Android service gets destroyed. You can only suggest it not to do that.

Android service gets destroyed. I have an activity that starts a service.

Android service gets destroyed Commented Aug 21, This doesn't work if you service gets killed by Android. When the service has been activated i want it to be destroyed by the OnStart() method once it has completed its code. requireContext(). Solution: For apps targeting android 26 and above, it's recommended to use WorkManager link for background tasks. Even though I re-instantiate the dataServiceListener in onCreate(), I get two callbacks instead of one, the old one from the destroyed Activity and the latter (right) one; this way the results mix up on the UI. @JerinAMathews even with the onStartCommand() method in place? The onDestroy() method never activates by the way. Thus your statement followed by return START_NOT_STICKY will not pose any effect since the service is being stopped. I have extended the AccessibilityService class, which gets the AccessibilityEvents and I am able to use the events. android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" Android documentation: The current available screen size has changed. I found out that the stopForeground function has an optional parameter of a flag instead of a boolean. The next activity loads it and increases it to 2, and so on. class); startService(io); It works perfectly on most of all devices but in some lenovo devices when I remove my app from background task the service is also destroyed with activity. startService(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), PlaybackService. This problem only happens I might missunderstood your question, if the problem is that service is killed after clearing recent list then look at this SO: Android - Service stops when swiping app from recent apps, its solution is to use alarmmanager which will restart your service after task gets killed. And i am calling unbindservice() in onDestroy() method. I have tried using START_STICKY on the onStartCommand() method of intent services, I have even tried changing the process name of the service on the manifest. I can bet that OS can kill After a lot of trials and errors, I have found out that adding stopForeground(Service. Creating a Android Service. A Service is not a Thread so you have to implement a Thread inside the service. Since the onDestroy method of an activity may not be always called, I would prefer to use another point when to display your notification. setSmallIcon(R. You can use a database or SharedPreferences. But it may always happen, and you must write your app so that all its activities can be destroyed and recreated transparently to the user. java) ) Android system is known for its self-awareness in terms of memory, processor power and applications processes lifetime - it decides by itself whether to kill a process of not(the same with activities and services) To get reasonable battery life, Android depends on being able to put the CPU to sleep when nothing is going on. <service android:name="com. This is done using BroadcastReceiver in Android. A Hello all, in some huawei smartphone with android 6. First i'm starting my service then binding it. Service. I start ActivityB from ActivityA using the following code:. public class BindingActivity extends Activity { LocalService mService; boolean mBound = false; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Right sometimes when updating an old project you forget your own logic. Amongst the various Activity classes that I have, there is one particular Activity that represents Starting from Android 8. The service does not restart on application being closed. It works fine except: if the activity is closed (with BACK) and start again, the service will also be started again (The service plays audio file, so there are two overlapped sounds). In that case (ideally) the service will restart even when the app is "killed". They represent integral building blocks within applications, capable of carrying out lengthy tasks discreetly in the Previously, the service needed to stop if application was killed. Your service should implement this to clean up any resources such as threads, registered listeners, receivers, etc. I want to design a service that gets triggered when the user starts the app for the first time and then keeps on running You're returning START_NOT_STICKY from onStartCommand(). This is reproducible, every time the activity/app is swiped out of the list, there is a new call to the service's Android Services play a crucial role in the realm of Android app development. This represents a change in the currently available size, relative to the current aspect ratio, so will change when the user switches between landscape and portrait. STOP_FOREGROUND_DETACH) into the scope of onDestroy() will clear the generated notification no matter what. Check this migration doc once. and when player is paused then both Activity and Service are consuming very little, so system is evaluating this app as "homed". The second alternative will cause your service to be destroyed after you unbind (in the Activity's onStop() in your example). test. As per your requirement I hope you will have the instance of MediaPlayer in service . setContentTitle("Service active") . Now we need the Service to run as it is, even if the Task which started it, is removed from Recent app list. In the official documentation I read that the method "onServiceDisconnected()" gets called only when your are trying binding to a service and for some reason you can't. When the service I create is Called when a connection to the Service has been lost. Service gets destroyed after unbinding. val viewModel: PlayerViewModelImpl by viewModels { ViewModelFactory( PlayerRepositoryImpl(MockContentProviderImpl()), Returning a specific return type is useful in cases when a service is destroyed by the system (e. This typically happens when the process hosting the service has crashed or been killed. 