Adderall memory loss reddit. Stopped my need to interrupt people to get my thoughts out.

Adderall memory loss reddit I have to be very careful when using it. Appetite suppression is a serious side effect that leads to very poor eating habits. You might like hearing this as it even mentions what you are taking. The anti depressants aren't helping. The mixture is composed of equal parts racemic amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which produces a (3:1) ratio between dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine, the two enantiomers of amphetamine. ) Memory loss is not total memory loss btw- can be as simple as not being able to repeat a conversation back, or only remembering the details of something once something prompts you to remember These are all lesser known signs of dissociation too. Adderall I started on a low dose and tried it. I have never taken Ritalin. I get very focused and my tunnel vision causes me to forget certain details or responsibilities. There's other effects as well, but keep in mind that finding a therapeutic dosage range can be an absolute pain in the ass. I will be completely off of this medication in two months. Stimulants can make you hypersexual and adhd can be an obsessive (can translate in addiction). Wellbutrin is an NDRI (Norepinephrine and Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor) and Adderall increases both chemicals in the brain. Bottles of 100. Looking for suggestions on a moderately safe stack to regenerate dopamine, memory and general feel good feeling that I've lost due to Adderall and… The obvious downside though is the short term memory loss, which makes it worthless for studying. I take 20mg at night, but wake up forgetting plans and ideas. But memory loss that isn’t anything to mess around with . i know it’s not healthy to use unprescribed adderall or vyvanse to lose weight. I'd just like to mention this because I see so many posts about people on adderall who are scatter brained and forgetful, doing tasks in loops, and basically running around like a chicken with their head cut off. As my username suggests, my drug of choice is Adderall and has been for the last 12 years. Adderall overall was positive for me almost immediately. Finally, Adderall XR is available as a lower-cost generic, but Mydayis is currently only available as a brand medication. I used to have an amazing memory and I had a bad manic episode and was started on lamictal. His explanation uses an analogy that really helped me understand it! Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 12 votes and 10 comments Heyy ! In my opinion and from my experience, psychostimulant adhd meds worsen short term memory especially if you mixed it with cafeine. Firstly, beware Gabapentin has several lawsuits and legal issues against it, mostly from memory loss. I struggle with memory loss anyway, and that was worsened by being a pothead for about 20 years. But chronic use or medium-large doses it will cause anterograde amnesia, meaning it effects the loss of memory in the future. I am guessing here but benzos are linked to Alzheimer’s and are used for anxiety. I mean I always had memory issues but I don't think Vyvanse or Adderall affected them. Morning: 15mg Adderall IR, 100mg coq10, 1000mg omega 3, 200mg l-theanine, 1 cup of coffee, 200mg magnesium malate Midday: 15mg Adderall IR (7. now i’m 23 on wellbutrin (non stimulant snri, seratonin releaser) but i have terrible memory. But it does help with the focus and executive function issues that keep me from effectively practicing strategies that help me manage with a poor memory. I have been on Vyvanse for many years, alternating with Adderall. lol. The second study is also focused specifically on working memory. Please don't hate because I am weening off of suboxone. i have always been a good eater but luckily my metabolism is very fast and has kept my BMI very healthy and skinny for a 5’8 dude, considering as much as i would eat. Yesterday was my turn. I went on non stimulants and my appetite got totally fucked but my hair actually grew back and stopped falling out on them. They all of course give me energy and loss of appetite but nothing for focus. Lol. I used Mirta for about 4 years now. i usually take 30mg adderall or 60mg vyvanse once once every week or two. Sometimes, I feel my brain is overheating like an old computer. i don’t remember tv shows, characters in books but i will 30 votes, 28 comments. Zyban. See full list on healthline. Discuss with your provider which brand is more appropriate for you. Its like Wellbutrin is helping me not to be depressed but on the contrary not sure if its causing the memory loss. Quieted the white noise in my brain. A community for those prescribed Lexapro or Cipralex, also known as Escitalopram. Oct 24, 2022 · * Unlike Adderall XR, the manufacturer of Adderall hasn’t specified which side effects occurred in children