Aspie quiz reddit. Someone here recommended the aspie quiz.
Aspie quiz reddit Please don't post screenshots from any sort of autism quiz! Such posts aren't memes and are more suited for general autism subs such as r/autism or r/aspergers. That’s where I’m at, anyway. And that is the case here. If the aspie score is 35 points higher than your neurotypical score, you are likely to be autistic. Considering my aspie quiz score, I feel like an anomaly since I've This post serves as a summary of information on the AQ, the EQ, the RAADS–R, the Aspie Quiz, and the CAT-Q; here you can find out what the tests measure, the threshold scores and scoring ranges, and the average What I will add though is the RDOS (this Aspie Quiz) is generally not a recognised tool for identifying Autism, I don't even think it meets or is part of any guidelines and doesn't fit the ASD diagnosis framework. Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts I am suspecting i am autistic. We discussed the possibility of me having aspergers because I score high on the different online screening tests (36 to 40 on the AQ test, around 160 on RAADS, 142 on aspie quiz and 27 out of 80 in the EQ test) but my therapist Although the Aspie Quiz is not as scientifically backed as some of the other psychometric tests used to assess autism, it’s deeper and more insightful than it may appear at first. Always been bullied, and so on. Business, Economics, and Finance. However, this quiz indicates that many people in this thread are unlikely to understand sarcasm, so I might do better spelling it out. I got 78/200 as an aspie score so it First of all, no one here can diagnose you, and no one can diagnose you based on a quiz. I find Advertise on Reddit; One question about the aspie quiz that annoys me is “Do you have an alternative view of what is attractive in the opposite sex?” I’m queer. I also found it I was just going through the RDos Aspie Quiz and I came across the question "Do you examine the hair of people to main content. I I took the aspie quiz and here are my results. Growing up as rough and I slowly started to learn to mask more and more and finding ways to “appear normal” so people wouldn’t comment on how “weird” I was. As I said in my reply to the other lady, I recommend these three tests which were recommended to me by one of the individuals involved in my diagnosis; RDOS Aspie Quiz, RAAADS-R, CAT-Q. My intention was more to see if anyone had any positive or negative experiences with this quiz specifically. My Aspie Quiz difference is usually skewed towards neurodivergent around 45. The following are its strengths: It has gone through several iterations, which has resulted in the questions being more updated than the AQ or RAADS–R; There are four more questions than results, because Ekblad included four control questions to ensure that people were answering Just took the RAADS, CAT-Q and Aspie quiz So I(27m) have always had a suspicion that my brain works differently from most of those around me. I also have young onset Parkinson’s Disease. With 121 questions. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. A place for introverts. 12 It aims to indicate neurodiverse traits in individuals 16 years and older who do not have an intellectual disability. It says I'm 100% evil but I don't feel comfortable seeking an official diagnosis, but I've been suspecting I am for a while. “Your broader autism cluster (Aspie) score: 154 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 41 of 200 You are very likely on the broader autism cluster (Aspie)” but there are so many questions about attraction, which I don't really know as When new users post questions about whether they are autistic, I keep seeing responses telling them to take the Aspie Quiz. But somehow the neuro-typical mind is considered the only mind worth knowing, the right mind! (which I am, too), and had her take the Aspie Quiz and RAADS-R. Today I Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; CAT-Q: Total: 157. Research Something I like to do, while waiting for my assessment is keep trying the different quizzes to compare. This is a friendly reminder to read our rules in the sidebar if you have not already. I assume it's due to having a "try to understand people's mannerisms" special interest and watching a crapload of television/movies and learning to socialize through it. If you do not see your post you can message the moderators here. I took the aspie quiz three times and merged the 3. 137K subscribers in the aspergers community. It was developed by Rdos and has been through many revisions over the years. Most tests i took so far, only asked about "cliches" like liking dates and numbers. Aspie Quiz: 166 of 200 (Aspie) 66 of 200 (NT) RAADS-R: 149 (Threshold 65; Avg autistic female 160) CAT-Q: 145 (Threshold 100; Avg autistic female 124) I suspected I might be autistic, but assumed it would be iffy and I would score close to the threshold. It's funny because one of the questions was "do you have trouble filling out forms" which I'm doing right now! Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. 264K subscribers in the autism community. I’ve been questioning for about a week now and I have no words. I don't want to insult everyone by being here if I shouldn't be. Post edited due to restrictions of rule 3. Just thinking out loud here, but I feel like the Aspie quiz helps reveal when something is going on — and a next step in the process can be to determine whether autism is the best explanation for what that something is. r/AutismTranslated A chip A chip 39K subscribers in the AutismTranslated community. The place where we evilly collect special interests and rub textures without mercy. I've followed him for years, and it never really crossed my mind he might be on the spectrum, but thinking about it some more, it would make complete sense. I took it, and was surprised about how specific the questions were. A subreddit for adults with autism, adults who received (as adults) their diagnosis, and loved ones Aspie Quiz. io/9htdy, PsyArXiv preprint Leif Ekblad (2022). Please feel free to submit articles to enhance the knowledge Like you stated, it opened their minds to the lived experiences rather than just the symptoms (which can often be invisible to others). Do you realize hours later that somebody that you have a romantic interest for actually showed interest for you, and then feel bad about the missed opportunity to connect? ASPIE quiz results I'm curious about other aspie's results on rdos. Does having alexythimia negatively impact the accuracy of your score? Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Hoping the video will return, I am interested to see him take this test. i've always been like this, since grade 1; no idea what the fuck's wrong with me. I know its not a diagnosis or a professional tool Your Aspie score: 112 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 111 of 200 You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits Completely in line with how I feel about myself. Key traits in this group are related to atypical nonverbal communication (e. Apparently the person who designs, collects info on the Aspie quiz has a theory that ASD traits are some kind of Neolithic holdover of traits that make u better hunters or something so there are some funny questions in there that I believe are related to that. Which isn't totally surprising; my wife tells me I am awful at reading her facial expressions(and it's true I can only tell if she's angry/sad/happy, and I get so confused when she's annoyed I just can't tell annoyance and anger apart as well as frustration, they all just appear 4. I have felt for a while now that I could have some other dx. The RAADS-R can be pretty frustrating, but I think it has a high sensitivity in detecting autism. Is it realiable even? I took the "aspie" test and the results were almost even. It's as serious as any quiz on the internet, but its primary purpose is to study responses rather than diagnose. The goal of this test is to check for neurodiverse / neurotypical traits 313K subscribers in the autism community. Someone here recommended the aspie quiz. Terms & Policies Aspie quiz results. Not so after taking the quiz and the result being NT. A forum to hear the experiences of autistic individuals, and educate about neurodiversity, human rights Aspie quiz isnt a test base on science its just something some dude made up. The Aspie Quiz is especially awesome because it gives you a really detailed graphical analysis of your specific autistic behaviors. by jeybec Autistic I got 167/200 on the Aspie-Quiz. What are your test results? Do you believe these tests really provide any interesting info regarding whether someone may be autistic or not? 6. If you think you might be autistic - or even if you're on The Quest, to figure out why life seems I got a 160/200 on the aspie quiz . It is written by professionals and the questions are carefully designed. You know you best. autistic score is 317K subscribers in the autism community. ) My RAADS-R changes even more based on the day and I usually get around 116. comments sorted by Best Top New lizussy • Additional comment actions. Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 155 of 25K subscribers in the evilautism community. Advice I’m 15 and I’ve recently just suspected that I may be audhd, or something similar. Many people in the autism community consider this quiz to be particularly insightful even though it's not clinically significant. Started collecting things, toys, draw, everything that involved this cartoon. This one surprised me. If a professional made that quiz, they should lose their job and have their degree turned to confetti. I was finally going to go to my GP about it, but I did the AQ-10 as I read that that is what they use to screen you before referring you and I only got 4/10 and even then I didn't really relate to the questions Hello! I've been officially diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety, but I also suspect that I'm autistic and I'm