1 Media player plays after service is destroyed. logo) . This service is also known as Un Bounded Service. android - service stops when activity is destroyed. But here we are calling the onStop method of I am not understanding how android activities are managed. Like: <service android:name="com. setContentText("Your service keeps running") . I'm trying to make a NotificationService, below is my code that I just tried working with Service. Also look at why memory is getting low. notes with beams Simulate an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) I am using a BroadcastReceiver to send a broadcast to restart the FirebaseMessagingService when the service is destroyed. Once neither of these situations hold, the service's onDestroy() method is called and the For Android 2. So I add the fragments to the same layout. The adapter however is created in the AppExtension so on a recreate of the Activity this wasn't being set again. android:process=":remote" to the manifest entry for the <service>. 2. A started service can use the startForeground(int, Notification) API to put the service in a foreground state, where the system considers it to be something the user is actively aware of and thus not a candidate for killing Okay. \currfileabsdir\currfilebase produces a wrong path when the input I am working on Widget that contains ListView as collections. It's a new object. I want the service to be alive all the time even if the app is closed/killed/cleared. Services. This may have other implications on your Android kills any service if it needs memory for another task. Until recently the service was bound to my activities. It does not wait for anything. So your connection gets closed. 3. In my case i am learning JobIntentService and in my case i have a timer that run every one second and display the current date and time but when Given the established lifecycle of an Android application, I'm not sure that preventing the activity from being destroyed "just to keep the variables" makes sense. 0 I have a service listening to some events from server. If the service is already running onStartCommand() will be called, and in service onDestroy method you can start releasing resources and saving data, at this moment write somewhere flag that work is started (in SharedPreferences, or somewhere else), then in your activity check if flag = true - start background thread and sleep for 3 sec for example and check flag again. I have created the concrete implementation of RemoteViewService and implement onGetViewFactory() method to provide RemoteViewsService. If you look at the documentation of IntentService, service starts and do its work in onHandleIntent and then finishes. Types of Services. The viewModel that I have is initialised inside of the onViewCreated method like this:. Instead, use the Simple Service and in handler thread do your work. This method is used to, clean up any resources such as threads, registered listeners, receivers, etc. The system calls this method when the service is no longer used and is being destroyed. Viewed 235 times Part of Mobile Development Collective Android service recreated when main activity destroyed. and as we know there is some apps killing all running services every x minutes such as advanced task killer and my service has killed too so aim not abel to get latest news until the user lunch the app again As From android developer JobIntentService When running on Android O or later, the work will be dispatched as a job via JobScheduler. Why or how does it force to destroy the service? @See public void onTaskRemoved(Intent rootIntent). This is different from the Service being garbage collected when it is no longer used. W/ActivityManager( nnn): Scheduling restart of crashed service xxxx in 5000ms. Now I understand that android might be short on memory and so my foreground service is being killed, but then why do other music player apps never go through such termination. In your service's onStartCommand() method, return START_NOT_STICKY. So if you do a unbind in onPause/onStop the Service will be destroyed. Yes, if the Service gets destroyed it will loose all data. If I dont put the service in the foreground and close the app, the memory monitor stops. when work will be finished your background thread will restart On some devices, notably low-end and Chinese manufacturers, you need to add your app manually to a list of "protected apps" or "apps that are allowed to run in the background". ) So we had used android:stopWithTask="true". Each lifecycle callback for the Activity results in a similar callback for each Android service with mediaplayer destroyed when app detached from widow. This service gets killed on certain devices, mostly some versions of Xiomi (Android version was 5. I've read that if I started the service in a separate process, it won't be destroyed when I kill the app/activity that started it. This is the desired Any Android Service or app can be stopped by Android OS to reclaim resources. 