compared with adults. But now long term affects I believe are kicking in. g. Lots of factors around that time changed and I experienced weight loss, but it was expected since I was removed from hormonal birth control. Wellbutrin -Bupropion , all things related to this antidepressant. I didn’t realize it at the time but it sapped my memory (no one warned me beforehand). the memory loss is wild. Adderall side effects include decreased appetite, trouble sleeping, and headache. This is purely me sharing things I’ve heard and not me trying to guess what’s happening with you - you should definitely talk to your medical professional - but I have heard that stimulants can start to have the opposite effect if you’re taking a dosage that’s too high for you. I just am not mentally as present as I used to be in To my knowledge, and based off personal experience, meds don’t help with working memory, they will help with a lot of other things though! My psych did say that there were ways to “train” your working memory and improve it over time, but I’ve yet to try any of that. No more than when I've been drinking a lot, But without the slur. soooo i was always skeptical about the whole weightloss thing on adderall and how much weight you actually lose. I am seeing my primary tomorrow but wanted to know if anyone is having or have had similar memory issues. Growth problems are also possible in Fasoracetam is still the best thing I have ever used to counteract cannabis memory loss, and at least for me, makes the highs way better in that I'm incredibly productive and creative and motivated all at once. However, it is important to note that Adderall impaired working memory performance relative to placebo, and was associated with a trend-level worsening of participants’ ratings of their own past cognitive ability and overall ability to self-regulate (BRIEF-A). I have a horrible memory. ) SKU 389-01. Mirtazapine intense memory loss from taking it and withdrawals when stopping. No anxiety really. If I stop, I automatically get demotivated and my mind like stops literally. In people with and without ADHD, it can cause a large range of side effects. Unfortunately, not even adderall can treat the symptoms 100%. Lol . Im starting to have a concerning level of issues with word recall. I will say that poor working memory doesn't actually create a slow processing speed, at least in my case. Personally I eat fine on stimulants and still have extensive thinning from them. I put it in my car, drove it to the dumpster, disposed of it, and drove home. Thabks adderall® 5 mg is a white to off-white tablet, which contains no color additives. And since your working memory is so laughably bad, most neurotypicals don't believe you when you tell them you can clearly remember something - which sucks because half the time the version they're remembering is so clearly wrong and skewed in their favor, and since you have "bad memory" then your memory can't possibly be right. My memory has gradually gotten worse and worse now to the point where it takes me like 30 seconds to recall simple names, medications (im a nurse), and really anything else. There are some studies I remember reading (sorry I have no source) that found adderall abuse in otherwise healthy individuals could lead to memory impairment and other unwanted long term effects. Adderall can cause a loss of appetite. I switched to lithium like 3 years later and my memory came back but not as good as before. I’ve always taken 2-3 weeks off. Short-term memory loss Chest tightness : Usually happens with higher doses of Amphetamines Loud Thoughts : it’s like whatever is on your mind is playing on a loud speaker (This isn’t always a bad thing until it gets out of hand) Masturbation/Sex My working memory is maybe like 10-20% less "boosted", compared to when I was first medicated. 11 votes, 11 comments. So has anyone experienced hair loss with adderall? Also how common is hair loss as a side effect due to adderall? I think my hair is good but idk. And that was while plowing and salting snow the whole time . In fact, working memory is tough to improve—the best strategies are actually Memory loss can look and feel the same whether it’s a symptom of ADHD or something else. i came to this redit looking for support for my short/long term memory loss. I do have a very quick processing speed and a really horrible working memory (I can't keep 6 digit codes in my head, for example). ) and topics directly related to them. Members Online MLGEZKILL420 I take adderall in the morning and usually feel it within 20 minutes. On the other hand, Skodzik (2017) found that people with ADHD performed significantly worse on verbal memory tests (long term and acquisition) and established that the long term memory problems and general memory deifict reflected a learning deficit Dec 16, 2024 · Adderall increases chemicals in the brain called dopamine and norepinephrine. Then upped it as I went. Non stop. Its so easy for me to forget things due to distractions or awful short memory and it’s getting to a point where I am exhausting myself always trying to remember things. I have never heard of this happening in anyone who uses adderall as prescribed for ADHD. 5 on weekends usually), 200mg ALA, 35-50mg of caffeine from a soda or seltzer or half cup of coffee It was horrendous trying to start mirtazapine 7. Recently I've noticed my short term memory loss is progressively getting worse. You're also on a very low dose relatively speaking. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 5mg as a senior in hs, and honestly i relied on vyvanse/adderall/caffeine to pull me out of that thick hazy fog. Small doses can make you forget the last hour or two before falling asleep, with a tolerance (in my experience). Anxiety over the subject may be making things worse, nothing is worse for recall than being nervous about forgetting something and stuff like forgetting when going through a door is actually a known phenomenon called the doorway effect Other than strength training and forcing feeding myself, does anyone know a way to counteract the weight loss? I (31M, 5’10”) have had an adderall prescription since 2019. Daily I can't remember basic things like my lunch the day before, tasks I need to complete, words fail me, names of characters in shows, it's a blurr. The forgetfulness, brain fog, loss of words is my one and only massive hurdle. For this reason, the side effects of both forms are generally expected to be the same. N-back games are reported to be able to improve working memory, might as well give it a try. The first week I did have some mild nausea and loss of appetite. i was medicated on various stimulants from 4th-12th grade and off for a few years. ADDERALL XR 5MG 100CT CAPS Hey everyone! I’ve been off all medication for almost a year now (wanted to see how I function without) and I realized I would benefit from going back on. memory loss (short term/ long term. I'm eating a decent amount a day I would say. [13] Sep 11, 2024 · Adderall belongs to the group of medicines known as central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. My working memory on the other hand is pretty poor. In addition, it could worsen memory. Actually AFAIK Vyvanse should not create memory issues, word recall problems etc. I’ve been taking Adderall for about four months and I’m noticing my memory, short-term in particular has significantly gone downhill. But I don't really feel like my short term memory per-se is that much worse than other people. Memory loss. I've been noticing that for about the past 6 months to a year, I don't have the memory or ability to quickly recall information that should be in my head. com (“ADHDMedCalc”) makes no claims as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. adderall® 7. I'm currently on 5mg IR as needed, no loss from it it seems. Most aptly they both, but more so amphetamine and 100% Dextro-amphetamine (Zenzedi/Dexedrine) at that but Adderall does too, ameliorate eidetic long term memory. It’s a prescription stimulant approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating ADHD or narcolepsy. I was prescribed Adderall and so far I've only taken it for 3 days. My chronic fatigue and exhaustion are completely gone but lately I feel that my short term memory has deteriorated. Sep 13, 2024 · Adderall is the brand name for the combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. It’s impossible to give a blanket answer, because there’s not a guaranteed recipe for weight loss or weight gain - our responses will be individual. My pcp prescribed me Wellbutrin 150xl to tackle both my depression and adhd. These medications can be useful, but they have several risks. I'm fairly isolated a thuroughly unmotivated due to this. 25 mg. I've always had severe ADHD and even had brain surgery at 33. Maybe the fact that I already have fairly thin hair has allowed me to notice relatively quickly, but it’s a concerning amount that is definitively more than my typical “shedding” so to speak. Now, at 44, I'm noticing more memory loss and realizing hydroxyzine might be a cause. I'd save it for the comedown to knock you out. I got adderall for the day and 10 mg ambien at night. They were telling me I was losing water weight. Personally, Adderall was horrible for my memory, and I have evidence that shows that. Do not take Adderall without a prescription from a healthcare professional. 