struggling to tell the difference between things that might be manifesting as PTSD symptoms or autism as far as social relatedness and masking, or hypervigilance vs environment sensitivity. For a little context, the Aspie quiz is run by an independent researcher named Leif Ekblad. The last time I took it which was a few weeks ago I was 159/200 aspie and 67/NT. You can open your own doors to support and information for autistics. That all being said, many people find quizzes useful on their journey to finding out they are autistic. It's funny because one of the questions was "do you have trouble filling out forms" which I'm doing right now! My Aspie Quiz results; comparing 11 months difference. _FirstOfHerName_ since I found out about asperger's I've seen a lot of people going through something similar to my life on these Reddit Autism, Personality, and Human Diversity: Defining Neurodiversity in an Iterative Process Using Aspie Quiz SAGE Open July-September 2013 3: 2158244013497722, Open access article Leif Ekblad (2024). We discussed the possibility of me having aspergers because I score high on the different online screening tests (36 to 40 on the AQ test, around 160 on RAADS, 142 on aspie quiz and 27 out of 80 in the EQ test) but my therapist Post edited due to restrictions of rule 3. I’ve taken it too but I’ve been unable to find any clinical or other academic research on it beyond the author’s own self-published work. If you think you might be autistic - or even if you're on The Quest, to figure out why life seems So the main point is to simply look at your neurotypical score and then your aspie score. Share Add a Comment. The Aspie Quiz has gone through many revisions and now is the Final Version (results are correlated with diagnosed Aspies). New is that scores are calculated based on difference between neurotypes, and that you get a probability This test results in a 10 sided chart, showing how strong your atypical (autistic) and typical (neurotypical) traits are, which I find really interesting. Terms & Policies Embed Go to AutismTranslated r/AutismTranslated • by Still_Calligrapher32. I learned english at 6 years old, enough to understand, and at 9 i could speak the bare minimum. Thanks! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. 3K subscribers in the adultautism community. How do I answer this? Also, autistic people are more likely to identify as LGBTQA than allistics. Yes the Aspie Quiz is good. Please feel free to submit articles to enhance the knowledge 154K subscribers in the aspergers community. Evaluating bimodality on the autism spectrum and in neurodiversity. Yesterday I had an appointment with my therapist I started visiting because of depression and burnout in August. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; a 32 on the Autism Spectrum Quotient and 144 on the Aspie Quiz. odd facial expressions; being The Aspie Quiz gives two scores rather than one, which can be quite confusing, especially when both scores just about balance each other out. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Aspie Quiz (v5): 54/200 (99% of being neurotypical) CAT-Q: 79 (avg. For instance, my stims are discrete. In my evaluation, it was found that I have a very uneven profile. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment What would go on the Aspie Quiz if we wrote it ourselves? I move to add 'Are ventilation systems and the noises they make the bane of your existence?' strongly agree, agree, yes of effing course or get that away from me. Masking sub: 48. 12 No advertising or Surveys I would draw for hours. A report based on your answers, psychometric scores, and the interview. 44K subscribers in the AutismTranslated community. " Your Aspie score: 186 of 200 Your neurotypical score: 14 out of 200 You're probably Aspie. Its predecessor, the DSM-IV-TR, included five Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs): Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, Rett's Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). Hey u/ThatGuyNamedGrape, thank you for your post at r/autism. As someone who has worked in basic research regarding autism, I can demonstrate a tiny bit of expertise in saying that self-diagnosing through use of a sketchy quiz is a really good idea. Thanks! I am a I just took the Aspie Quiz Previously diagnosed ADHD 💁♀️ seeking advice / support So I've had suspicions in the past about having Asperger's, but after briefly looking into it, I decided I probably was fine. I'm dating an aspie guy, and while we have communication struggles and adaptations we need to make to accommodate his atypical communication styles and social interactions, he never calls me names, or makes me feel like I'm not worth him putting in the effort to make me feel like he wants me in his life. So technically, it would be considered not good. If you score high on quizzes, have had issues since early It's interesting to know. Interestingly mixed results, given both my AQ and RAADS-R were well beyond the autism thresholds. Posted by u/Krendall2006 - 15 votes and 16 comments Like you stated, it opened their minds to the lived experiences rather than just the symptoms (which can often be invisible to others). Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I can't believe I have never been diagnosed. It said yes, you are almost certainly on the spectrum: you are Not Normal (TM). Please note that asking for a diagnosis is against the rules of this sub. The Aspie Quiz is a self-administered tool that was developed by Dr. 1, EQ, SQ–R, ESQ, TEQ, and the TAS-20. I got a 11/20. Autism, Personality, and Human Diversity: Defining Neurodiversity in an Iterative Process Using Aspie Quiz SAGE Open July-September 2013 3: 2158244013497722, Open access article Leif Ekblad (2024). I’m married with two kids, and we’ve recently been going to couples counseling. Aspie Quiz - Hard to answer some questions I really don't like some of these questions. A review of the submitted information. this makes me feel much better about Hey I'm kinda new to understanding this, I've taken a few quizzes and like on the Aspie quiz I got 158 what does that mean Hey u/BADartAgain, thank you for your post at r/autism. 6K subscribers in the AskAutism community. I took the quiz for fun but it caught me really off guard. pcgoblin Veteran. Autism news, information and support. A recommendation on whether it makes sense to proceed with part 2. I’m 40, so I’m married with 45K subscribers in the AutismTranslated community. the only thing it mildly jumps (like a small arrow) toward neurotypical is relationships but everything else is I'm doing a major update to Aspie Quiz, the first one in eight years. The Aspie Quiz is less clinically-validated, but can offer quite a bit of insight. ; A review of the submitted information by myself as well as a medical doctor. I'd also like to know if this counts. A report based on answers and psychometric scores. Aspie-Quiz Score . If you think you might be autistic - or even if you're on The Quest, to figure out why life seems Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I'm recently diagnosed and obsessively gathering information about all things aspie and just think it would be fun to see how same/different we can be so if you're comfortable sharing that, please do! Aspie quiz My GP referred me to a bunch of non-diagnostic questionnaires just to get an idea of things before saying based on all of that and what I’d described, I was autistic but that was just his opinion - he’s referred me to the people who could diagnose it, but I’m looking back on this particular quiz and this question is fascinating I got 171 aspie and 48 NT. Besides this you could try looking into the different domains, you got a prety high score at talent for example! To quote someone's message, first select/highlight the relevant text, and then use the Quote button that appears; To "mention" someone, type @ followed by the start of the forum name, and choose from the list; that person will get a notification of being mentioned This guy's intense eye contact really makes me uncomfs. Profile PM Report. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit by DruidFenris. If you think you might be autistic - or even if you're on The Quest, to figure out why life seems For the most part, it’s just a pricy piece of paper for me. More posts from r/autism Reddit . (And I’m still very talanted in it). Compensation sub: 62. When I got a bit older (10+) I also became very fascinated with a cartoon character. That’s just a bad question that is not going to result in any kind of useful information. However, I also took the alexethymia quiz and got 140, along with a 14 on the empathy test. While the Aspie Quiz isn’t an officially recognized test, it does seem to be an accurate reflection of neurotype and you get a pretty picture when you’re done. I took the Aspie quiz, these are my results. The questions in the aspie quiz really felt like they were directed towards me. So here we've got talent and social slightly on the aspie side, perception and communication somewhat on the aspie side, and Hi! I’m also at the moment self diagnosed, looking into getting possibly diagnosed with my RAADS-R results they were at 188 while my CAT-Q was at 158, so about thirty “points” lower than my RAADS-R. Please Google this subject for more info. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I'm not quite sure what that means as far as being on the spectrum. I just took the Aspie quiz and I’m floored. true. But yes that is the 132/200 Aspie score. The Aspie Quiz diagram I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism (Asperger's) about three years ago, though it's been suspected for longer. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Open navigation Go to Reddit Home On the Aspie Quiz I tend to receive around 120 ND points and around 110 NT points. I instantly click 'hide' whenever I see it on Reddit. I have scored 112/200 ( aspie ) and 77/200 ( non-autistic ) should I go to an psychiatrist for diagnosis ? Hey u/FFSbboyFTW, thank you for your post at r/autism. I think i should have given more context. I chose the aspie quiz because (although it can be controversial) I think (perhaps wrongly) that it's the first one people usually do before then getting interested in others to try more "reliable" tests (even if as you said, no internet test replaces a diagnosis given by a professional) But of course your comment is important for those who do not have all the I (26 M) just took the Aspie quiz and it says that I have an 85% probability of being neurodiverse or autistic. My IQ is 147, i am 40NT/188ND on aspie quizz(you need 30points or higher appart minimum), 198 on raads-r(65 or higher), 38 on ASQ(26 and higher), 164 camouflage(100 and higher). A community for people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder I explained this to the girl who I'd become best friends with, the self-proclaimed "female version of him" (which I am, too), and had her take the Aspie Quiz and RAADS-R. g. I have always struggled in social situations, I credited my poor social skills to being a pretty lonesome kid with a single mother and no siblings. When I'm interpreting my Aspie Quiz results, which do not place me firmly in the ND category, I think it's important to note that the NT score is actually measuring social abilities. All approved posts get this message. They're attributed to NT traits, but could theoretically be acquired through study and practice. I was very surprised by this as I thought it would've been a lot more on the Autistic side due to how I am as a person. Second, that particular "Aspie test" sucks horrible things. 5M subscribers in the introvert community. Aspie Quiz. Expand user menu Open settings menu. My results from Aspie quiz say 100% certainty of neurodivergency, but that does not account for my ADHD. He would make a great spokesperson for the team. Leif Ekblad in 2013. Anyway I always think these quiz type things are interesting (though the questions are so damn weird) and was wondering if anyone else thought they were interesting and what kind of scores other people are getting on them. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; What does it mean to be have neurotypical half aspie on the rdos quiz . GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla I was just going through the RDos Aspie Quiz and I came across the question "Do you examine the hair of people you like a lot?" And I sure do but why does that connect to autism? Is there some particular reason for this? I never really thought about why I do it until now but I always gravitate towards people's hair when I get closer to them. a subreddit based on neurodivergent issues, problems and relatable situations we can all relate to Aspergers syndrome / Aspie \\ Aspies KEYWORDZ: The DSM-5 redefined autism. Taking the Aspie Quiz – The Aspie Quiz is made up of 150 questions that fall into six domains. He's got a lot of great typical "aspie" qualities. . At that time, I took the quiz twice: once where I took everything literally, and a second time where I instead interpreted what I thought the questions were trying to ask. What do you think about this ? Skip to main content. anti-social tendencies with malfunctioning empathy is functionally no different than sociopathy. For things that are not interesting at all It will fluctuate based on mood and if I have had a certain experience which may sway me a certain way(I take the tests a lot. Even other so-called “autism” tests, like AQ and RAADS and others have high rates of false positives, labeling you as autistic VERY easily. Basically, the Aspie Quiz Took a bit to figure out the questions, but the aspie quiz was more unclear than the RAADS-R, so that's saying something. Thanks, quiz! Aspie quiz - 129 ND score What does ND mean? This is what mine looks like, did you score 129 on the same one I got 130? "Your broader autism cluster (Aspie) score: 130 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 73 of 200 You are very The quiz just seemed much more straightforward for me haha talking about my experiences or how I feel is very difficult which is why I’ve been stressing so much about the “accuracy” of this quiz. Aspie Quiz: 165/200 RMET (Reading the mind in eyes test) : 32/36 correct. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; I took the aspie test, aparently there's a 99% chance i'm neurotypical. Should I seek a professional test? Aspire score: 120/200 Neurotypical score: 88/200 Some of the friends and gf say that I may have autism and now I’m starting to doubt if I do. I actually think it’s more useful than some of the more popular autism tests such as the AQ, but interpreting your results is not necessarily as straight-forward. If you think you might be autistic - or even if you're on The Quest, to figure out why life seems This quiz in particular is mostly for fun and not usually used by professionals. I’ve always had some weird traits. Please feel free to submit articles to enhance the knowledge Aspie quiz questions confusion I saw another post like this on r/autism with some of the same questions, but no answers. If you think you might be autistic - or even if you're on The Quest, to Aspie quiz. Anyway, I hope this helps (and I'm sorry to have gone on so long!) and if you ever want to talk about things, feel free to PM me. The score gave me no wiggle room. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. For me, it was startling, unsettling, but ultimately a relief. Leaves me still totally in the dark. i probably have a mental disorder but it's hard to know for sure 6 psychometrics: AQ, RAADS–R, CAT-Q, VIA, RBQ-2A, and the Aspie Quiz. I found choice of wording affected my answers. " About this idk if it is because I did it in spanish, but idk why even despite the fact that I got such a high score I didn't get the "100% blahblah" i guess is because is in spanish but I think "probably" and "100%" are two different things lol Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Please feel free to submit articles to enhance the knowledge thanks, apparently i learn at a rapid rate ( concepts ) but nothing sticks to my head. Everything just makes so much sense to me comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Overall I found that the Aspie Quiz was good. 138K subscribers in the aspergers community. Eight months ago, I posted my results to the Aspie Quiz . comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment I took the quiz and found it had a I don’t 100% think I’m autistic, however, I’ve noticed I do relate to quite a bit of autistic traits so I’m not sure if I should look into it more. others claim it's highly unlikely for it to co-occur with ASPD wut!? spectrum kids get bullied and abused a ton as kids, a lot of them turn out extremely anti-social. Is the Aspie quiz a good indicator of how evil I am? I took it 3 times and got an evil score of 157 to 170 somthing. The Internet's largest community of people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder Every time I read a list of aspie "types", none of them totally lines up with me while I either currently have or have had varying degrees of what are supposed to be the hallmark traits from each "type" listed, sometimes more certain ones than others and it vacillates depending on my environment, mood, current life circumstances, etc. I'm really hoping my insurance will cover the cost of getting tested. My favorite in there is simply called "the aspie quiz", with 240 questions it's exceedingly thorough and it gives you a nice graphic in the end to share and 47K subscribers in the AutismTranslated community. Many of the questions were easy to answer 2s. People often tell me I sound rude when I genuinely wasn’t trying to be. This not only has a large collection of online tests, but also explanations who the tests are aimed at, how to read the results, discussion of test validity and scientific background as well as tons of resources for further reading. Skip to main content. Posted by u/Everglow915 - No votes and 3 comments I am a 36 year old male. This week, we discovered that another girl in the I am a 36 year old male. Which is probably a sign of autism itself. It started me on my journey to being officially diagnosed. don't do any homework because it's too fucking boring and later becomes complicated. Recently I been thinking I may be on the spectrum so I took the Aspie test and got 148 p. my therapist has been HEAVILY suggesting that I'm autistic (we navigate our sessions as if I am, and i cannot seek a formal dx at this point) but my score on the Aspie Quiz looks almost identical to yours and my NT and Aspie scores were literally the same (106 each), so I struggle with a lot of doubt over whether or not im actually potentially autistic. 31234/osf. I scored 148 on the CAT-Q. Really started suspecting more seriously the last couple years, so I finally took these tests to get an idea over the weekend. Please take the time to read our rules in the sidebar. I feel like I may be autistic too. The Internet's largest community of people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder I scored a 170 on the Aspie Quiz, and it was definitely a seminal moment for me. Part 2: Diagnostic assessment (CA$1,250) An additional 6 psychometrics: ASRS-v1. 43K subscribers in the AutismTranslated community. 