Baby measuring small at 33 weeks. have had 2 growth scans and another on monday.
Baby measuring small at 33 weeks My baby actually measured small at that time (<10th percentile), but everything else looked perfect so my OB was not concerned. My last baby was the exact same. The doctor said she would induce me the next week, but my water broke two days later. Fell to less than first at 28 weeks. And today I’m 35 weeks still measuring at 32, they’re concerned enough to have me get an ultrasound so it just worries me. I’m small myself so my doctor isn’t too concerned but I am being monitored. Currently 17 weeks and growing no issues. She told me that the baby was measuring 4 weeks behind, and when a baby is measuring small, it can mean the placenta isn't working as it should to deliver nutrients and oxygen to help baby grow. At 30 weeks 5 days side to side head measurement is measuring 29 weeks 4 days 4 weeks ago was measuring 1 week behind too. They really do a number on making sure to give you the most anxiety they possibly can. 6 measuring 33 weeks. quietly freaking out) because at my 36 week scan yesterday I was told the baby is measuring small and they have strongly recommended that I’m induced at 37 weeks. I do have SUA as well as a Unicornuate uterus. We At 30 weeks baby was 33% overall and abdomen at 7%. If she’s still breech at 36 weeks I’ll need to make a decision about a c-section, and if she’s still measuring small after that, instead of being induced at 39 My girl was 50th at 28 weeks, 20th at 33 (was sent in for a growth scan because my fundal height was measuring low), and rechecked at 37 weeks where she was 6th percentile and estimated to be 5 lb 10 oz. However, we heard more info today, her head and abdomen are measuring in the 10th percentile. What your doctor will do if you measure big or small. Outcome of fetuses with diagnosis of isolated short femur in the second half of pregnancy. At 33 week appointment I had an ultrasound and the baby was estimated at 4. Estimate weight was 6 pounds 13oz. Baby wouldn't move much during the appointment, so I had to go back yesterday at 24 weeks for another ultrasound. I just have a long torso and she was able to hide in there. I'm 36 weeks and measuring 33 weeks but that has only happened up until now. At every appointment until now, baby has measured a week ahead. In addition, we now have bi-weekly growth scans. I’m kinda freaked out Congrats! I measured small my entire pregnancy, usually 2-4 weeks. We went for our growth ultrasound yesterday and baby is measuring in the 11th percentile at 5lbs 8oz (mainly her legs and head are small) so doctor is deciding to induce next week at 38 weeks. His head is in the I’m currently 32 weeks + 5 days, and at my ob appointment this week, my doctor told me baby is measuring 34 weeks. Report as Inappropriate. At the 36 week growth scan she was in the 7th percentile (dropped from 14th at the 32 week scan and officially IUGR). Pregnancy. Guides. Has any At my 33 week ultrasound baby was measuring small at 3lbs 14 oz. Measuring bigger or smaller than the average is usually perfectly normal. I'm trying not to freak out here cause my doctor told me not to he could just be petite but it's worrying me a little. Doctor said the baby looks a bit small, but nothing to worry about. His kidney is also dilated at 9mm. Apparently she is measuring small - they think just under 6 pounds at 5 lbs and 13 oz. kaakapozixbd. Pregnancy Week 34. I’m 33 weeks. Any estimation of your baby’s size in utero is simply a best guess based on averages. I’m 39. I just had a growth scan today. The baby is in the 57th percentile overall being told not to worry. i am now 26 weeks and this baby is measuring small too and probably going to be induced early again. 33 weeks pregnany baby measuring at 5 lbs. I remembered how this app said he should be well over 5 lbs by now. Has me a little worried, but the doctor told me that it's probably just a small baby since both my husband and I are small people. This is the result of four years of fertility treatments and heartbreaks (including four early miscarriages), so I’m an anxious mess. I had an emergency ultrasound and they found How small? I had an u/s at 28 weeks, the baby was measuring 57% so she ordered another one. My baby is measuring in the 9th percentile so my doctor is The date I gave my Dr of sexual intercourse March 6-7 the baby is measuring about 6 weeks and 2 days. Or it could be that baby isn't growing at a normal rate. They sent me for a growth ultrasound and baby is actually measuring ahead. doc mentioned small/underdeveloped could be a sign of a future miscarriage, but also At my 31 weeks u/s her head was measuring 33-34 weeks and her femur was only measuring 29 weeks. 30w3 today. I'll be 37 weeks in a teddybear28 · 17/09/2020 20:33 hi, so i had my 32 week appointment this week, ive been told that baby is measuring small, not too small think they like you to be between 30-34 and shes measuring at 30cm, they thought about sending me for a growth scan then but then they decided to wait until my 36 week appointment, and if shes still So I had my 34 week ultrasound today (I’m actually 33 weeks 5 days) and everything was measuring pretty much normal, just a little on the small side, (my husband and I aren’t big people so wasn’t really concerning) but baby’s head was measuring 8th percentile the ultrasound tech told me but when I talked to my actual doctor he didn’t seem too concerned. The first doppler ultrasound is tomorrow. We are getting a repeat ultrasound in 2 weeks. I am going in today for a NST at 37 weeks because my baby is measuring small. How restricted your baby’s growth was. His head is in the 82% (which combined with the short measurements seems slightly alarming) He was born at 42 weeks and was 6 lbs and 3 oz but completely healthy. 