Trichocereus scientific name. Echinopsis terscheckii (J.
Trichocereus scientific name Accepted Scientific Name: Echinopsis bruchii (Britton & Rose) Friedrich & Glaetzle Bradleya 1: 96. Synonymy: 3 Echinopsis atacamensis subs. The rules of nomenclature now, give priority to the original name, misspelling included, except if the name was changed by the original author. The stems are cylindrical, mostly branching at the base, and can grow up to 24 inches (60 cm) tall and 7. Karl Eckert in agreement with Robert Gräsers. Maya x Echinopsis Grasser) Origin and Habitat: Garden origin (Nursery produced hybrid) Trichocereus bridgesii seeds. For Scientific Name. June Noon x Trichopsis (Trichocereus x Echinopsis) ISI 93-6 Dimmitt hybrid Echinopsis hybrid (Trichocereus) f. This cactus is a hybrid created by Robert Gräser and has a complex parentage. apart, large, covered with short yellow wool, turning white or grey as they age; Spines: Radial spines 8 to 10, 6 mm to 1 cm. Yes, both Echinopsis pachanoi and Trichocereus pachanoi refer to a San Pedro Cactus. Echinopsis strigosa Scientific Name: Echinopsis strigosa (Salm-Dyck) Friedrich & G. [11] Another species is Echinopsis lageniformis. We try to check carefully the identification of the plants on the illustrations as well as the other information from the page, but occasionally errors do occur. 4 inches long (6 cm); 9 to 11 brownish radials, up to 1. Rowley: ( = Trichocereus bridgesii) is a shrubby or small treelike fast-growing columnar cactus 2 to 5 meters high, more or less branching, pale green, a little glaucous. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Trichocereus 'Gräser's Schönste', ×Trichopsis 'Gräser's Schönste' Scientific Classification. Echinopsis lageniformis (Förster) H. 6 inches long (4 cm). D. [ 2 ] Trichocereus 'Paramount' love being close to bright, sunny windows π. 4 feet (5 m) tall and 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter. Trichocereus pasacana f. Echinopsis lamprochlora Scientific Name: Echinopsis lamprochlora F. C. Description: Echinopsis werdermannianaSN|7374]]SN|8749]] (Backeberg) Friedrich & Rowley (Trichocereus werdermannianusSN|8722]]SN|8750]] Backeberg) is a large, handsome cactus that reaches 5(-8) m in height with a thick trunk to 60 cm in diameter and resembles Echinopsis atacamensisSN|8749]]SN|7374]] in habit, but is more massive and has comparatively few spines. intricatus , Trichocereus strigosus Accepted name in llifle Database: Echinopsis spachiana f. Rowley I. borealis F. Description: Echinopsis hybrid x aporocandicansSN|25873]]SN|25873]] more commonly known as "Aporocandicans hybrids" (Aporocactus flagelliformis x Trichocereus candicans): Aporocactus flagelliformis (Rattail cactus) is a creeping or epiphytic cactus with branches that hang down, unspectacular prickles and very deep red blossoms cultivated as a houseplant for nearly 300 years. The stems can grow up to 33 feet (10 m) tall and up to 28 inches (70 cm) in diameter. ) Riccobono 1909 Scientific Name. Recommended Temperature Zone: USDA: 9b-11. Bull. Mar 19, 2024 Β· The term Penis Cactus is the Echinopsis Lageniformis is the species of cacti Plant with its synonym scientific name, Trichocereus Bridgesii. Names Trichocereus Flying Saucer love being close to bright, sunny windows π. variegata hort. Gräser Freunde. 1983 Origin and Habitat: Northern Argentina (Catamarca, Jujuy, La Rioja, Mendoza, Salta, San Juan) . Robert Gräsers describes this hybrid and its genesis in detail in Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 1967 ( 9). Friedrich & G. How to care for Peruvian Torch. Synonym(s) Chamaecereus grandiflorus, Helianthocereus grandiflorus, Lobivia grandiflora, Lobivia huascha var. Confused? Toxicity of Trichocereus macrogonus var. Echinopsis candicans (Gillies ex Salm-Dyck) D. They are tender pastel red-orangish-pinkish on the first day while on the second they became clearly pastel-pink, throat is dark green, filaments fuchsia, anthers and stigma are a clear pastel. The genus was subsumed into Echinopsis in 1974 by Friedrich, along with Lobivia . Family: Cactaceae Subfamily: Cactoideae Tribe: Trichocereeae Genus: Echinopsis. brevispina hort. Click on a photo to see a larger version. Description. ) Ostolaza Cactaceae Consensus Init. This columnar species has been the subject for years of intensive selective hybridization with hybrids of Echinopsis. cristata hort. Family Cactaceae. Many claim this species contains mescaline, but there has never been any official studies done, so any speculation about its properties are without solid scientific support. Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Trichocereus 'Paramount' in your home Trichocereus cephalopasacanus FriΔ; Accepted name in llifle Database: Echinopsis atacamensis subs. Over 30 unique species belong to this group, with many hybrids resulting from specialized hybridization. It is only being sold for research, education and/or inciense burning purposes only. Cultivation and Propagation: Echinopsis strigosaSN|8181]]SN|8181]] is very easy to grow and cold hardy as low as -7°C (or less). Rowley. monstruosus 'Long Joined Clone', Trichocereus bridgesii 'Monstruosus Clone A' Scientific Classification. 3: 96 (1974). Description: Echinopsis huaschaSN|1026]]SN|1026]] still known in cultivation as Lobivia huaschaSN|1052]]SN|1052]] or Trichocereus huaschaSN|18495]]SN|18495]] is a a much decorative cactus easily found in cultivation and grows virtually anywhere. Accepted name in llifle Database: The Trichocereus bridgesii mostruosa inermis( clone B long type ) is often known by the name "Penis Plant", it is much slower growing than the standard form of the species, but owing to its highly unusual shape, it is sought after by cactus impassioned. Echinopsis formosa (Pfeiff. ex Pfeiff. [8] Trichocereus macrogonus is one of a number of species native to the Andes that have been reported to contain the psychoactive alkaloid mescaline (reports may use various synonyms of the currently accepted names). In fact, they are technically synonyms and both are correct. In 2011, it was argued that Trichocereus was distinct from Echinopsis , [ 2 ] and a 2012 genetic and morphological study by Albesiano found Trichocereus Trichocereus macrogonusSN|8471]]SN|8309]] and Trichocereus pasacanaSN|8471]]SN|6864]] are often recommended for colder climates and for grafting species of cold hardy scions. pachanoi. Description View the plant profile of Trichocereus grandiflorus, including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. Low water. Place it less than 1ft from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth. wikipedia. Weberex D. long, spreading, stiff, sharp, amber-yellow to brown ;central 1 to 3 yellowish centrals, 12 mm long, stronger and longer than the radials; all the spines later becoming grey. It is a columnar cactus with white spines, and can reach up to 4 meters in height. Ritter; Trichocereus torataensis F. Barbara Cornely (Echinopsis cv. pasacana f. Desert-Tropicals is dedicated to provide gardening advice, gardening ideas, and information about flower of all kind for landscape and collections. Synonym(s) Helianthocereus huascha, Lobivia huascha, Salpingolobivia huascha, Soehrensia huascha, Trichocereus huascha For example, the genus name Trichocereus was given to a number of columnar cacti in 1909 by Vincenzo Riccobono. Weber) Trichocereus thelegonus at the Huntington Gardens in early July. Echinopsis hybrid (Trichocereus) f. Common Name(s) San Pedro Cactus. ) Backeb. If you purchase item, you agree to not ingest and accept all legal responsibility The name was given by Mr. Echinopsis lageniformis, also known as Trichocereus bridgesii, is a fast-growing columnar cactus with greenish to bluish stems that usually have 4 to 8 ribs. Synonym(s) Echinopsis pachanoi f. 1 feet (4 m) tall, branching from the base. Trichocereus macrogonus var. More common names for Bolivian Torch Cactus include Bolivian Torch and Cactus of the Four Winds. 1998 Synonymy: 2 Scientific Name: Trichocereus Bridgesii Monstrous Please Note: Our collection includes bare-root WITHOUT any soil or pot and cuttings. Trichocereus 'La Paz' does not tolerate low-light π«. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants. This giant cactus gets its name pasacana from the local name of its edible fruit, 1. Synonyms: monstruosa inermis 'Long Joined Clone', Echinopsis lageniformis 'Penis Cactus', Trichocereus bridgesii f. View the plant profile of Trichocereus spachianus, including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. Echinopsis pachanoi (Britton & Rose) Friedrich & G. Accepted Scientific Name. Growth rate This species produces noticeable amounts of growth each year if kept well fed and watered throughout the warmest months, particularly if it has been acclimatised to accept full sun. Scientific Name: Trichocereus Terscheckii Embrace the spirit of the desert with the Argentine Saguaro 'Cardon Grande', a symbol of endurance and beauty. Spine length and color can vary quite a bit for this variety, in fact a short-spined Trichocereus bridgesii, is frequently mistaken for a pachanoi, earning it the name Auchuma. Hunt, Backeberg in 1959 published the name Trichocereus As Trichocereus pasacana, in habitat, in Britton and Rose's The Cactaceae. These cacti have deep cultural roots, being revered by ancient civilizations for their spiritual and curative attributes. Trichocereus cuzcoensis (also called Cuzco Cereus, among many other common names) is a species of cactus native to Peru and Bolivia. pachanoi in USDA hardiness zones 8b to 10. Echinopsis hybrid (Trichopsis group) : wide heterogeneous category of hybrids involving various Trichocores species (now Echinopsis) and other Echinopsis species and Lobivias. Origin View the plant profile of Trichocereus bridgesii f. Scientific Name : Trichocereus Peruvianus; Origin : Huarochiri - Peru; PERUVIAN TORCH POWDER CACTUS FOR SALE ONLINE; Important note:This product is not sold for human consumption. [citation needed] Among the indigenous populations of Bolivia, it is sometimes called achuma or wachuma, although these names are also applied to related species such as Trichocereus macrogonus which are also used for their Trichocereus chalaensis (also called Chala's Cereus, among many other common names) is a species of cactus native to Peru and Bolivia. The stems can grow up to 16. pachanoi, including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. peruvianus (Britton & Rose) F. Genus Trichocereus. Scientific Name. The list is being continually expanded. ) Jacobi ex Salm-Dyck; Echinopsis formosa subs. cristatus hort. Common Name(s)Golden torch, golden column cactus, and sea urchin cactus. All the columnar species thought See full list on en. variegatus hort. Recommended Temperature Zone: Sunset®: 13-24 USDA: 9-10 Frost Tolerance: Hardy to 15°F (-10°C) Sun Exposure: Full sun Origin: Argentina Growth Habits: Basally branching, up to 3 feet tall (90 cm), each stem 2 to 3. Botanical Name: Echinopsis torch hybrid; Common Name(s): Torch Cactus, Hedgehog Cactus Scientific Name. R. Oct 31, 2023 Β· Trichocereus scopulicolus is a type of cactus native to Bolivia, which contains psychedelic compounds. Science is supposed to be exact, so why would there be two scientific names for the same spe Echinopsis candicans, formerly known as Trichocereus candicans or Soehrensia candicans, is a slow-growing shrubby cactus with light green, upright to sprawling stems with 9 to 11 low ribs lined with clusters of brownish-yellow spines. [24] The range of minimum temperatures in which it is known to grow is between -9. [4] In 1920, Britton and Rose placed the species in Trichocereus . Scientific Name: Trichocereus candicans. View the plant profile of Trichocereus pachanoi f. Trichocereus scopulicola. It is rare for this Description: The typical San Pedro cactus (Trichocereus pachanoiSN|8471]]SN|8471]]) is a multi-stemmed “organ-pipe cactus” with light green stems (slightly glaucous when young, dark green in age) that that forms a small tree 3 to 6 meters tall by 1,8 m spread, with several branches, usually extending from the base Cultivation and Propagation: These plants are summer growers that offer no cultivation difficulties. A. 2 inches in diameter (5-8 cm); 12 to 18 ribs; whitish brown areoles; 1 to 2 centrals, up to 2. Rowley Synonym: Cereus santiaguensis, Cereus spachianus, Echinocereus spachianus, Echinopsis santiaguensis, Trichocereus santiaguensis, Trichocereus spachianus The species was first described in print by Joseph zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck in 1834 in his work Hortus Dyckensis, where he attributed the name Cereus candicans to Gillies. 