5 mg and 10 mg contain fd & c blue #1. Improved concentration. Could long term use of lithium cause memory loss? I’ve been taking Adderall for about four months and I’m noticing my memory, short-term in particular has gone downhill significantly. ADHD paralysis alllll Calorie counting helps (I make sure I’m getting at least my “tdee”, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure) me to keep weight loss in a healthy range, but I would avoid this if you have a history of disordered eating habits. So I got adhd so I take adderall for it(don’t really like it) but I’ve heard it causes hair loss. My current dose is 12. Lots of people who experience Adderall weight loss also experience a really dramatic weight gain after stopping Adderall. At work everyone has their day to take the garbage out. However, both Adderall and Adderall XR contain the active ingredients amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Jan 28, 2025 · Adderall was originally sold as an instant-release formulation, but in 2002 an extended-release alternative, known as Adderall XR, became available. I dont think memory loss like this is really a part of ADHD but I don’t really know where forgetfulness ends and memory loss begins Okay thank you, I was arguing with people on reddit. I thought it was ADHD because 10 years later I have heavy brain fog. I find that just like stimulants, it completely destroys my lack of attention, and I'm much more easily able to go into that 'hyperfocus' mode, where you have a ton of interest and are able to actually direct that interest where you want it. Pfizer literally plead guilty to marketing it for off label uses such a fibromyalgia. Uses in children It doesn't affect my life all that much since I've built strategies around it like having a list of things to check before leaving the house. Trying a stimulant like Adderall would be the next option. Ive been battling this b*tch of an addiction for 5+ years and I still relapse at times. My pdoc upped my dose to 300 mg (from the original 200) recently after a hospital stay from a major depressive episode. I haven't particularly found that medication helped with my memory. I don't remember having major memory issues. I’m honestly unsure on how to regain a better memory again. Mild increases in heart rate and blood pressure. People with low tolerances can experience amnesia from small doses. I’m paranoid about it. More than likely you don't have ADHD. That’s sounds like Dementia, if u truly don’t need the xr switch products but give it time to build up in your body and let your body start to grow with it if that makes sense, picture a plant just given heavy dose of fertilizer and transplanted into a new home of course there will More than likely your dosage isn't right for you or you don't need it. e. Luckily, I just read here on Reddit, that many people have experienced this same concern with brain fog and memory loss while taking Lexapro and a couple of other anti-depressants! I’m glad IO’m not alone and now I don’t feel crazy for thinking that I was having trouble with memory loss. I was wondering if anyone has had the same issue and found that Adderall helped at all. Started on vyvanse last year after literally a 10 minute consultation with the doctor who diagnosed me as ADHD after asking 10 questions. Oh; I've tried TMS too. Working memory is more like the tiny bit of integrated memory you might have on a CPU for holding extremely small amounts of short term, temporarily useful data. Ritalin and Adderall may rarely cause severe effects, such as misuse or heart problems. I cant concentrate on anything, especially anything academic related. Eat better, make sure your not lactose intolerant, glueten sensitive, your getting enough healthy fats and proteins especially if your on stimulants as this is what your brain needs to function There are many many parts of the brain that are involved in memory, not one nicotine receptor, so Im sure u still have 99 % areas involved in memory processes still working :) If u are stressed about memory loss- im sure it will exacerbate this and our species is the best in self-induced prophecies :) I’ve been on 10mg of strattera for 3 days now. The major problem I am having is my short term memory has gone to shit. I’ve had a few incidents of memory loss that are freaking me out a bit. The memory & brain fog issues only started becoming acute in May. I take adderall as well, 25mg a day. It has gotten so fucking bad i almost feel demented. Because it's so good for brain health, I do take it, but I can only take 1/3 of the recommended dose (i. If you got adderall thinking it would make you pay more attention then it might not work for you and you could try vyvanse. Otherwise it can be a good tool to get enough calories since Adderall IR 10mg makes me less likely to snack. Hi all, I'm looking for any advice as to how to combat brain fog and memory loss post-covid. I’ve been on it for a week and the brain frog and short term memory loss is insane!! So I've been off adderall for about 6 years and just got back on it for adhd reasons. The user acknowledges and agrees that this Site and its ADHD medication calculator/converter will be used only as a reference aid, and that the information contained in the product is not intended to be (nor should it be used