33 weeks now and as of our last growth scan at 31 he was still less than 1st percentile. they asked for my I had my 20 week scan and was told that baby’s cerebellum was measuring at an 8. I went in last Sunday for a growth ultrasound and was told that baby girl is measuring small. have had 2 growth scans and another on monday. She kept falling into a lower percentile each scan, so they scheduled induction for 39 weeks. My first baby girl (born 6 years ago) was 6lbs 7 oz at 41 weeks + 2 days. She went up to the 14th percentile at my growth scan so she was growing, just small. My doc said I was measuring small at 31 weeks. Baby measuring small 33 weeks 5 replies Luna95 · 05/07/2023 17:22 Hi! I am currently 33+4. I was 35. Your baby has dropped into your pelvis in preparation for delivery. ali973. Blood flow and oxygen flow is good, I go for a weekly ultrasounds, and they want to do a C-section at 37 weeks to prevent any I’m measuring small according to my last two visits. They scared me when they gave me a US and said baby was only 6lb, which put her in the 16th percentile down from 46th at 33 wk However my ultrasound today showed the baby measuring at 7 weeks. At 32 weeks baby was measuring almost less than 10th percentile. Hello everyone!We just had our second to last growth scan at 33+6 weeks and our baby’s femurs are measuring in the 1% and his arms are measuring in the 16%. Currently 33+3 and going for another growth scan tomorrow as baby previously measuring in the 8th centile for abdominal circumference. This was the first time my whole pregnancy that anything was abnormal, so I was in shock. I go back tomorrow (34w) for another scan and they are doing NSTs twice a week. . This time my baby is once again What is fetal growth restriction? Learn what it means if your baby is measuring small during pregnancy, what causes FGR and what the treatment options are. They had a hard time getting a good view of the heart just based off positioning so had us come back for another scan at 26 weeks. 4 weeks when I got the My ultrasound and Baby’s abdomen was measuring at 30 weeks and femur was 33 weeks. Today, though, she’s measuring two weeks behind (based on belly measurement). All his organs are functioning and he’s moving I had a 32 week ultrasound and the femurs are measuring 29 weeks. At 32 weeks he dropped down to 17 percentile and less than 2 percentile in his abdomen. Around 33 weeks my girl started measuring small I’ve been having weekly growth scans since 34 weeks due to losing weight and belly measuring small. And then we had to I’m going through the same thing right now at 33 weeks. Same thing happened to me. After my fundal height measured small at 34 weeks, MFM followed up with biweekly growth scans. my baby was barely growing too. 1st Trimester; I've been measuring small for a couple of weeks. December 21, 2024 | by lizzard1411. My mother and sister are my height, and even my dad is only like 5'9". These babies have birth weight below the 10th percentile. Fundal height at 33 weeks was 27 and then at 36 weeks I was 29. , and I'm 36. The most common definition of fetal growth restriction is a fetal weight that is below the 10th percentile for gestational age as determined through an ultrasound. I'm 34 weeks now, but her head was still measuring right around 3 %tile at 32 weeks. So went back 4 weeks later at 33 weeks for another scan and her head was still measuring below 5th percentile. It was a new midwife who measured me and brought a more experienced one and decided to get me another ultrasound. So I go in and the ultrasound tech there says the fluid around kidneys is normal, and the baby is measuring a little small but its not 6 weeks small. I googled way too much and scared myself with info about microcephaly. Today I had a growth scan at 36 weeks following on from one 2 weeks ago. I'm 5ft9 and OH is over 6ft and we were both big babies. I’m so stressed about this. I’m 32 weeks pregnant with an adopted embryo. A few weeks later he was up to the 30th percentile, and his birth weight was very normal (7. that’s when they officially diagnosed her as IUGR. at my doctors appointment this morning she told me that i was measuring at about 33 weeks and i'm 34 1/2. So the ultrasound machine says I was 7 weeks 2 days as of this past Tuesday and due March 11th! my 1st baby was always small. she is sending me for an ultrasound to make sure the. Her weight is in the 32nd percentile at 4lbs 10oz and her HC is in the 8th percentile. Turns out at 33 weeks he’s only 4lbs 5ounces and is in the 16th percentile. My account. HC was 7% at 28 weeks, then 1% at 30 weeks, then <1% at 32 weeks. I am 34 weeks and found out that the babys tummy was measuring smaller than the rest of the body. It turned out that the placenta was too small, apparently. Is There Any IUGR Treatment Available? Nutrient injections could be given to the baby through the intravascular port system, which lowers the placental complications by increasing its metabolism At 20 weeks baby was measuring exactly on time. Like you I was worried, but being closely monitored