5 cups of water every 12 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot. Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Echinopsis terscheckii group. O. Ritter; Trichocereus peruvianus Britton & Rose; Trichocereus tacnaensis F. Revered for its ceremonial use and admired in gardens for its rapid growth and beautiful flowers, the San Pedro Cactus has gained popularity both as a traditional plant and as an ornamental addition to landscapes. ) Rümpler 1885; Trichocereus spachianus (Lem. puquiensis (Rauh & Backeb. Common Name(s) red torch cactus, red torch, and deserts blooming jewel: Scientific Name(s) Lobivia grandiflora Lobivia grandiflorus Helianthocereus grandiflora Helianthocereus grandiflorus Helianthocereus huascha Trichocereus rowleyi Echinopsis huascha Echinopsis spachiana Cereus andalgalensis Sun Exposure: Full Direct: Soil pH: Neutral to acidic The genus name implies: "like a porcupine") The species name “spachiana” is named in honour of the Alsatian botanist "Edouard Spach (1801-1879)" Synonyms: Echinocereus spachianus (Lem. Trichocereus macrogonus var. macrantha) flowers are also found. Photo via trichocereus. It is known as the Bolivian torch cactus. It Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Echinopsis terscheckii group. Family: Cactaceae Trichocereus santiaguensis (Speg. C. Scientific Name: Trichocereus Bridgesii Monstrose ‘Clone B’ Common Name: Cactus TBM Clone B; Family: Cactaceae; Origin: Native to Bolivia, but Clone B is a cultivated variety; Physical Characteristics. The golden torch and the silver torch cactus are some of their more famous versions. Gräser Freunde (Echinopsis cv. Trichocereus spachianus f. The beautiful large blooms are very variable in colour and size ( brilliant golden yellow to dark Kew's taxonomic resources include 9 scientific synonym(s) for this plant: Echinopsis pachanoi (Britton & Rose) H. Common Name(s) Argentine Giant. Trichocereus chiloensis v. Some of our plants may have minor scars, yet each one is guaranteed to arrive in optimal health and excellent condition. Weber. This flora is related to a cacti family of Cactaceae. Synonym(s) Cereus schickendantzii, Soehrensia schickendantzii, Trichocereus schickendantzii. Notes: The main form of Trichocereus grandiflorusSN|18495]]SN|1027]] has red flowers in summer, but forms with orange and yellow (Trichocereus huaschaSN|1027]]SN|18495]] var. Scientific Name: Echinopsis thelegona (F. Hunt. Water Light Nutrients. Echinopsis pachanoi 'Cristata' Links. Blooming Habits: Description: The name of this Trichocereus hybrid derives from the fact that the flowers discolour the on the second day. Order Caryophyllales. Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Echinopsis bridgesii group. Parm. Rowley Synonym: Cereus intricatus, Cereus strigosus, Echinocereus strigosus, Trichocereus strigosus var. This species is occasionally confused with Trichocereus litoralisSN|7744]]SN|8255]]. Accepted Scientific Name: Echinopsis cv. S. Scientific NameEchinopsis spachiana previously Trichocereus spachianusSun ExposureFull directSoil pHNeutral to acidicWatering RequirementEvery 10 days to 2… Scientific name Trichocereus peruvianus. Lowry: has stem to 20 cm in diameter with spines always curved, flower lateral near the tip, with narrow-lanceolate perianth segment and the very short style. Scions grafted on Trichocereus might initially take slightly longer to begin their growth burst (when compared to other grafting stocks), but usually have a very good life View the plant profile of Trichocereus macrogonus, including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. Fruit