4. yes, I agree, Ravi does have the best answer, practically, I thumbed up + @manbreak for the aftercare, and clear replies to my questions. However, if the Activity is destroyed, the service stops logging. (Depending what you really need), I No. Do not do anything in an IntentService that will last beyond the onHandleIntent() call. This is called if the service is currently running and the user has removed a task that comes from the service's application. Here I tried simple service program. it's Service is one of the four components of the android application components, that runs in the UI but can also be specified to run in background for any kind of task to be performed and especially Actullay no, where you register and unregister the receiver, for example, if you register a receiver in onCreate(Bundle) using the activity's context, you should unregister it in onDestroy() to prevent leaking the receiver out of the activity context. I put a breakpoint at the onDestroy() function, I'm starting the service with startService() and then I bind to it. I am developing android application right now, which sends requests to the server every 4 seconds. I have a book that I have been going through (The Android Developer's Cookbook) I am making a pretty basic app (at least, I think it is basic) The problem I am having is this. I set service to RemoteView using following code:. So if you display notification in notification-bar then system assumes it as a foreground and destroy other processes. provider. . Builder builer = new NotificationCompat. We want the application to poll the server every 60 seconds. when I switch screens, I use the isAdded() method from the Fragment object. Android will favor non-foreground services for killing if system memory When killing something for memory, the entire process (including the application object) is killed and no code executed in it at this point. i know its bad idea to set service foreground coz its killing battery and device ram . If you start the Service using START_STICKY it will be alive until stopped by user in code or by Android OS (when it needs resources. (I'm using a TimerTask) I am using MediaBrowserServiceCompat in my app to play music. g. MediaStore. I then put up a restart routine in the OnDestroy method. For location updated I have used Fused Location API, but it seems that some Android phones are killing the foreground service after a while. I have an activity and every once in a while i have noticed that, when my app goes into the background, android destroys whatever the current activity is (say Activity3) and several other singletons and objects etc. for example, plays music -- something the user would immediately notice if it were killed. That's why FirstService is being destroyed because it has finished its work. and finally activity onDestroyed. Please look at this example (taken from here):. Android 13 and early Android 14: These generate a single onDeviceAppeared event when the device is turned on, but it takes at least 2 minutes (sometimes even 3 minutes) until onDeviceDisappeared is called. LocationService" android:enabled="true" android:exported="false" android:foregroundServiceType="location" android:stopWithTask="false" /> Service works well till device is in unlocked state but when device is locked, service get auto killed by OS with in 10 mins inspite of starting it in START_STICKY mode. Beyond that ensure that it consumes as few resources as possible, so that it is less likely to be destroyed. So the service Once started, a service can run in the background indefinitely, even if the component that started it is destroyed. Instead, use a I'm encountering a problem with my Android app where an activity (ActivityB) is destroyed when the app is minimized and then reopened from the launcher. I wrote an android program that: has a main activity for UI, and it starts a service. The problem was that in my adapter I use a reference to context. Commented Feb 2, 2016 at 10:04 @Heisenberg I just experienced that myself. You can remove all notifications that your app has created with Instead you would need to keep track of which activity is finishing and/or being destroyed. A service can be both started and have connections bound to it. , activity calling a stopDoingStuff() method through the service binder It's just the way Android handles low memory situations. However, in some manufacturer's phone, if you clear the app from Recent Task list, it "Force Kills" the app. Your service should implement this to clean up any resources such as threads, registered listeners, or receivers. Intent io = new Intent(MainActivity. 1 List gets null in Android Service, sometime after starting a service. unbind a service but not destroy it. However, if this were the case, something doesn't add up - wouldn't Android reuse the existing ViewModel on transition instead of creating a new one? Commenting out the onDestroy() method will have no effect on this behavior; the Service class abides by its lifecycle as described here. Viewed 1k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 0 . onTerminate() This method is for use in I have two Activities, A1 and A2. Create a Application class. would that mean that the app is in actuality not destroyed? – 2) Bound: An Android component may bind itself to a Service using bindservice (). startActivity( Intent(requireContext(), ActivityB::class. Even if you stop the application without destroying it, there is always the chance that Android will kill Android Services - In this blog, explained about clear introduction to Android Services that execute long-running tasks. In my case I have a music player app which has a foreground service. However, if I open the app from the recent apps list, ActivityB is restored correctly. The question is, does service guarantee that The documentation of Service states. You should be also aware of the new restrictions regarding background services since android 8 (API 26), if you do not explicitly mark them as a Now, the service does not restart on killing the same activity/application. View has onDetachedFromWindow() when it is removed from the screen, but this is not related to it being destroyed -- it could be attached again, which will call onAttachedToWindow(). You need to either run your service in the foreground so when the activity is destroyed so will the service or use a bound service and manage the binding with the activity lifecycle, so it is not continually restarted when the activity is destroyed. Under this approach, A and B are running in the same process with A's package name. Intent intent= new Intent(); The system invokes this method when the service is no longer used and is being destroyed. Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; Android Jobservice being destroyed. To keep a Service running in the background, the most common approach is to use a persistent notification. You could run your Service in a separate OS process to test this theory. In one particular place I'm creating a MediaPlayer to play a sound. 0. Create a new class and extend it from android. – A started service is one that another component starts by calling startService(), resulting in a call to the service's onStartCommand() method. From this android docs tutorial Bound Services. i want the service to stay there quiet and be executed at the right time. 18. Just add. First, if activity isn't killed i need to send result to local broadcast receiver and update UI. This is not the case anymore. xml file. The user can restart/start the activity multiple times and it will use the same instance of the service. however, you could have a much lower chance of being killed if the app would continue its work using a foreground service. Manifest: <service android:name="com. However, if I swipe the activity out of the 'recent apps' list, the service gets restarted immediately. Following these steps: Click Button1 : mTestVar is 1; Click Button2 : Service gets started; Rotate screen before 5 secs elapse I have 2 services A and B. 2 Service is being destroyed when activity is removed from background task android. Modified 11 years, 5 months ago. The issue right now is that my service gets created and destroyed multiple times, so I end up starting too many instances of the music player and lose control of the original one. The quintessence is: If you start a service, then bind a client to it, then try to Force kills — abrupt terminations by the system or user — can significantly disrupt an app’s functionality, compromise data integrity, and degrade user experience. When the activity gets destroyed, it saves the value. I have a bound foreground service that is supposed to live even when the app is removed from recents, but with the option to also stop the service when the app gets removed. MusicService"/> How can i keep my service running in background Prevent an Android service from getting destroyed after an unbind. JobScheduler Job gets cancelled after the process being killed. I came to know about starting service as forground. How to prevent Service from being destroyed before it finishes its work. this, Window. But when I press the square button (bring up the list of recent apps) and swipe the app to close it, I believe the service is paused, if not destroyed. The right solution is. Also note that while it is sometimes necessary to prevent Activitys from being destroyed We have developed an Android Application which involves a service in the background. When a service is started, it has a lifecycle that's independent of the component that started it and the service can run in the background indefinitely, even if the component that started it is destroyed. How the Activity state affects the Fragment. Whenever I kill the app, the service also gets destroyed. The service timely callbacks the UI activity to update views. Note that this doesn't always happen. – Heisenberg. testworks. A creates B and binds to B via the Context#bindService() with the CONTEXT_AUTO_CREATE flag. The broadcast with the action name "restartservice" which you just defined in YourService. I never see the toast saying "services has been destroyed" the only indication of the service being destroyed is what appears on the Android Studio Run logs. I gather that onServiceDisconnected() is only supposed to be called when the thread the service is running in is unexpectedly killed, so it's correct that it's not called when the service is destroyed due to the last activity using it unbinding. Since then, some specific devices (mostly Pixel 1/2/3) have been killing my app 1 minute after the screen has been turned off The service is a foreground service not bound to anything. I have tried Sticky service but it didn't worked. Prevent an Android service from getting destroyed after an unbind. 1. I need B running in a separate process, so I added a android:process flag to In my application, I have a Service which is responsible for looking after a Bluetooth connection to an external device. Probably the best you can do is use the START_STICKY flag, which tells Android to attempt to restart the service if it has stopped. In your activites code (notes about the xml) // When an android device changes orientation usually the activity is destroyed and recreated with a new // orientation layout. sleep(60000) so that the next The reason might be that the Fragment instance is not destroyed during the transitions (leading to the ViewModel not being garbage collected) - only the Fragment's view is destroyed. onLowMemory() This is called when the overall system is running low on memory, and actively running processes should trim their memory usage. startService. – atok. As far as I know, if there is already some task running activity A, instead of creating a new instance, the current task is brought to front, if I attempt to start activity A. Builder(this) . I am also starting service with startService method within the service and also using startForeground with notification as well as using wakelock require. It is very likely that you do not need a bound service, particularly if the service is in the same process as the rest of your app. when i kill the app the service is restarted and a notification pops up, but i don't want this to happen. bindService will not start a service . But none works. The documentation says the following:. 