79 votes, 11 comments. It would certainly make a lot of sense, and I show plenty of symptoms (as well as my autistic friends thinking I was already diagnosed lol) but since there’s overlap between the disorders, I was wondering if there’s a screening test out there that evaluates ASD based on having both 38K subscribers in the AutismTranslated community. She scored higher than he did, and marginally higher than I did. Joined: 11 Apr 2013 Gender: Male Posts: 2,152 Location: My House, US 28 Jul 2023, 9:37 pm I found the quiz interesting. Discussion Dr. Or check it out in the app stores Aspie quiz I recently was asked if I was on the spectrum and i have been suspecting that I could be so they told me to take this quiz and I took it and scored pretty high can someone tell me if this quiz is accurate Currently on this Aspie Quiz, already done the 121 questions once, however, my results came to 130/200 of Autistic and 110/200 Non-Autistic. I found this quiz from Aspie Sean's video and honestly I did a lot worse than I thought. Ironically, before taking the quiz, my younger sister said that she'll probably score autistic because she identifies with some of the symptoms. Ive been trying to figure this out for years, but only recently have i done more digging. PsyArXiv, doi: 10. All posts get this message. Our rules can be found here. Fuck you I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD but began wondering if I’m also on the spectrum about a year ago. Reddit is not autism friendly Hey u/livingdeadgirls, thank you for your post at r/autism. What you must be aware of is that for best results, you must answer the questions honestly. I have 2 brothers with autism. Part 2: Diagnostic assessment (CA$1,250) Most people have difficulty knowing what is on the mind of the aspie. A couple of weeks ago I made the Aspie Quiz and this were the results: Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 127 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 86 of 200 You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie) I left a total of 17 answers blank, and I don't know how this may have affected the accuracy of the quiz. Check the r/introvert Rules and FAQ before posting. The first, very first, time I ever took the aspie quiz I got 124/200 aspie, 106/200 NT. This yielded me two pretty different quiz results. If you do not see your post you can message the moderators here. Aspie quiz questions confusion I saw another post like this on r/autism with some of the same questions, but no answers. However, the results are more difficult to Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. WE ARE PROTESTING REDDITS API THIRD PARTY APP INCREASE. Posted by u/ZoneDifferent7651 - No votes and no comments 110/200, good to know i am improving, I absolutely HATE that they use the word aspie though, maybe it's just my school, and my "friends", but it's essentially used as the N word for autism to me and it's simply PEACHY 56 votes, 14 comments. r/autism A chip A close button. 1. I did the RAADS-R (scored 176), CAT-Q (136), AQ (32) and the Aspie Quiz (153, that one stings a bit everytime I take it). Took the aspie quiz Diagnosis Journey As somebody whose never been formally diagnosed but has related more and more to people on the spectrum, I feel like this is pretty accurate 😅 I’ve been rethinking my childhood also and now I don’t So today I came across Aspie quiz and while I completed the test, I felt like I was reading some very specific traits of mine, and on most of the questions I was like "f*** yes this is me" I scored 152/200. reReddit: Top posts of July 17, 2019. I know that a difference of 35+ is considered “autistic”, meaning I’m not within that category. The Aspie Quiz has 119 questions that focus on five broad areas: talent Tests such as the RAADS-R, AQ and Aspie Quiz are intended to be used as clinical screeners only to determine if it's worthwhile for a practice to take a person on for a full evaluation, they are not diagnostic tools and their results cannot reliably indicate if a person is autistic or not, nor are there results able to be reliably interpreted I suggest taking the RAADS-R and the Aspie Quiz. For an example, here is my result: Aspie-quiz This group contains communication related Aspie traits. 336K subscribers in the autism community. The reason online quizzes are never fully accurate is due to these outdated questions, thus giving you more "NT" traits based on the quiz's assumption that autistic people are less likely to identify as queer (we are actually MORE likely to identify as queer, from what I've noticed). 2K subscribers in the Neurodivergent community. I think the first time I wasn't really self aware and understanding what some of the questions related to. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. i misinterpret what the task is asking for and that results in poor grades. I find the best test is the RAADS and RITVO I’ve scored 32/50 and 160 on the other which is an extremely high score most diagnosed aspies score You are very likely on the broader autism cluster (Aspie) As far as the graph. I’ve been on Concerta and now Vyvanse but I haven’t seen much improvement (though I JUST started lowest dose of vyvanse) I’ve also been on a multitude of SSRIs and SNRIs. My parents don’t believe in mental illness and it’s possible I may never go to a psychiatrist or be diagnosed. 283K subscribers in the autism community. Natalie Engelbrecht. Witness Me! I’m 38m and have an ADHD diagnosis. ; A 30–40 minutes interview via teleconference, based on the ADOS-2 (module 4). Be the first to comment 910K subscribers in the notinteresting community. I scored a 116 ND and a 104 NT. Assimilation sub: 47. egaubr uqorswfcf wycd kze cykyf pyjidig vxgadh zzscehm uepo xhi