is the best thing for a small-for-dates baby. I’ve been doing NSTs every week due to being on blood thinners and I was induced and he was born small (2. My baby has been measuring very small since 29 weeks! What they are doing is normal! At my 33 week growth US, baby was found to be in the 8th percentile. That is a very normal thing. You probably just have a small baby. 33 weeks: 17. Fast forward to Posted by u/Particular-Seesaw-98 - 4 votes and 9 comments I was told my baby was measuring small - predicted weight at 33 weeks was 2lbs8 born within 48 hours at 5lbs6. The 20 week US was normal, but the 33 week ultrasound shows head and abdomen measuring on-track (33 weeks) and femurs measuring at 30 weeks. I am on NST and weekly ultrasound. I'm currently measuring 33 at 35 - and my MW wasn't too bothered. That way he can start living under healthier conditions and receive the Monica: This pregnancy, the baby was measuring two and a half weeks behind too, went for a scan two weeks later, the baby had grown two weeks growth. This time my baby is once again measuring two weeks small, some people just have small babies and some have big babies. Log in. We have attended today and baby’s abdominal circumference is currently measuring in the 9th centile, 17th centile for weight. This may make your bump appear smaller, even if your baby is the right size. Hi all! Just had my 33 week ultrasound and was told I’m in 10th percentile. My doctor is talking about a c section because I am pretty small and they are concern about shoulder dislocation during birth. Literally just went through this exact thing. baby was measuring in the 20th percentile at 32 weeks (midwife said this was no issue because everything looked fine and I am pretty small myself). Luckily, baby’s heart looks great but when they remeasured him/her for size, baby’s head was measuring pretty small. So far I've had an otherwise healthy pregnancy, hitting my fundal height, lots of movement, and not experiencing any discomfort! Does anyone else have experience with an otherwise healthy baby measuring so small? I know a small baby doesn't mean an unhealthy baby, but I'm in The OB said as long as the baby’s growth trends upwards and proportionality, I shouldn’t worry. I am scheduled to have monitoring done. She was 40th at 34 weeks. Baby’s thigh bones were only in the 4th percentile but everything else was around Hi everyone, FTM here, and am currently 35+2. Just had my 36 week scan and now baby is 35th percentile?! Talked to OB and she basically said most likely baby is somewhere in between and that ultrasound is notorious for being wrong when it comes to size. "I was scanned at 38+4 and was told the baby had stopped My baby was measuring small and I had to have a bunch of extra ultrasounds because my fundal height wasn’t growing at all. this is a tracing of your baby’s heart rate. Posted 08-18-11. k. Should I be concerned? I don’t want to be stressing all weekend, I have That’s a perfect predicted weight for 33 weeks - no issues there. including routine ultrasound. , when they ordered a sono right then, along with blood work and NST. Measuring the amount of amniotic fluid around your baby. My son will be two in march and is steadily in the 3 percentile range, he's a healthy happy little boy, just little like mommy and daddy were Each time your baby is scanned, the sonographer can take detailed measurements that will give a clear picture of how your baby is doing. AshleyNicole91. Pregnancy Week 35. Baby was born vaginally at average weight and When i saw my mwife at 34 weeks, she told me that the baby was measuring slightly small (32weeks) but wasn't too concerned as this was within range. Either way, another scan is the only way to reassure yourself. Pregnancy Week 37. Stomach is measuring at 33 weeks. I just have smaller babies because I’m a very small person. I'm When your baby is measuring small, there could be a number of reasons why. Her abdomen was measuring at 29 weeks as well. I had a subchorionic hematoma around 13 weeks, it was small and resolved itself, of course bleeding at 13 weeks tho My baby measured small at my 20 week scan, and just had another growth scan at 30 weeks today, he is measuring a week late, in the 10th percentile, I will be having growth scans every 3 weeks to make sure he is growing, they said everything looks normal, and that I’m gaining weight but they are guessing he will just be a small baby Baby measuring small at 30 weeks - what next? 11 replies somethinganything · 17/12/2009 16:49 Was referred for a scan yesterday after registrar thought my bump was measuring small for dates. 2012. We could see the flicker of a heartbeat even though it's too small to hear right now. Pregnancy Week 33. It’s similar to adults in that being 5’1” doesn’t make you less healthy than someone who’s 6’4”. I was totally prepared for an induction at 37 weeks. I was told last week at my 36 week ultrasound that he's measuring a little small, especially in his head circumference. The main symptom of fetal growth restriction is the baby not being the size they should be for the stage of pregnancy that you are at. 13 lbs. At 20 weeks he was 50th percentile! The blood flow from my placenta was measured and came back fine. It’s been The humerus is measuring 2 weeks behind. I agreed to that. We were referred for additional growth scans due to baby measuring small. 1st one showed everything was fine baby was just smaller than average. 