16 feet. Strength: 27 Dexterity: 10 Cloud Giant. Shortly before its release, it was approved for play Guile of the Cloud Giant. [3] Cloud giants look like light-skinned, muscular humanoids, but are much larger in size, standing about 24 feet tall. Such a character has the following traits. Type: Giant. The giant’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) piercing damage. The first time a sapient creature comes within 6 miles of the scion, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or feel an overwhelming compulsion to leave an offering worth at least 5 gp stashed in an out-of-the-way place. STR. Cloud Giant from 5e SRD The Cloud Giant Battle Tactics! D&D 5e explains how to best use this monster before, during, and after combat, group sizes and other recommendations for succ A cloud giant earns its place in the ordning by the treasure it accumulates, the wealth it wears, and the gifts it bestows on other cloud giants. May 31, 2022 · Introduced in a 2019 charity supplement called Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio Volume 1, fog giants are a variant of cloud giant, fallen from grace. Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—levitate (self plus 2,000 pounds), obscuring mist; 1/day—fog cloud. Attuned to the magic of their airy domains, cloud giants are able to turn into mist and create clouds of billowing fog. Those born of Othea, but not of Annam All-Father were giant-kin and include cyclopes, ogres, fomorians and firbolgs. The feat just does so much. RPG Tools. Cloud giants are a race of giants that prefer to live at high altitudes. Thi May 26, 2016 · The mechanical weight of "you are a cloud giant" is super-heavy. Half-Cloud Giant Template. Young Cloud Giant Huge giant, chaotic evil: Armor Class: 13 (natural armor) Hit Points: 105 (10d12 + 40) Speed: 40 ft. Morningstar: Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft. Caster level 15th. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light Statistics, Actions, Traits and Abilities of the DnD 5e monster 'Cloud Giant' Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Magic Item - Potion of Cloud Giant Strength - When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 2 When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 27 for 1 hour. One day they went together to the Eye of the All-Father temple. A cloud giant dedicated to Evil Air wears a magic vest adorned with wings made from roc feathers and enchanted with elemental air, allowing the giant to fly. If a cloud giant's treasure is stolen from them, they fall in the social order to become fog giants and turn to raiding and banditry. Countess Sansuri was the ruler of the cloud giants sometime after the War of the Silver Marches. The target takes an extra 1d10 fire damage. Nov 29, 2021 · Those amongst the cloud giants that become priests tend to split between Memnor (the patron deity of cloud giants, known for trickery and deceit) and Stronmaus (the giant deity of the sun, sky, weather, seas, and joy). A cloud giant is 24' tall and regularly proportioned for a human, so I would assume a baby cloud giant is also four times larger in every dimension when compared to a human child, and continues this trend is it develops. The Cloud Giant can be found in the Monster Manual page 15 CLOUD GIANT – 5e stats. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light IMO, "overpowered" races should be done as "racial class", with a hit die and "racial class" levels substituting for monster levels. Mar 9, 2024 · The Cloud Giant is a D&D 5e character build focused on emulating a cloud giant in their tricksy behavior as well as their overwhelming physical strength. Their hair is generally blue or silver. Th While wearing this belt, your Strength score changes to 27. CLOUD GIANT SKELETON. The region surrounding a scion of Memnor is altered by the giant's magic, creating one or more of the following effects: Compulsory Offering. [3] Cloud giants The giant has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. Rock Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 60/240 ft. , one target. Huge giant , neutral good/evil. Many often treat hill giants as little more than court jesters, demanding they fight or destroy neighboring lands simply for amusement. Saving Throws Con +10, Int +6, Cha +7 Skills Deception +11, Insight +7, Perception +11, Sleight of Hand +9 Senses passive Perception 21 Languages Common, Giant Challenge 11 (7200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 Aug 1, 2023 · In our 5e Feats Tier List, Guile of the Cloud Giant was given a B Tier rating, making it a niche feat that can improve some builds in D&D 5e. Jul 31, 2017 · In Mordekainen’s Tome of Foes we can found a fog giant — the outcast cloud giant who was banished by the ordnung. Feb 18, 2024 · The giant has advantage on Wisdom checks that rely on smell. [1] Most scholars agree that there was one race of giants during the Age of Giants, and that it was after the Jan 11, 2024 · This table just outlines the core six giant types; there are a myriad of other stat blocks available that expand out these giants further with unique abilities and roles, such as the Cloud Giant Smiling One, which gets additional spellcasting options and Change Shape, or Duke Zalto, a Fire Giant with a ring of lightning resistance and additional hit points. The oracle told them that a great upheaval was in arrive and by then would arise an opportunity for giants to shine. 