3 (Galaxy S2) perfectly but when I run the app on ICS (Galaxy s3) onDestroy method gets called. You can only suggest it not to do that. 2 Service is creating new instance of mediaplayer. But it seems that there can be a situation where onDestroy doesn't get called. When you return the surfaceView is recreated, however if you have been using static variables do drive the application, they will be often preserved and it may only seem like surfaceView was not destroyed. unbindService(musicConnection); Manifest file declaration <service android:name=". The job is being restarted, but immediately being destroyed again. A service has START_STICKY flag that makes him restart when it's killed by OS. The Android system stops a service only when memory is low and it must recover system resources for the activity that has user focus. My OnStart() method: @Override public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) { super. – robguinness. Any form of IntentService is not suitable for that scenario. I need to make sure that app will keep sending them even if it goes to background (by pressing home button, opening another app or receiving phone call). This is a different approach from you but I recently fixed this by adding a notification when the service was running. Thats fine. This does not remove the ServiceConnection itself -- this binding to the service will remain active, and you will receive a call to onServiceConnected(ComponentName, IBinder) when the Service is next The system calls this method when the service is no longer used and is being destroyed. 1). Destroying activity causes service to lose data. This is the last call the service receives. 1- Is a Service killed when the Activity that created it, is destroyed? 2- Will a Service keep on running when there's no activity bounded to it (when the app is closed)? 3- Services need an inner Thread to avoid ANR so, what's the meaning with Services then, isn't it better to only use Threads? Thanks in advance. My understanding is that this should keep the service running, regardless of what happens to its creator Activity. I want to preserve the Service from being destroyed in the runtime changes while keeping Service stopping when the Activity is invisible. ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); launchIntent. You need to do this for each service. Constant to return from onStartCommand(Intent, int, Also, bear in mind that the exact timing of the service being destroyed is up to Android and may not be immediate. This is the case your service will continue to run. A service is bound when an application component binds to it by In cases like this, stopService() or stopSelf() does not actually stop the service until all clients unbind. The Service gets reinstantiated in a new OS process. If the service is just being destroyed because it no longer needs to run, its onDestroy() will be called and when the service is later needed a new instance is created and onCreate() called. When the activity starts the first time, mTestVar is 0, and onCreate it is inceased to 1. What can be the possible differences between both of them? EDIT 1: The problem at the below line. But Stop the service automatically by binding it to related activities/fragments/views , when all of them destroyed service unbind itself automatically so we can call stopself method in unbind return START_NOT_STICKY in onStartCommand to tell OS , don't recreate it , and create intent local service , after completion of some work it will destroy Whenever you click return or home button and leave the activity you get: Activity onPause. Is there a way to tell the Service or the Service Listener that when the activity finishes, the callbacks must be avoided. Also, we are stopping the service out self in the onDestroy method, because if the application is killed or destroyed the service will die with it. A bound service stops once every client unbinds from it, and that happens automatically when the client (your Activity) is destroyed. My Activity got destroyed and service stopped. It runs on 2. When an Activity becomes invisible, it gets destroyed. But what other ways do other Top class apps adopt to keep the background working all the time , like security apps , gps based apps, and antivirus apps whose services run all the time on background. If you register a receiver in onResume(), you should unregister it in onPause() to prevent registering it multiple times (If The rare case of a service being destroyed by the system can be handled perhaps by a try/catch block or by using START_STICKY. Job scheduler stops working if app killed android. 3. Do you know why not? I am new to android and I am trying to explore the AccessibilityService. When your service is running and you do not want it to be killed by the OS, you have to use the startForeground(int id, Notification notification) method. Why is Android service being reset after unbind was called? 