5 in . That was today, and the baby has gained (32w 0d) at 3 lbs 13 oz, but that is only 35%. Immediately I thought Hi ladies! I have had major anxiety since my growth scan yesterday, I am at 36 weeks 3 days (FTM). All other anatomy/features normal, no other red flags. 5 lbs. What happens in week 33 of pregnancy? At 33 weeks your baby is continuing to grow and now has a fully developed brain and nervous system. My doctor is sending me for a sonogram because the baby is measuring small. Baby differentiates day from night 37 weeks pregnant and doctor said my baby is measuring small. It is often described as an estimated weight less than the 10th percentile. m. His long bones are short but everything looks good otherwise. My LO was measuring small at 27wks (his abdomen was 5th percentile) but I've been on bedrest and he is measuring much better now (34th percentile OP at 6 weeks, there is some margin for error, but it really is 50:50 at the moment. 5% and they like to see atleast a 10%. 2 percentile. I had a regular appointment yesterday at 32 weeks and my stomach is measuring 35. Had a horrible pregnancy last time had to terminate at 25 weeks why I’m using an egg donor, I find these measurements off. Today I went in for a growth scan and everything was going good until the tech said my baby is measuring 4lb 3oz (I’m 34 weeks 2 days). She is 7 months, perfectly healthy, normal size everything. When I was 38 weeks I measured @ 33 weeks. my baby girl measuring 2 weeks behind. It’s hard as we could watch it on the screen so they would do the measurements and it would say 31 weeks but I knew I was 33 or whatever. I had an ultrasound at 30 weeks where the measurements placed baby in the 34% for growth. On his growth chart he is now in the 17th percentile. I’m now 37 weeks. We wound up with an unplanned c-section due to fetal distress with contractions before we even got to the induction. Is anyone else experiencing The same thing happened to me! 5%, no growth from 33 weeks, placenta not feeding her they said, induced at 38 weeks, born 5 pounds 4 ounces, 2 nights af hospital but not NICU. The rest of the baby’s measurements are normal: femur is 65% and torso is 46%, estimated weight is on track. Despite knowing baby was measuring small, we just had "newborn" stuff in the house, no "premie" sized clothes or diapers. 8 kilograms. Are there different types of Fetal Growth Restriction? There are basically two different types of fetal growth restriction: But this one’s belly was measuring small at 28 weeks. im 38+1 and am still measuring at 33weeks. I'll go back on Friday for another growth scan, but my doctor has repeatedly assured me that or has to be weeks and She wrote "measuring at 6 weeks" on the paper. I went in for the ultrasound yesterday well two weeks ago I was 33 weeks and measuring 32weeks so they weren’t concerned and said measurements can fluctuate a little. Needing advice - 33 weeks, baby is measuring in 6th percentile. With that much baby inside your uterus, your amniotic fluid level has maxed out at 33 weeks pregnant, making it likely you have more baby than fluid now. If your baby isn’t growing well At 20 weeks my baby was measuring 2. I I was measuring with the belly tape measurement 3 weeks behind at my 28 week appointment ultrasound at 30 weeks showed baby's measuring a week and a half ahead. my doctor was not worried as I'm asian and I'm also a small woman, my husband is white though so I thought it can help my baby not be small like me 🙃 at my 36+6 growth scan it showed there's an abnormality with the flow of nutrients from the placenta. I am exactly same (36w2d) and baby is also measuring small 5 lbs 11 oz. I was induced at 37 weeks and baby was born at 2. 7 cm: 1918 grams: Induction at 37 weeks due to small baby - positive stories/handhold please BirdsDoIt · 04/08/2020 05:33 Hello, I am lying awake fretting (i. As a diet controlled GD mom should I be worried about him being this small? My doctor told me if baby was measuring small, I would need to be induced Baby was measuring 4lbs at 28 weeks, now at 33 weeks she's predicted to weigh nearly 7lbs! Not sure if this is helpful but they also told me baby would be huge and he ended up being so small, like 6th percentile! My baby was measuring 3-4 weeks ahead and I also had extra amniotic fluid. At 33 weeks 6 days she is about 4 lbs 1 ounce and in the 4. This time Learn what it means if your baby is measuring small during pregnancy, what causes FGR and what the treatment options are. Report as Inappropriate I just had a growth scan at 36 weeks 1 day—baby boy measuring 5lbs 10oz. D'Ambrosio V, Vena F, Marchetti C, et al. AND I’m 5’ and my husband is 6’3”!. I’m due in less than two weeks and was sent for a growth scan a couple of weeks ago because I was measuring on the small side. So of course I’ve been panicking ever since. e. 6 weeks. It could be that I ovulated later and am simply not as far along as we thought. 09. But has this ever happened to any one If you have previously had a small baby, pre-eclampsia or stillbirth. 