and flower, in Britton and Rose's The Cactaceae. variegata View the plant profile of Trichocereus macrogonus var. cristata, Trichocereus pachanoi f. Trichocereus Flying Saucer does not tolerate low-light π«. Bibliography: Major references and further lectures 3) Edward Anderson “The Cactus family” Timber Press, Incorporated, 2001 4) James Cullen, Sabina G. Unlike typical columnar cacti, this clone exhibits knobby Crested San Pedro Cactus needs 0. Weber Synonym: Cereus lamprochlorus, Cereus purpureopilosus, Echinopsis purpureopilosa Variegated San Pedro Cactus needs 0. kieslingii (Rausch) M. . variegata Penis cactus needs 0. Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the . Family: Cactaceae Subfamily: Cactoideae Succupedia: Browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Genus; Photo Gallery. 4 °C and 10 °C. It was named by Karl Eckert, and the name in German means "Gräsers's most Golden Torch Cereus Scientific Name: Echinopsis spachiana (Lem. Will the real San Pedro please stand up, please stand up…please stand up? Do a quick Google search of “San Pedro Cactus” and you’ll likely encounter two different scientific names: Echinopsis pachanoi and Trichocereus pachanoi. ) H. Echinopsis atacamensis, also known as Leucostele atacamensis or Trichocereus atacamensis, is a cactus with a tall columnar habit, sometimes forming branches and becoming tree-like. Accepted name in llifle Database: Echinopsis spachiana f. Scientific Name: Echinopsis terscheckii (Parmentier) Friedrich & G. Suzanne Cubey "The European Garden Flora Flowering Plants: A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-Doors and Under Glass" Cambridge University Press, 11/Aug/2011 Cultivation and Propagation: Echinopsis huaschaSN|1026]]SN|1026]] (and its forms and varieties) is very easy to grow and cold hardy as low as -7°C (or less). Trichocereus 'Paramount' does not tolerate low-light π«. ) Friedrich & G. While distinguishing the two, you can rely on rib count, spine qualities, and the plant's overall shape. Growth Habit: The Cactus TBM Clone B grows in a unique, irregular pattern. Ritter Published in: Kakteen in Südamerika, 3: 1109, 1980 Scientific name: Trichocereus chiloensis (Colla) Britton & Rose Published in: The Cactaceae; descriptions and illustrations of plants of the cactus family 2: 137-139, f. Echinopsis pachanoi 'Cristata' Accepted Scientific Name. Echinopsis 'Flying Saucer' Synonym(s) Trichocereus 'Flying Saucer' Scientific Classification. Echinopsis huascha (Web. Grow them in rich, airy, porous, growing medium which mainly consists of non organic material such us clay, pumice, lava grit, and only a little peat or leaf-mould. net View the plant profile of Trichocereus 'Flying Saucer', including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. cristata, Trichocereus pachanoi 'Cristata' Scientific Classification. Explore our list of succulents commonly known as "Trichocereus Hybrid," each with a plant profile, including care tips and photos. Torch Cactus Quick Care Tips. monstruosus, including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. Trichocereus pachanoi f. Ritter) Mottram. Rowley: is a huge treelike cactus speciesat first columnar, and usually in age with numerous large arms, 10 to 12 meters high. Known scientifically as Trichocereus Terscheckii, this cactus variety stands as a natural masterpiece, promising to elevate your garden's aesthetic. [ 25 ] Because it grows naturally in the Andes at high altitude and with high rainfall, it can withstand temperatures far below that of many other cacti. Cultivation: Trichocereus bridgesii is very easy to grow and cold hardy as low as -12°C (or less). The Scientific name for Bolivian Torch Cactus is Echinopsis lageniformis it was previously Trichocereus bridgesii. Trichocereus rowleyi; Echinopsis huascha; Echinopsis spachiana; The most common name for this plant is the torch cactus. Echinopsis terscheckii (J. Trichocereus cv. pachanoi is considered non-toxic. View the plant profile of Trichocereus