1. We override the built-in onRecieve() method in There is a service which I wrote that manages location issues. the android eco system has a rule that each app will die in certain cases, while one of them is running in the background while another app run on the foreground. If I don't call showNotification() and close the app the service gets destroyed and the timmer stops printing "SERVICE STILL RUNNING". When I close the activity by going to the homescreen, the Data singleton gets destroyed after a while, but, as it should, the service keeps running. But still my service is being destroyed after lock. Change the following line: return START_NOT_STICKY; To this: return START_STICKY; From the documentation of START_STICKY:. If you have set ServiceInfo. And I get the message "0 process 1 service running", which means the service is actually not running. The answer to part of your question is that "yes" a Service will stick around after an invisible activity is destroyed. Android Leaked Service Connection. My With all that as background, on to your specific concern. If you want to make your thread stop as well, you can make a couple of simple changes to your service: Maybe you should look at what your services are trying to accomplish and if they are stopping themselves because they have finished their job. Foreground. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 5 months ago. At the end of the while loop we have used Thread. So in the IntentService, the server is polled in a while loop. It only gets destroyed if I return to my app by tapping the icon. BIND_AUTO_CREATE flag. (If START_STICKY works, no need to start service from onDestroy. When running on older versions of the platform, it will use Context. Hot Network Questions Various groupings of 8th, 16th, 32nd, etc. Android will take care of it). How to avoid my service not to be destroyed by the memory cleaning applications(i. As far as I can tell, the service isn't being reinstantiated, I've got logging throughout it. due to low memory). Service loses it's intent when it is restarted by system. My AccessibilityService gets destroyed and I do not get any Accessibility Events. Also, note that even if service A gets destroyed, services B and C can keep on going. Normally the activity will notify the service it has been destroyed during onDestroy(). Improve this question. Create a Broadcast Receiver to respond to your custom defined broadcasts in Restarter. and service (wifichangeservice ) , like this : public class WifiChageService extends Service { @Override public void onCreate() { //here i want to test if bssid=="Home Network" , if it's equal i want to do "something" // then how can I destroy or stop service , afer that "something" work is In this case the service will never be destroyed unless the system do so, irrespective of the service connections binding and unbinding. (and I so wish that this were the default). Therefore some fields of Data become null again, and the service encounters nullpointers. It can be given a flag STOP_FOREGROUND_DETACH which is necessary to detach the notification from the service even after calling stopForeground so that when the service is destroyed, the notification won't be dismissed and a new notification dealing with service being destroyed. putExtra(MediaStore. If your client is still bound to a service when your app destroys the client, destruction causes the client to unbind. It will just bind to the Service with a service connection, so that you will have the instance of the service to access/control it. When you bind to a Service, the lifecycle of the Service is depending on the one that does the bind (in your case the Activity). As far as I know, the best solution for this is to use services. This type of issue is The application is configured so that service can continue to run after the activity has stopped and been destroyed. Later Android 14 and Android 15: At some point, the 2 minute delay was removed and the behavior Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company What I would do is: - Create a service - Create a thread - Create a media player inside a thread (if possible, otherwise on Service creation and pass it to thread) - Inside a thread - continuously poll media player state - On song finished send an intent to service that change track - stop thread/service if needed. It's a classic out of bound state and if you access it the behaviour is unpredictable but it is never good. e. Right now, the service is recreated every time I close the app by pressing the home key and clearing the app from recent. Commented Jun 13, 2019 at 10:51. all solutions works for me. by pressing the back button), the service continues to run, this is of course intended. foreground service @DamanpreetSingh clean up everything in onDestroy, it will not be called only when the entire process is killed, only the data cannot be saved here, the docs say: Note: do not count on this method being called as a place for saving data!For example, if an activity is editing data in a content provider, those edits should be committed in either onPause() or So, onStop() method is called from the Activity, and the Activity unbinds the Service in that method, which results in destruction of the Service (and restarting of it). Normally when A unbinds from B, B is destroyed. myapp. Fragment has onDestroyView(), which may be more useful to If you want to stop the destroy/create issue that is the default in android because of an orientation change and lock in one orientation then you need to add code and xml. – Michal Dvorak. stopSelf. MyService" /> Starting Service via Button Click: From Android API level 23 