1 wks. Was it your belly that measured small or is the baby measuring small? Like. I have to go to the hospital and get steroid shots to get them to grow and catch up I'm 33 weeks. I’ve noticed this whole pregnancy my bump has felt rather small compared to others. I have my next one tomorrow but last they checked, he was measuring above 10th percentile so he's small but still within normal. I’m 33 weeks and it’s still not overtly obvious that I’m pregnant - bump looks very small but despite this fundal height measurement off the charts (I am pretty tall). A. At my 30 week US baby was 4. All of baby’s measurements are that of a 23 weeks 5 day old Fetus. Report as Hi everyone,At 32 weeks my fundal height was measuring 37 weeks so I got a ultrasound for measuring the baby. I was only 5lbs when I was born, my mom had small babies. My doctor has assured my that this is okay because the baby has a strong visible heartbeat at 185 bpm. I've been referred to a fetal medicine consultant on Thursday for another scan but in the meantime I've been googling and it comes back with the possibility our baby may have Down's syndrome or dwarfism. The baby is measuring on the 30-40th percentile for everything else including head circumference. I will be having scans at 30,34 & 38 weeks and a decision made towards the end about induction. Smaller than the 3rd percentile, we try to get them to 37 weeks. My doc said it just happens sometimes. Hello ladies. Midtrimester isolated short femur I was measuring small and generally am a “small” person (5’2 and starting weight was 112) and had to have a growth scan today at 33 weeks, showing the baby in the 40% percentile! I was super stressed when they told me and EVERYONE comments how “small” my belly is but the baby is sitting low and laying against my spinal cord. What does this mean? My husband was a small baby. Nobody can seem to say why baby is small. This means that the baby weighs less than 9 out of 10 babies of the same gestational age. When I was around 30 weeks my midwife measured my fundal height and told (Answer is yes. I'm not sure by how much though. at 34 weeks, measuring 4 lbs 7 ounces. With my son at about 32 weeks my fundal height started measuring small. I was told today he is in the 9th percentile. A baby’s movement can be described as anything from a kick, flutter, swish I had an ultrasound today, and I’m almost certain I heard the tech say good when she measured the head size ! My baby has been measuring small the whole pregnancy, and he’s gone from 4. We recently went to a MFM ultrasound to get updated measurements of baby and come to find out she’s 10% over all and her belly is 6% @ 35 weeks. 10 oz. Hi all,So I went to an ultrasound appointment today at 35 weeks and 5 days and my baby is measuring 4 pounds 13 ounces which is on the smaller side. We have fetal growth restriction diagnosed at 31 weeks. Everything else is ok, cervix, placenta, fluid. I had an ultrasound & they told me that she was measuring very small & that her arms were measuring at least a couple weeks earlier than the rest of her. same for me at my 32 weeks ultrasound was told baby head is measuring small. Pregnancy hi all, went in for first ultrasound just shy of 9 weeks (8 wks 5 days). Both my girls measured small. Oldest First. 2011. b. What does it mean if your baby is measuring small for your dates? Here’s what you need to know if a midwife or doctor says your baby’s looking small after your fundal height's My baby was measuring in the 30% according to ultrasounds but was only 5 lb 10 oz when he was born (full term). For many families, your baby may just be small Small for gestational age is a term used to describe babies that are smaller than usual for the number of weeks of pregnancy. As I was actually 36 weeks 5 days 20 weeks, baby measuring small. 2nd one they said its a possibility babys growth has tailed off. Posted 03-15-11. Like. I had a growth scan and overall baby is 33 percentile but his abdomen is measuring at 7% (down from 9% - 2 weeks ago). At 33 weeks I had an ultrasound because OB was worried I was measuring too small and wanted to check if baby was too. Your baby still has a few weeks to grow and they put on a lot of weight in the last month so your baby should be fine :) you’re a smoker – smoking can affect your baby’s growth; you could have pre-eclampsia; Not all small babies have fetal growth restriction. However, whenever I see people talking about measuring behind online they usually assume they ovulated late. Another scan two weeks later and the baby had grown as required again, so it turns out my dates must have been later. Your 33-week sized baby is now as big as a whole pineapple, measuring nearly 44 centimetres in length and weighing a juicy 1. Anyway, she proceeded to to say I usually wouldn't have my 3rd u/s until 35-36 weeks but seeing that I'm measuring small, she wanted to go ahead and do it now. Find out what the term means, and what you can do about it – plus top advice from pregnancy experts and obstetricians. I’m a FTM and wanted to know if any of you have experience with your little one measuring small and I am now 33 weeks 1 day and had this scan a week ago at 32 weeks 1 day and the results are worrying me, do these seem normal? Baby is measuring small, ranging from 20th centile to the 47th centile. When I went to my 33 week checkup my baby was 4 ibs 15 oz, went to the clinic last week for my 36 week checkup and he weighed 7 ibs 3 oz, so baby gained over 2 pounds in just 3 weeks. Any other moms have a baby measuring ahead? Are you preparing to give birth 2 weeks prior or sticking with the original due date? I’m 26 weeks pregnant and my fundal height is measuring 33 weeks. The doc The baby’s abdomen measuring small during pregnancy is commonly related to significant structural, amniotic fluid levels and chromosomal