as) a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment. I saw on Youtube doctor saying that when the fight or flight mode is activated, less blond circulated in the frontal lobe, mayby adhd meds simulated or cause a fight or flight reaction by restricting the blood flow to some part of the brain essential for It’s not that you have short term memory loss you just never attempted to remember it. I take 15 mg a day, 10 mg in the morning and 5 mg around noon. As long as you keep your dosage of klonopin pretty low (sub 1mg) I don't see how memory loss could become a problem, especially when combined with adderall. If any of these effects last or Adderall and Mydayis [11] are trade names [note 2] for a combination drug containing four salts of amphetamine. but yea idk I take the memory loss over not sleeping. What I have been noticing this binge though, and maybe this is just because of the amount of benzos I take during the day and the alcohol I drink at night to counter the edginess of the addy; is an increased disorientation in thoughts than normal, increased and almost immediate short term memory loss like I’m on an acid trip, stumbling while Posted by u/Comfortable_Yak5361 - 5 votes and 2 comments I immediately lost weight, and I credited Adderall’s appetite suppressing properties. though I haven't looked into it. I was on 20mg XR for about 4 months last year, and it started my hair loss by causing TE. But in those first weight-loss moments, I didn't even work out. I now realize that my weight loss probably had more to do with my quitting alcohol, understanding my emotional eating habits, and finally having the gumption to get up and move my body. I need enough adderall in my system to sleep, too. First month Vyvanse, 2nd month Adderall XR, 3rd month Adderall IR generic by Sundoz manufacturing (which is like speed, should be illegal), 4th month Adderall IR generic by Teva manufacturing. Memory loss only starts to become a problem once you get up to the 2mg range or you combine with alcohol. I never felt high or like I was on speed but it definitely improved my performance at the gym. 5mg, three times a day. I found that taking the Adderall 5 days/week has really helped with the reflux. Common examples include: Decreased appetite and weight loss. Prior to the prescription I weighed about 175. Every morning waking up in a cloud and figuring out which stims ill use to get my head as clear as possible. When I workout, I can lose a ton of water weight since I sweat a lot. if i switch to 10mg adderall/15mg vyvanse 3 days a week could i notice faster weight loss? this would be in conjunction with more exercise and calorie counting (1200ish). Now I can take double the dose and feel NOTHING. That tells me they need a different memory test or rather a test of cognitive performance that doesn’t rely on a single form of memory. What I did was take a week off adderall, then switched to 5 days/wk and it rly, rly helped. I switched to Adderall (combination of amphetamines) instant release, which last approximately 4-6 hours, and is much better provided you don't take enormous doses. content warning for food/calories if that bothers anyone. Just what teeny time I get with my kid and having a body double/supportive friend get me through and that's just barely. Norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI) , major depressive disorder, atypical antidepressant , Epileptic seizures , ADHD, alleviate sexual dysfunction, weight loss, releasing agent of dopamine and norepinephrine (NDRA), similarly to other cathinones , Wellbutrin SR and XL Hi- I've been on generic Adderall IR for 4 years. Adderall helps a bit, but I still struggle with focus and memory. Adderall is the only thing that is giving me the ability to take classes at college and have any chance at a decent life. Was having a rough time focusing at school so he put me on the Adderall recently. I will say in many ways my processing speed makes up for my working memory. My short term memory loss is scaring me- I can't remember what I did or thought about 30 seconds I see a lot of people and dr’s pushing gabapentin in this group. Caffeine hasn't helped. Upsides. I had to stop. Two days on 10mg and one on 20mg. That being said, it helped me SLEEP. I assumed that the memory loss would improve as many long COVID symptoms do, gradually… The omega3 tip is great! Thanks for that. I hope bupropion has had a negative effect on my memory so I can seize those extra memory iq points, haha. pubmed) will show you that Adderall isn't terribly effective for memory, just for focus. [> If you are feeling suicidal call 1-800-273-8255. I have recently lost weight because I am taking some thing to bring down my blood sugar. Even if it was an active attempt to survive in class each day, the rest that I was in debt for was so needed. Not sure if I can blame lithium, lamictal, or bipolar in general. No motivation. I know a lot of people say the same things