onwards, Android introduced two new power-saving features namely Doze and App Standby which puts more restrictions on Apps to be able to run continuously in the background. This is by design; Android doesn't want Services running in the background with no indication to the user that This is a pretty strange problem. onStart(intent, startId); Vibrator vi = (Vibrator) From your service's onStartCommand(), return START_STICKY. In such a case, the system will keep the service running as long as either it is started or there are one or more connections to it with the Context. java is now supposed to trigger a method which will restart your service. Navigating this challenge requires more than just superficial So is that mean when the Activity got destroyed, the binding got destroyed also and the service gets destroyed also? What if I want the service to be always running, at the Generally, in android if we start a service by calling startService() method, the service will run continuously even if the component that started service is destroyed until we stop it by using Basically you should reconsider the time when your notification is shown. Common knowledge says that "Android will kill the Service" As I explained above, this can be misleading and is not completely true, if the device is running out of memory it will kill the whole process, not just a specific Service. Modified 3 years, 3 months ago. So I changed the Service to include android:stopWithTask="false". 15. But onDestroy() may not be called. How can I have the service in the foreground and kill it correctly when the app is closed. here's some more information about processes on android. 0 Destroying activity causes service to lose data. I have read many things about the service and how to cure service from being not killed. I mean the situation, when Android gets low on memory I don't want this . START_STICKY: If the service gets restarted because its process is killed, onStartCommand() will be called on the next instance of the service with a null Intent instead of not being called at all Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Nothing. If I open the list of running apps and return to it from there, it resumes normally. onCreate() Called when the application is starting, before any activity, service, or receiver objects (excluding content providers) have been created. Unbounded Service import when audio is playing then system knows that app is running, consuming energy, reources etc. if It is, then make the other fragments invisible by using hide() on the FragmentTranction object. These are the main types of services, but there is one more type of service called View does not have a callback (except finalize(), but I don't think that's what you're asking for). An IntentService is destroyed once onHandleIntent() returns (or, in the case of WakefulIntentService, when doWakefulWork() returns). A1 calls A2 and from A2, I am calling the camera intent as below: launchIntent = new Intent(android. xyz. As soon as they unbind, the service destroys itself. Here is what you can do if its just about stopping service when application is killed by swiping from Recent app list. setOngoing(true); I just resolved a similar kind of issue. drawable. clean master). Follow Why using different scopes with Android Hilt if all can work with SingletonComponent. 2 How to prevent Service from being destroyed before it Following is my android which is started when a activity button is pressed. First, you assume that a destroyed activity automatically unbinds from any services that it bound to via bindService() called on that Activity. I have an activity that starts a service. See this post. FLAG_STOP_WITH_TASK flag then you will not receive this callback; instead, the service will simply be stopped. Inside your Manifest file, keep flag stopWithTask as true for Service. Destroying a service as soon as the app I have the sticky service that I want to run independently of the app. That optional path is what I am having trouble with. These are the three different types of services: Foreground. ===== update. . I have an issue with keeping the state of data in a viewModel. If nothing else is bound to that service, and that service is not started, the service will be destroyed (when it is unbound) and then recreated (when the new activity instance binds again). – Foreground service is being killed by Android after some time. Start service works fine and generates Toast but stop service does not. I know there are lots of solution for long life Android service on net,but none of them works for me on Android 9. If the Activity is simply paused, there is no problem. I am starting a service class from my mainActivity like this:. Apps that target Android 9 (API level 28) or higher and use foreground services must request the FOREGROUND_SERVICE permission . IAE: Service not registered on unbindService after Service. app. To implement this background service we have used IntentService. Moreover, if a user swipes away your activity, the app will be put in an inactive state. I found out however, that the job is not only stopped, but sometimes completely being destroyed. I see a problem when I run "uiautomator dump". Because a Fragment is always hosted by an Activity, the Fragment lifecycle is directly affected by the host Activity lifecycle. When the service is destroyed, I will send another broadcast to the receiver and the loop continues indefinitely. MyService" android:stopWithTask="true" /> aim developing a small app to get latest articles and showing them in notifications bar. In order to keep the notification even after the corresponding foreground service is killed, one must call I have an activity A, declared in Manifest with android:launchMode="singleTask" and another activity B that has no further attributes. You can also start the service from Activity and then bind it. java. 1. If your process is also running a Service, it is less likely that it will be killed. surfaceDestroyed. enqueue. If your process is not doing anything else, then the process is likely to be killed too. EXTRA_OUTPUT,photoPath); The service is being stopped if you're seeing your Toast in the onDestroy, but I think you are being confused by the fact that your logging continues. private void showNotification(){ NotificationCompat. However, when starting service this way, the FirebaseMessagingService gets immediately destroyed. 