problems. I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and the baby was measuring at 5 weeks. Overall the weight of the baby was at the 10th percentile ( poor fetal growth). i have 3rd on monday and hoping everythings fine again otherwise i could be induced. They might induce me if baby does not gain more weight. Haven’t seen the doctor 33 Comments. Pregnancy Week 36. As a first time Mum, I am probably worrying more than I need to but all I want is a healthy happy little baby boy. 2lbs today. Baby measuring small at 8 week appt - help!! A. she is weighing 3. Ultrasound showed her actually measuring a week ahead! DH asked the tech and she said it’s pretty common and they can show anywhere from 1-3 weeks difference and there’s no At my prenatal appt today the doctor said that baby girl was measuring small at 33 weeks (im 36+4) so she ordered an ultrasound for next Wednesday. Babies with FGR are less than the 10th percentile for estimated fetal weight – they are smaller than 90 percent of babies conceived around the same time and typically measure 2-3 weeks smaller than expected during pregnancy. I measured 2 wks small at my 38 wk appt. Due to another complication, I gave birth at 33 weeks and my baby was just over 3 pounds when she was born then spent time at the NICU. As far as stretch marks go, it's genetic and has to do with how elastic your skin I gave birth to a SGA baby five weeks ago. Most small babies are born healthy and grow into healthy children. 3 weeks and today my baby was measuring 36 weeks in the ultrasound. I was then sent for a growth scan a few weeks later and the baby’s head was below the 5th percentile. The doctor is sending me to a specialist next week to confirm size, although he said he’s not worried as long as baby is moving. We had another appt scheduled the next day at the main hospital. Pregnancy Week 36 Baby's kicks may feel sharper. 5 pounds also. Hey all,FTM hereMy doctor suggested an ultrasound last week and my LO is measuring small at 15 percentile. This type of scan is Is your baby measuring small during your pregnancy? Find out what an IUGR diagnosis might mean for you and your baby. Since I had my 20 week ultrasound 4 weeks ago and it showed that baby was in the 14th percentile. at first they thought it was my diet since I have GD and lost 10lbs the first 2 months and haven't really gained anything, I have been drinking protein shakes to try and help. His head is in the 82% I was measuring a bit behind around 33 weeks. 23 pounds: 43. I remember her being 33% at 23 weeks but don’t know if that’s too far outdated. Baby measuring small. She is now 7 months and is 4th percentile, but 16th percentile according to her corrected age. baby long bones are measuring small 33 weeks September 23, 2024 | by Herrera54 I had my ultrasound my doctor told me everything look normal but the long bones in leg and arm measure a little shorter when compared to majority of other fetuses she did told me not to worried about it. Some measurements 1 week behind, others 2 weeks behind. Ariana1318. This can also be called small-for-gestational-age (SGA) or intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). I'm 33 weeks and 3 days. As you drop you’re measurements will be off a If your doctor or midwife is concerned that your baby is too big or too small, they can also monitor fetal development with an ultrasound, which is more accurate. ISRN Obstet Gynecol. Baby is weighing about 4lb 2oz. now I'm in week 33 and having a small baby is still a concern, but there isn't anything can be 37 weeks - baby measuring small, inducing at 38 weeks . ) She said that the baby's femurs were measuring rather short, compared to the rest of her, as she had been measuring textbook perfect for her gestational age at every single appointment. Both of my babies have measured small. 39 Weeks and measuring small? a. The head circumference of my baby girl is in the 8th percentile, which really worries me (she was head down for the scan). OB said everything looks good besides the size. They worry the placenta could fail, and so getting baby out can be better than keeping them in, especially when they've made it to 37 weeks and can breath/eat more efficiently on their own. My midwife doesn’t seem My baby's stomach has been measuring small since 29 weeks. My first was born at 40 weeks at 6. 10th-99th percentile is considered normal. She is 33+5 weeks now and is only in the 10th percentile. I was induced at 39 weeks due to baby measuring small. Generally, only the smallest 3 percent truly have growth restriction, typically measuring 2-3 weeks behind. Baby was 3 lbs at 31 weeks and in the 3rd percentile. Sent for a growth scan and baby on 50th centile so bang on average. The doctor recommended an additional ultrasound to monitor growth. Hi ladies! Im over 41 weeks and have been measuring 37 for the past 3 weeksbecause baby dropped. He was born at 42 weeks and was 6 lbs and 3 oz but completely healthy. She mentioned overall baby is measuring at 30 weeks, but that the growth pattern is consistent with my anatomy scan at 20 weeks. He should have been measuring at 24 weeks 6 days. She is in the less than 1st percentile. KateMac87. 3kg, about 2nd Also was told this recently. I didnt see that before and me and my husband both started freaking out and crying. 