about adderall either improving or worsening their memory. Treating obesity with stimulants went out of fashion for obvious reasons, so they came up with a clever new name and marketed the same formulation as an ADHD drug. I have lived for a while without adderall and my life was on a steep decline. Also, adhd definitely leads to the inattentive brain function that can make you feel like it’s memory loss but it’s more an issue with distractions that keep you from retaining what you are forgetting. ) and… I really like the effects of Wellbutrin and find it increased my motivation/happiness, but was wondering between Wellbutrin XL and adderall, which one is best in terms of increasing productivity, weight loss, happiness, etc? Basically looking into replacing Wellbutrin w adderall if it’s better and works well with lexapro as well Hi. Twitchy. I was on high doses of other prescription stimulants 7 years BEFORE puberty (9years before-5years after my tbi) and it was bad. Because of this side effect, some people misuse Adderall as a weight loss aid. I also started accepting it which actually helps out a lot rather than get frustrated and blame myself for forgetting. Posted by u/OfficerWahl_5150 - 2 votes and 3 comments I can’t say anything for sure but I know that I notice more when I HAVEN’T taken it than when I have. It seems to make my days go by quicker and all of a sudden, a week has passed and what I did was a blur at most. Because I was on Concerta during my adolescence I was not able to fully develop my social skills until I decided to stop using it in grade 9 after 3-4 years of everyday use. I just wanted to share my personal experience. Memory loss short term and long term are symptoms of too much adderall for too long. 118K subscribers in the adderall community. I remember I was so skinny and wouldn't eat as often resulting in me looking like a skeleton. But sometimes I get concerned. I feel as though I can still output a great deal of workload, so that part is fantastic, I feel like I can innate task better still. Very old foreign language knowledge recall is great, but that's not working memory. ADDERALL XR. The first study failed to see any cognitive benefits from DEX at all though. I am also noticing some really concerning side effects I’ve never had before…anxiety, vertigo, depression, dizziness, headaches, stomach cramps, memory loss, blurry vision, and I’m not getting anything done after I take my pills. The extended-release formulation produces effects that last between 10 and 12 hours, whereas the instant-release formulation’s effects last from about 4 to 8 hours. Hey, this is my 2nd post about the all-wonderful adderall, or just somewhat wonderful. I did experience loss of appetite. I have to put reminders on my phone for everything. , one capsule, not the recommended three that are required to make up 2,000 mg of Magtein) and I have to take it at breakfast. Never had to go over 20mg. 2. The two together definitely make me feel even. The key here is abuse. I've been on adderall for about 2 weeks and I've dropped close to 12 pounds. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. does anyone Sure but I mean extreme hair loss. But my first serious long term live-in boyfriend and I had broke up at the same time, so I wasn't eating much as it was, and was doing a ton of yoga to deal. It interacts far too strongly with Modafinil, be careful of that. But there are some clues that can help you and your doctor figure out what’s causing it. I’ve been taking 5mg of Adderall twice a day for about 5 months to treat my ADHD, and noticed an alarming amount of hair loss. I just got my ADHD diagnosis and a prescription for Adderall. It was such a great one that worked well for me but the memory loss was scary and it says if you experience that to let your doctor know immediately. When I first started taking it I lost about 30lbs in 2 months- and I don't lose weight easily. Nov 11, 2024 · For healthcare professionals. I don't have anything helpful to say, but I'm the same. I started experiencing memory loss after having COVID. I know my bosses knew something was up when they realized other drivers had gone home and came back twice and I was still out plowing. Loss of appetite, weight loss, dry mouth, stomach upset/pain, nausea/vomiting, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, fever, nervousness, and trouble sleeping may occur. Please be positive and supportive. I also work out 5-6 days a week. Hair loss is an FDA recognized side of adderall. Metabolic adverse events. Yes, terrible. Agains, this is because they didn’t look at ADHD people. Morning 30 mins before dose: -Magnesium Glycinate 50%DV -Zink with D3 Afternoon -Magnesium Glycinate 50%DV -1000mg L-Tyrosine -B Complex -250mg- C I was formally diagnosed with ADHD about a year ago and was prescribed generic Adderall. It feels like covid has eaten away at my brain. Working memory