9m or 26 feet. You’ve manifested the confounding magic emblematic of cloud giants, granting you the following benefits: Ability Score Increase. These rocks may or may not still float if transported to the Material Plane; The plane Acheron is made of giant floating iron cubes. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: Detect Magic, Fog Cloud, Light 3/day each: Feather Fall, Fly, Misty Step, Telekinesis 1/day each: Control Weather, Gaseous Form. Fire’s burn (Fire giant): You can add 1d10 fire damage to an attack. Feb 18, 2024 · Cloud giant samurai are a group of cloud giants devoted to the art of combat against their own kind, as well as dragons. Handling a half-Cloud Giant in the same way as you'd handle a Goliath is a bit silly. The attack deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage if the giant has advantage on the attack roll. fandom. However, they can seldom do so quickly. 1, SRD-OGL v5. 3m or 24 feet tall, through to the storm giant on the right which is even taller at 7. Additionally, you learn a cantrip of your choice: either druidcraft or thaumaturgy. [1] Zephyros lived in his floating Tower of Zephyros. The giant makes two greatclub attacks. MPMM p81. Hit: 30 (4d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage. 3/day each: feather fall, fly, misty step, telekinesis Skyeborn are the rare offspring of a cloud giant and a human, or perhaps one of the other small races. Huge giant, Neutral Good (50%) or Neutral Evil (50%). The offspring of a cloud giant and a human have an intermediate lifespan. It was only by sheer force of will that I managed to read the Cloud Giant’s Bargain cover to cover without stopping to put in some DM prep work in anticipation of play. You would also need to find the rules for how quickly a cloud giant child matures and scale it according to that as well. [1] Blagothkus was a survivor of the giant empires of the past, and his main dream was to somehow go back to those glorious times. Misty step is an incredible spell that most builds will want access to. The giant has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. You’ve manifested the airy speech and magic emblematic of cloud giants, granting you the following benefits: Ability Score Increase. The target takes an extra 1d4 thunder damage. Each creature in that area must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw as Cloud Giant, harvesting loot, treasure, body parts, meat; treasure from a D&D 5e monster. Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20. save. , or Wis. One of my favorite things about Volo’s Guide to Monsters is the new Giants that were added. Regeneration. AC 13 (natural armor) Initiative-1 (9) HP 105 (10d12 + 40) Speed 40 ft. Cloud Giant Skeleton Size/Type: Huge Undead: 5e Homebrew; 4e Homebrew; 3. I wasn't talking about rules either. You can see more of Anders’ illustrations over at their ArtStation. Jan 28, 2021 · A Cloud Giant Smiling One Cloud Giant Smiling Ones. The giant magically polymorphs into a beast or humanoid it has seen, or back into its true form. When you choose this path, you learn to speak, read, and write Giant or one other language of your choice if you already know Giant. Here, cloud castles aren't created by engineering, but are rather solidified clouds gathered around a magic rune stone created by the gathered efforts of twelve cloud giants casting a ritual for ten days. Jan 4, 2022 · As you play as a cloud giant, find ways to let others know the extent of your wealth (and exaggerate generously too). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light. SKT p112. Jan 12, 2017 · @TimGrant recommends getting a Cloud Giant to give/loan/rent you a Solid Cloud (MM 150) In a similar vein, the Elemental Plane of Air also seems to have solid clouds, as well as floating rocks. (requires Cloud Rune), passive Perception 19 As if that weren't enough, cloud giants often bring tremendous wealth with them, swelling the cult's coffers to finance more far-reaching operations. Immediately after you cast any of your Mark of the Ordning spells, you can magically teleport as a bonus action. In Monsters of the Multiverse Goliaths were essentially only descended from Stone Giants. If you can find a description of Zephros’s flying tower it is better described thetr. Cloud Giant Tactics. Jun 7, 2020 · Standing about 18 feet tall and weighing around 5000 pounds, Cloud Giants wear fine clothing and jewelry, and prefer to live on the highest mountain peaks or even higher if possible. Sansuri's plan was to rediscover one of the ancient Ostorian Dec 22, 2021 · Cloud Giants. The ghost makes two melee attacks. Wind Aura. Discover their physical appearance, combat tactics, habitat, society, and ecology. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light . Change Shape. Saving Throws Con +12, Int +10, Wis +9, Cha +12 Skills Deception +18, Insight +9, Perception +9 Damage Immunities thunder Senses truesight 30 ft. Find its stats, abilities, actions, and challenge rating for DnD 5e games. Loading Dice Roller Cloud Giant Smiling One. But more than anything, the "lesser" giants make for excellent hordes of brutes. It was exclusively given out for free at Fathom event for PAX West's Acquisitions Incorporated live play game. Multiattack. Ethereal Sight. Find the statistics and abilities of a cloud giant, a huge neutral giant that can cast spells and fly. Perhaps none more than the Cloud Giant Smiling One. Aug 13, 2024 · Giant Ancestry: 1: Yes: This is a new 2024 Goliath species trait that lets you choose specific abilities based on your giant lineage (cloud giant, fire giant, frost giant, hill giant, stone giant and storm giant). Huge Giant, Typically Chaotic Neutral. Oct 30, 2019 · It shows the cloud giant on the left which stands, on average, at 7. Learn about the cloud giant, a huge giant creature with innate spellcasting and treasure-seeking instincts. [3] Cloud giants Prerequisite: 4th Level, Strike of the Giants (Cloud Giant) Feat. Fire Strike. In the late 1480s or early 1490s DR, after the disappearance of storm giant king Hekaton, all giant lords started their path to reshaping the ordning. The giant's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. The ghost can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa. The giant magically summons a thundercloud that fills a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point the giant can see within 60 feet of itself. Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor) Armor Class (suggested) 20 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 200 (16d12+96) A cloud giant that dies through an act of betrayal or an ill-fated wager sometimes returns as a spectral cloud. D&D 5e Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. At twelfth level, we take an ASI for +2 Strength. At the heart of the cloud, the figure's appearance becomes clear: a skeletal cloud giant corpse. The ability to switch on resistance against any source of damage, multiple times per day, against anything that uses an attack roll, seriously increases a character’s The giant tries to throw a Small or Medium creature within 10 feet of it. The giant tries to throw a Small or Medium creature within 10 feet of it. [2] In the late 1480s or early 1490s DR, after the shattering of the ordning, Zephyros started working to find a solution for this crisis using the Cloud Strike. Hill’s tumble (Hill giant): Knock an enemy prone. +1 in Str. , Con. 3/day each: feather fall, fly, misty step, telekinesis. Aug 13, 2024 · Cloud’s jaunt (Cloud giant): You can teleport 30ft as a bonus action. At eighth level, we take Skill Expert with another +1 to Strength. The cloud spreads around corners. Cloud giants are large even by the standards of most giants. Cloud Giant. It's just that the lore on Cloud Giants from Golarion is completely irrelevant to the Forgotten Realms. But most of all — they are have a feature that allows them SEE THROUGH the fog cloud. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be hurled up to 60 feet horizontally in a direction of the giant's choice and land prone, taking 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. Note: This has been prepared utilizing only the 5E Core Rules. Copy Etherealness. InnateSpellcasting. Create custom stat blocks for monsters and save them for use in your campaigns. There are some really cool encounters and NPC roleplaying If the giant misses with a ranged weapon attack, it can reroll the attack roll. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Magic Item - Belt of Cloud Giant Strength - While wearing this belt, your Strength score changes to 27. It focuses on the Sword Coast, and is an adventure designed for three to seven 5th- to 7th-level characters. Size: Large. AC 15 (natural armor) Initiative +1 (11) HP 250 (20d12 + 120) Speed 40 ft. Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Giant Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Special Traits. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light 3/day each: feather fall, fly, misty step, telekinesis Cloud Strike. Belt of Giant Strength. So, taking the airship, they flew to the Cloud Giant castle to find the object they needed to reach King Hekaton’s court. Because of this, cloud giants are often considered to be much more dangerous than their lesser kin due to the combination of their sheer might as well as their magical prowess. [1][2] A cloud palace was like any other cloud giant castle, only it was constructed upon a magical, solid cloud. Read user comments and feedback on this monster for D&D Fifth Edition (5e). At fourth level, we take Guile of the Cloud Giant and choose +1 to Strength. [1] For fifty years, he studied the Moonshae Isles. Keen Smell. [1] Eigeron was the son of the cloud giant ruler Blagothkus. Innate Spellcasting. 3rd-Level Path of the Blagothkus was the cloud giant ruler of Skyreach Castle. A magical aura of wind surrounds the giant. You’ll also want to guard your wealth ferociously. The ghost can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. Base: +2 Str, +2 Con. Greatclub. Owlbears could also be fun. Frost Strike. Copy Spectral Weapon. Smiling Ones are the proud tricksters of Cloud Giant society. DnD 5e Feat. Any equipment the giant is wearing or carrying is absorbed by the new form. Most cloud giant groups include a sorcerer or a cleric. Guile of the Cloud Giant is one of the strongest feats published in the Glory of the Giants book. Players might choose to face a cloud giant to steal some of their wealth or acquire an important item. Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +7, Cha +8 Skills Insight +7, Perception +7, Stealth +4 Senses passive Perception 17 Languages Auran, Common, Giant Challenge 12 (8400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 Cloud giant: 27: Legendary: 55,000 gp: Storm giant: 29: A5E is 100% compatible with 5E, however, it is a core ruleset. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light 3/day each: feather fall, fly, misty step, telekinesis A cloud giant earns its place in the ordning by the treasure it accumulates, the wealth it wears, and the gifts it bestows on other cloud giants. See full list on forgottenrealms. Sep 20, 2016 · Will the cloud giants spring their trap, or is the offer of peace legitimate? Cloud Giant’s Bargain: The Fun Bits. These feats are intended to be accessed at least in part via the newly-introduced backgrounds, and use the feat tree design first introduced to 5e in Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen. While few live in the clouds (at least not anymore), they do typically live in high areas such as mountaintops, often above the cloud line itself. Rock: Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 60/240 ft. Actions. Huge Giant, Chaotic Evil. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it Sep 2, 2020 · Multiattack: The two morningstar attacks can be made by this giant moster. Find its attributes, actions, traits, and challenge rating on Roll20, a platform for online tabletop gaming. While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, you have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks and Charisma (Deception) checks. Often marching into battle with the finest of longswords, they strike fear into their enemies by moving at a pace unheard of in giant-kind, a far cry from their kin. 5e Homebrew; 2. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or you become invisible to it until the start of your next turn or until immediately after you make an attack roll or cast a spell. Cloud Rune. A cloud giant may employ fire giants to smith and craft glorious artwork or call upon frost giants to raid and plunder nearby humanoid lands. 5e Homebrew; 1e Homebrew; Pathfinder Homebrew; d20M A cloud palace or cloud castle was an abode of cloud giants kept floating on a single large cloud by magic. It includes everything you need to play. A storm giant might have a fire giant manning their personal forge, a cloud giant could have a troop of frost giants serving as their main enforcers and raiders, and a fire giant might have hill giants to be used as labourers. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light Jul 4, 2018 · Our play of Storm King’s Thunder saw the adventurers choose to take on the cloud giants, at least partly because they had a lot of fire spells which would be ineffective against the fire giants, and they wanted a challenge. If the ghost takes radiant damage or damage from a magic weapon, this trait doesn't function at the start of the ghost's next turn. These giants are kings of criminal world, hiring humanoids to do their dirty deeds and obsessed to hide their personality. You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of your Mark of the Ordning spells. Increase your Dexterity, Constitution, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20. I flavored them as snow owl griffons when I did it once. Cloud Giant's Bargain is an adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms using the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition ruleset. The work required to make "you are playing a cloud giant" as a race is going to be just as much as race-as-class if not moreso, because as a race "cloud giant" violates the game's assumptions, and fixing it is a lot or work. . [1] Like other giants, they are natives of Xen'drik. [1] In addition to the castle structure itself, the island of cloud upon which it was built was said to contain giant-sized gardens with luscious fruit trees. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1. Using this motivation, the Cult of the Dragon convinced him that they were reestablishing a time when only giants and dragons would rule, though his commitment to that alliance was borne more out of a desire Dec 31, 2009 · Oversized Weapon : A cloud giant wields a great, two-handed morningstar (big enough for Gargantuan creatures) without penalty. ; resistance to attack's damage ; teleport within 30 ft (PB/day). This object is responsible for creating and shaping the clouds and controlling flight. , Fly 40 ft Thunderous Clap (Requires Cloud Rune). While this Undead seems to be merely a thick cloud or fog bank, observers can sometimes spot a shadowy bipedal figure lurking within. By Alan McCoy from Dungeons & Dragons: Fundamentals How to build challenging encounters against a Cloud Giant. Giant names are guttural and usually quite short. Final Thoughts on Guile of the Cloud Giant. com Learn about the cloud giant, a huge and powerful creature with innate spellcasting and keen smell. Type Strength Rarity Hill giant 21 Rare Stone/frost giant 23 Very rare Fire giant 25 Very rare Cloud giant 27 Legendary Storm giant 29 Legendary. At sixteenth level, we take Mobile. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be hurled up to 60 feet horizontally in a direction of the giant's choice and land prone, taking 1d8 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. Ability Score Increases. Stones Endurance: 1: Yes Aug 26, 2023 · At first level, from Variant Human, we take Strike of the Giants (Cloud Giant). Hit: 30 (4d10+8) bludgeoning damage. [1] Zephyros was very open-minded to "small folks". The giant has advantage on Wisdom checks that rely on smell. Frost’s chill (Frost giant): Deal 1d6 cold damage and reduce your target’s speed by 10ft for a turn. Some ancient cloud giants do retain ownership of cloud castles, structures built literally from the clouds themselves. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft. Cloud Giant Monster 5e Attributes Aug 14, 2023 · Glory of the Giants presents a collection of new giant-themed feats, emphasizing giant’s runic magic and elemental power of individual varieties of giants. You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see that is no farther away than a number of feet equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier. 1: Cloud Giant Smiling One VGtM: Giant Cloud Giant Huge 262 11 (7,200) Chaotic Neutral Mountain Volo's Guide to Monsters: Cloud Giant Smiling One MotM: Giant Cloud Giant Huge 250 11 (7,200) Chaotic Neutral Mountain Monsters of the Multiverse Aug 1, 2022 · Noncanon Guile of the Cloud Giant Prerequisite: 4th Level, Strike of the Giants (Cloud Giant) feat Unofficial Description: Buff one ability score , cold resistance , react to damage with a blast of ice. Monstrous Lair #57 Cloud Giant’s Castle provides you—the busy, time crunched GM—with the details to effortlessly bring to life the cloud giant castles in your campaign. CLOUD GIANT CHARACTERS. In addition to the cloud giant family you could also have Ettin employed as guards. Age. Eigeron was a ghost cloud giant sometime after the War of the Silver Marches. Other giants could be employed to fill specific roles like a Fire giant e Name: Cloud Giant Size: Huge Type: giant Alignment: Cloud Giant Cloud Giant 5e stats Armor class: 14 Hit Points: 200 Hit Dice: 16d12 Hit Points Roll: 16d12+96 Speed: Walk 40 ft. Bonus Proficiency: Martial Weapons, Perception. Languages Common, Giant Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Keen Smell. The most powerful of the cloud giant families reside in ancient cloud castles that float through the skies. This rune emulates the deceptive magic used by some cloud giants. fihveoyw xhmleql apel rirk ymv negb vuqxyfba rbhplk kzpyi vwzzrljy