3lbs and positioned with her head really low. Either your baby is measuring small because it's just a little small, or its measuring small as the pregnancy isn't viable. Symptoms of fetal growth restriction. The following week i saw a doctor re: my c section who said the baby was measuring 33 weeks - again wasn't concerned and said it would be monitored . Some babies are naturally small, and some catch up and grow later in pregnancy. I’m a small person married to a small man and definitely don’t have GD. Our Little one at 35 weeks measured 33 weeks for femur and 38 weeks for head and 37 for abdomen. @mboy1983, totally agree with this Hello everyone!We just had our second to last growth scan at 33+6 weeks and our baby’s femurs are measuring in the 1% and his arms are measuring in the 16%. In all her This is anecdotal, but my baby was measuring small with her abdomen smaller than the rest. 25 pounds. My youngest was in the 7th percentile at her 20 weeks scan but measuring great otherwise. Got a bunch of growth ultrasounds. kaleybb. Enjoy your extra scan! Baby’s femurs are measuring 5 weeks behind but all other measurements seem normal. ecoleman87. Anyone have a baby measuring small at the 20 week ultrasound? If so what was the outcome? (and people’s comments about how small my belly was!) but now at 38 weeks baby is measuring closer to 36-40th percentile and is doing awesome in there. xmas day baby Fetuses grow at different rates, and "measuring small" doesn’t necessarily mean the fetus has IUGR. Log out. mommytothree2021. I'm worried! e. she was estimated to be only 6 lbs at the most, so they were wrong. Hi everyone,Went in for my weekly check up (38 weeks and 4 days) and had an ultrasound to check the baby's size. All was going well until our 16 week scan when our OBGYN said she could see that the baby's femur was measuring in the 2nd percentile and humerus in 3rd percentile. The normal size should be around 5. She said it would confirm how shes doing, make sure my fluid is normal, and that the placenta is doing its job. 59kg) but healthy at 38. 13 18. baby measured a week younger (7 wks 5 days) and budding limbs not visible. In most cases, fetuses that measure small are born small, but healthy. BUT, after another measurement and ultrasound found baby was healthy, growing, just small. if you or your baby’s father were small at birth. I have been going for bpp's every week and growth scans every other week. but I have absolutely experienced measuring small and baby being born normal size and perfectly healthy. 20 inches: 4. On the spot Latest: 2 years 33 weeks, Baby measuring in 5th percentile. Newborn babies with FGR may be called "small for Measuring small for gestational age means your fundal height is more than 3 centimeters smaller than expected for your stage of pregnancy. My fundal height has been measuring on track but during a growth ultrasound at the beginning of the week my baby was measuring small so I was sent to a specialist and they confirmed my baby is measuring just under the 7th percentile. Skip to earlier this week, I should have been 7 weeks 4 days and at the next ultrasound I was measuring exactly that! Sack was 7 weeks 4 days and baby was there with a good strong heartbeat at 6 weeks 6 days. Baby’s estimated weight was measuring 59th percentile. Basically the doctor told me her position was throwing off my measurement and the baby is in the 30th Baby's head was measuring small at 28 weeks. If the baby is: Between the 3rd and 10th percentiles for size, we try to get them to 38 weeks gestation. I’ve been worrying ever since. Hi, I had an ultrasound at 25 weeks which showed the baby’s head was measuring small, below the 2nd percentile. Alaskan_Mommy91. I'm only 5 feet tall and pretty small, so that's big enough for me! 1; 2; 3; Add a comment We typically advise having the baby delivered as close to the due date as possible to lessen the possibility that they will require long-term, specialized care after delivery. When I saw my I am 36weeks and I was measuring 33 weeks. At my scans baby has consistently been in the 8th percentile. They weren't concerned because my first was also small. It makes it sound like your baby is failing to grow 33% is so low compared to 100% but that's not how that math works either. 5lb!). We had no idea he was measuring small until this week's appt. If growth is regressing, she will In theory, I'm 7w6d, but baby is measuring at 6 weeks. I'm nervous you aren't alone. never above the 20th percentile. Doctor has mentioned induction at about 37 or 38 weeks if something is wrong. At 36 weeks he's 4. That's one reason why some of his pokes and kicks feel pretty sharp these days. I also measured small on my scan to check the placenta had moved. and can’t be improved, and baby’s lungs are mature, he may be delivered early via induction or C-section at 32 to 34 weeks’ gestation. Sign Out. Most women usually begin to feel their baby move between 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. still nothing to worry about though. Had a scan last week at 38 weeks to check for breech (she’s not!) but that scan shows she’s in the 15th percentile now and Baby’s head and chest are Expecting a baby Baby Measuring Small at 36 weeks. I also have appts with a This baby was born 37 weeks 5. They have told me they want to do a c section next week due to growth concerns. I had a couple bonus ultrasounds to check growth and LO was always fine. I have to go back in for another US in 10 days to Sign Up. There are plenty of reasons that a healthy baby may appear small. MFM is having me back for another check in 2 weeks. Every mom is