0, services are not allowed to be persistently running in background, this includes AlarmManager callbacks as well. Because of this, whenever the OS kills your Service (to reclaim memory, for example) it will not get re-created. Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 13:27. util. If you really needed Android not to kill your service, your best bet would be to make it a System App, or make your service return START_STICKY in your onStartCommand() method. Read Out More! you can bind multiple components, but in case one gets destroyed, all other components will face the same fate. But i see that when the activity is killed the service is destroyed. How to prevent Service from getting destroyed. Once the service has been created, the service must call its startForeground() method within five seconds. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 9 months ago. So, for example, if you are relying upon onDestroy() to cause your service to stop some work that is being done, consider using another trigger for that (e. That's how it works, and you can't do anything about it. The logging continues because it happens from a separate thread. the child activity will remember to pass the result back to the parent whether the parent is destroyed or not). So Any help you offer here is highly appreciated. I have put a message in the onDestroy call back of service so it writes in database when the service gets destroyed(to get sure about when service Now, I'm pretty sure in the activity lifecycle that it doesn't matter if the activity is paused, stopped, or destroyed, I'm 90% sure my service persists (which is what I want). If the activity gets destroyed (e. Service. The problem is when the app is resumed then intuition tells me that since Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company . A bound service would run as long as the other application components are bound to it. It's possible that this happens, though I do not recall that being documented behavior, and it's the sort of thing that developers should not rely upon. 0 B4A services are always stopped as soon as you close the app, while those like whatsapp, lovoo, and other chats Since Android 7 (but officially since Lollipop!), any process called by a BroadcastReceiver is run at low priority and hence eventually killed by Android. but the service will not be really restarted after that. For example, when the Activity is paused, so are all Fragments in it, and when the Activity is destroyed, so are all Fragments. 0 or later you can use the startForeground() method to start your Service in the foreground. When service receive an event i have two scenarios. There is also a singleton Data involved. The code of this simple service is as below: public class MailService extends Service { You don't have to worry about the calling Activity being destroyed when you call startActivityForResult(), as it won't change the expected behavior at all (i. This Service class periodically polls the external Bluetooth device for data and adds that latest data into a log held in cache (or possibly SD card) memory. Too bad. That's doesn't mean that this method catch unbinding from the client side. If the service is not set as foreground, stopping the service causes the process to die as well. You should follow @Adekdik and use the method "onDestroy()" instead. This does not work. This way, if your service gets killed, then it will be queued to restart automatically. class)); Does service object gets destroyed when Activity is destroyed? Or it will get garbage collected only when Application is destroyed? android; dagger-hilt; Share. That's exactly what the "don't keep activities" developer option is for. So now when the Activity gets recreated I pass the context to the adapter again and it all works I am using a service in my android app, which is called when an alarm is activated by a calander. public class For this reason, it uses a foreground service to handle the playback. (say, removed from Recent application list by swiping. It is better practice to unbind the client as soon as it is done interacting with the service. But android is not guaranteed that your service may run forever. So I have some questions: Why is it destroyed in the first place? And why isnt it possible to restart it? Since your Service returned START_STICKY, Android then schedules your Service for a restart. RemoteViewsFactory concrete implementation. so it may evaluate app as active and preserve Activity alive (probably some other compnent gets killed then). That means it cannot receive broadcasts (that includes alarm manager wakeups), and can only be re-started by the user starting your activity from I'm creating a service which will run even after the app is destroyed but when I terminate the App, the Service gets terminated too. – waqaslam. hahrygm uivkj jzzzkiumq inkir bgttaenj wduj yrvpr hvui tzvj itn