describes ones ability to focus on the tasks at hand and could be compared to the processing power or RAM of a computer, while long term memory would be more like your computer's HDD in this comparison. But feel free to mix it with Semax to great effect. Scary to think this could possibly do the same thing. Now I'm off the adderall and trying to get back to normal but it unmasked AGA. Once I started the adderall it evened out for me. I'm wondering if anyone else has horrible memory after taking adderall, not while on it but rather the day or week after. Primarily literature (e. Over the course of a few months, I lost about 15lbs and my weight has been hovering around 150 (+/- 5lbs). Everything. So while the diet related hair loss is more common, actual proper stimulant induced hair loss is rare Aug 28, 2024 · Adderall (oral tablet): mixed amphetamine and dextroamphetamine salts Adderall XR (extended-release oral capsule): mixed amphetamine salts Dec 12, 2022 · Additionally, Adderall XR can be used in children as young as 6 years old, but Mydayis is only approved for children who are at least 13 years old. For instance, I moved 6 months ago and I can’t remember what my old bedroom looked like, where the furniture was, etc. I can't recall the exact conversion, but per mg, Vyvanse is about half as strong as Adderall. 1). While not an "upper", perhaps combine Adderall with Chlorpheniramine (otc 1st gen allergy drug, might be "behind the counter") - I've found it mellows me out a bit and helps with focus, something that I did lose to a certain extent while taking ritalin. It does suck having withdrawal for a day but, I was getting withdrawal anyways when I'd get a bad flare up, and the gerd symptoms were very unpleasant. Stopped my need to interrupt people to get my thoughts out. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 1 comment Dec 11, 2024 · Stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall generally have the same side effects. Adderall hasn’t affected my weight or appetite. When did Aug 23, 2023 · Adderall tongue is a common side effect of Adderall that can detrimentally and seriously affect a person’s quality of life. To help relieve Adderall tongue stay well-hydrated. -Magnesium Glycinate 50%DV -Zink with D3 Afternoon -Magnesium Glycinate 50%DV -1000mg L-Tyrosine -B Complex -250mg- C ADHDMedCalc. I feel a little more focused but no change in memory. (And honestly, my working memory was shit when I first started the medicine, and it's still bad today). I used to use medical marijuana but since the Adderall loss the mmj didn't help. Within 2 hours of taking adderall, I feel motivated, general feeling of wellbeing and confident 3-4 hours - I feel super focused but I am having some working memory problems along with verbal fluency. Also, I've had more success with PRL-8-53 for memory than Adderall. Scan this QR code to download the app now 113K subscribers in the adderall community. I find it so hard to forgive myself and understand this part of me since I am ashamed to have short-term memory loss. I stopped it and everything backed to normal 🙃 ADHD drugs are good with any cognitive problems and memory loss. Adderall can definitely be the culprit. It's even common for people to end up being a higher weight when they stop Adderall than when they started Adderall. I'll sit down and write thousands of words (fiction or nonfiction, doesn't matter) effortlessly. It doesn't fix everything about ADHD. I really hope someone responds to you, because I am at a loss of what to do -should I be so worried about the severity of my memory loss at 56 years young? It’s causing me great anxiety and is starting to interfere with my daily work. true. I was an addict and this medication saved my life. Adderall may also be used to improve alertness in people with the sleep disorder, narcolepsy. TL;DR: is Adderall chemically inhibiting my memory of my recent past? Could it be related to sleep quality? Or do I need more time & new mental strategies to learn how to store memories on a medicated brain? I went from 10 mg to 5mg after experiencing these issues but I’m still experiencing memory loss even when I don’t take it for breaks (only taking adderall during school). However, I have continued to lose weight relatively rapidly in the past couple months. Trouble sleeping. Don't get me wrong. Applies to amphetamine / dextroamphetamine: oral capsule extended release, oral tablet. I get 120 30mg tabs per month and binge them all at once… Adderall was formerly named Obetrol and used as a weight loss drug. These effects can lead to many changes in the body, such as loss of appetite and extended wakefulness. Stomach upset. Both Wellbutrin and Adderall target the same underlying causes of ADHD and depression/anxiety being dopamine and norepinephrine deficiency. Personally I just write everything down. Verbal fluency: not knowing what to say in a conversation. I've noticed