a different size and shape, as is every baby inside. We have had weekly appts with NST's, biophyical profiles and Doppler readings. MadeForMums Toy Awards 2024; "I was told I was measuring small at 38 weeks," says Louisa. Report as Inappropriate baby boy is now measuring 2-3 weeks ahead I was measuring small at 30 weeks, measuring 27 weeks fundal height. Hello from the same boat! 37 weeks, baby measuring 8 lbs 5 Oz, 99th percentile. Baby’s head was super low and hard to get pictures to begin with so they want to rescan in a few weeks. They explained that it's a bit smaller than they would expect at this time especially given that I was The baby was still measuring small, head circumference and overall percentile, but like the last two doctors the specialist also told us not to worry. It's all a bit of a shock and I'm very worried. At 33 weeks my baby was ~21st percentile for overall growth, so the baby was too big to have microcephaly. My last appointment she just said it's just me carrying small. He was around the 14th centile from the 20 week scan onwards, but growth slowed towards the end and at 38+5 they estimated he had dropped to 6th. It could be that there isn’t much fluid around your baby. If you measure at least 3cm less than expected, your caregiver may offer you an Baby’s arms and legs measuring small - 34 weeks. This If you measure 30cm (12in) or less at 32 weeks, or your customised results are below your range, your midwife may offer you an ultrasound scan to be on the safe side. 5lbs 3 weeks ago to 6. They scheduled me for a growth scan at 32 weeks (this Thursday) to see if her belly catches up and track her growth. My baby bump was always on the small side. Last edited 25-02-13. 5 weeks behind the drs labeled me high risk and when I went back 2 weeks later they labeled me IUGR and tried to get me to terminate literally badgered me to terminate bc seeing it this early in Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a condition in which an unborn baby (fetus) is smaller than expected for the number of weeks of pregnancy (gestational age). I also have a small, breech baby. and the Dr measured my belly and scheduled another ultrasound because baby measured about 2 weeks small. Baby is measuring about 2 weeks behind. babynumber1. The baby’s growth is checked at My two recent ultrasound head circumference measurements have shown my baby’s head to be in or under 1%, which technically is microcephaly. Ever since I had her I’ve never been able to get my weight above 115. Im also frantically educating myself about short femur lengths in the third trimester. My oldest was 6 lb 1 oz and my youngest was 5 lb 3 oz. I went in for an ultrasound at 36 weeks because my uterus is measuring two weeks behind apparently (fundal height measurement), the doctor then called me the next day explaining that baby is on the small side and that I went down to a 20% percentile on baby’s stomach. a. I am still waiting to hear back from my Dr, just letting you know you are not alone! Like. I had a usual check up today at 31+5 and I'm measuring two weeks ahead by fundal height (33 and change) My midwife said +/- 2 weeks by fundal height is normal and ultrasounds are notoriously inaccurate this late into a pregnancy, so she's not worried. This is totally not something to worry about - I bet your baby will be a stunner, my baby sure is ;) 1 Keep your fingers crossed for me guys. Your fundal measurement might also be on the small side if: You have a small stature or well-conditioned abdominal muscles. I'm 33 weeks now and was told at a 30 week ultrasound that baby's abdomen was measuring small and overall baby was measuring small. I’m going to try to give birth vaginally as best as I possibly can! I’ll keep you posted. I don't know if it's my fault and I should be eating more or if something else is This is along with the detailed growth scan at 33 weeks, and I'm also meeting with another high risk doctor to discuss that scan afterward. Is anyone’s baby measuring small. The hospital offered me a growth scan 2 days ago that I of course attended. If your baby is measuring smaller than the amount of weeks you are at, they are said to have a small gestational age (via the University of Rochester Medical Center). Ultrasound shows everything is normal, and baby is healthy at 4lb 4oz. How many weeks Baby was a little over 5lbs and measuring fundal height at 33 weeks for two appointments in a row. Both of which can affect growth which is why I’m seeing a specialist. Just when I was feeling relieved the doctor told me his head is not growing on pace A baby in the 30th percentile is not measuring small. My OB wanted to do a growth scan (34 weeks) with this second baby, which does show that the baby is My baby is measuring 32 1/2 weeks, 4 lbs. Just left my on appointment and I'm 34 weeks but baby's measuring at 28 weeks. Last edited 08-15-17. I think that’s 4%? He’s only 3 weeks old now but he’s been packing on So when you're 32 weeks pregnant, your measurement should be somewhere between 30cm and 34cm. Has anyone ever measured behind and it be I always had a small bump and was measuring small at 33-34 weeks, so I had an extra scan at 35w. I’m still going through this (my due date is 12/16) so I don’t have completely definitive information info at this point, but I’ve spoken with 2 MFMs and they are not that concerned about the head measurements; overall growth Baby measuring small? January 04, 2025 | by LillySR.