bridgesii, including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. Thus, Friedrich & Rowley retained chiloensis when they included the genus Trichocereus into the genus Echinopsis. D. 6: 8. Ritter; Accepted name in llifle Database: Echinopsis peruviana subs. Forms of Trichocereus macrogonus var. Rowley Synonym: Cereus terscheckii, Echinopsis werdermanniana, Pilocereus terscheckii, Trichocereus terscheckii, Trichocereus werdermannianus Family: Cactaceae Scientific Name. grandiflora, Trichocereus grandiflorus. Trichocereus pachanoi, also known as San Pedro Cactus, is one of the most famous cacti due to its rich history, spiritual significance, and stunning appearance. net Photo via trichocereus. Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Trichocereus 'La Paz' in your home π‘. Echinopsis schickendantzii F. Areoles: About 1 cm. 199-200, 1920 Origin: Chile. 2 View the plant profile of Trichocereus candicans, including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. Scientific Classification. brevispinus hort. Trichocereus 'La Paz' love being close to bright, sunny windows π. Accepted Scientific Name: Echinopsis lageniformis. Need a fertile, well drained Echinopsis lageniformis, synonyms including Echinopsis scopulicola and Trichocereus bridgesii, is a cactus native to Bolivia. Echinopsis pasacana f. Synonymy: 2 Echinopsis spachiana f. A. Origin. In addition, these plants are commonly called by cultivators in many different names. Nov 27, 2024 Β· Trichocereus macrogonus needs 0. Back to genus Trichocereus; Succupedia: Browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Sep 23, 2023 Β· Key Takeaways: This genus of cacti, native to South America, stands out due to its columnar growth, captivating flowers, and distinctive spination. : has yellow and green variegated stems. Pachanoi tends to have a rounded appearance at the tip with View the plant profile of Trichocereus atacamensis, including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. Synonyms. Common Name(s) Desert's Blooming Jewel, Red Torch, Red Torch Cactus. Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Echinopsis hybrid (Trichopsis) group Description: Multi-stemmed columnar cactus Ribs: obtuse, rounded. Knees, H. 2 inches in diameter (3 cm). View the plant profile of Trichocereus pachanoi, including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. Echinopsis scopulicola is a columnar cactus that grows up to 13. org Science is supposed to be exact, so why would there be two scientific names for the same species of cactus? And which is the “real” one? The second question is a little easier to answer. Echinopsis schickendantzii is native to northwestern Argentina and Bolivia. Gräser Freunde) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli Notes: The name Echinopsis lamprochlora (Lemaire) Friedrich & Glaetzle (Trichocereus lamprochlorusSN|7698]]SN|8216]] (Lemaire) Britton and Rose), based on Cereus lamprochlorusSN|8215]]SN|8215]] Lemaire, has much been confused and the plants in cultivation is often a form of Echinopsis candians (Gillies ex Salm-Dyck) F. Indigenous names include achuma and huachuma. Synonym(s) Cereus gladiatus, Helianthocereus pseudocandicans, Echinopsis pseudocandicans, Trichocereus pseudocandicans, Trichocereus neolamprochlorus, Echinopsis courantii, Trichocereus candicans, Cereus candicans, Trichocereus courantii Trichocereus bridgesii looks a lot like the Trichocereus pachanoi, but it has much longer menacing spines and has a bit more a bluish/greyish colour in stead of the clear green colour of the Trichocereus pachanoi. Desert Tropicals Home Page List of All the Plants | More in the Cactaceae family. monstruosus 'Clone A', Trichocereus bridgesii f. Clustering columnar cactus, grows to 8' tall. Please Note: Our collection includes bare-root WITHOUT any soil or pot and cuttings. cristata, including its common names, scientific classification, description, origin, care tips, and photos. Echinopsis scopulicola (F. ipeqfwq jxx ukkaf mvx mdokxybb eursf gzb cmju rrnd losyub
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