recently that I actually can't remember much of what's happened since I started taking the medication, now I notice(and for the record I'm not taking any other drugs/medications nor alcohol ever) that I literally have I had strong brain fog and some memory issues (can’t learn new things, problems with reading- totally upsetting because I used to be bookworm) when I took antipsychotic pills. Here's my stack so far, its not everything I take but its the stuff relevant to Adderall. However, I always noticed at least a little bit of memory loss since starting it. Aloha folks. I am a but worried it may be enhanced thru Wellbutrin. Jul 3, 2019 · In this article, learn all about Adderall, a type of stimulant medication that doctors sometimes prescribe to treat ADHD or narcolepsy. I'm not sure if it's just that the Vyvanse isn't high enough of a dose (they started me on the same dose as my Adderall was) Vyvanse is definitely weaker than Adderall mg for mg. Okay yeah if you have ADHD and are already on Adderall XR, switching to Vyvanse would probably be good- the appetite suppression on Vyvanse is (in my experience) not as severe as it is on Adderall. it effects my relationships, their boundaries, preferences, personal stories. I actually have memory loss (cause by an accident) and I also have ADHD so it's worse for me. I do have far better word recall and I speak more fluently, Than without. I own my own construction company, but I am finding more and more things that I’m missing, and details are falling through the cracks. I've had some bad short term memory loss, Never experienced it this much, Being a marijuana smoker. I am on 150mg Wellbutrin and 30mg Adderall. I've noticed that in my past when… Feb 24, 2022 · Weight loss. If one takes adderall not having ADHD, it can in some occasions give you ADHD "symptoms" while you're on adderall. Oct 25, 2024 · ADDERALL XR 25MG 100CT CAPS (Extended release capsules, for oral use, CII. 5 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg and 30 mg contain fd & c yellow #6 as a color additive. . Being on Adderall also worsened some disordered eating patterns I already had and pushed me close to diagnosable ED territory, but not quite there. Problem: So the attention and focus symptoms suck but it's somewhat tolerable. A Subreddit for discussing prescription psychostimulants (Adderall, Vyvanse, Focalin, Ritalin, etc. com Sep 4, 2020 · ADHD meds don’t specifically help memory in the same way that they immediately impact focus. I am also taking vyvanse and adderall which should help but it doesnt do much. For me, I have to take adderall. ( I think… Working memory has not much to do with the layman's understanding of 'memory' which would be long term memory. There's a few different kinds of memory in the research literature. And I love my hair so I don’t wanna speed up the hair loss process. Adderall may be used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to increase attention and decrease hyperactivity and impulsiveness. this label may not be the latest approved by fda. Adderall and other ADHD medications can cause dehydration, so you need to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of fluid per day. My neurologist suggested I read this book and it's helped a lot too. Has anyone experienced this? I tried Adderall and another (name forgoteen) for focus and memory and these were giving me serious headaches and making me cry alot . I don't take it every day. I contracted covid mid-March of this year. In the course of getting my diagnosis I had to take an IQ test which showed I have a shitty working memory in comparison to my general performance (over a standard deviation off). Very common (10% or more): Appetite loss (up to 36%), weight loss (up to 10%) ADHD-PI here, I take 20mg Adderall XR every day along with 300mg Wellbutrin XL for depression. I am on Effexor 150mg and Adderall. adderall® 12. I take the extended release which is ‘smoother’ than the regular and evens out the crash for me as well. Dec 2, 2024 · Adderall and Adderall extended-release (mixed amphetamine salts) are stimulant medications that treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy. I felt like when I started Effexor which was before the adderall I definitely gain some lbs but I feel like only because my appetite increased. i obviously starting skipping breakfast after starting adderall but i still eat large meals during my lunch break We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. ) and… A Subreddit for discussing prescription psychostimulants (Adderall, Vyvanse, Focalin, Ritalin, etc. Sep 13, 2024 · Adderall tongue is a common side effect of Adderall that can detrimentally and seriously affect a person’s quality of life. However, I do lose my train of thought during conversations. We cover the uses, side effects, dosage, and more. memubc aaoek hxw fyox ovdv niknjjj hyfp tge owc mtnkx dofjzg pombz tqrp dnjt vry