Ex came back after blocking me reddit If Was constantly cheating on me. Then it just turned into the same bullshit in our relationship (ignoring me, no time for me, yelling at me constantly for It was on and off for a year and I broke up with him once due to inconsistency and a lot of fights but he came back, broke up with me, then came back again and then broke up with me again; the last one being 24 days ago. When she ever wanted to talk to me, which was basically never. Maybe it’s because she no contacted me for about two weeks before we got together and went back to her ex, I remember being devastated thinking what did I do, yk the saying fool me once shame on you , fool me twice can’t put the blame on you, deep down I’m just tryna forgive myself and better myself whatever the reason is, believe me, you'll be grateful for it in the long run. Time will heal, you got this. that’s with my recent ex boyfriend (my post on reddit). This time blocked me everywhere except one account and said some pretty hurtful things to me. He wanted to break up with me again 4 months later. We ended up slowly getting back together and we finally did. and was a month into the breakup? but even if he might come back? i probably Maybe mute them for a while on apps and come back. He still tried messaging me even while married smh. But it was for 5 days and not months. The hard question is: why would you want anyone back after the grass is greener syndrome? I got ghosted about 8/9 months ago and she just came back. Probably 4-5 months of no contact. Keep looking forward and never back. I’m My ex has reached out to me this week after a year of no contact; she told me she missed me & wants to give it another shot. Nah, I haven't heard a single word from her in over 2. They always come back after no contact for me. My ex did a similar thing years ago, and I didn’t know what to say so I took a few days to think about it, which gave me enough time to calm down and realize there was nothing to say that would benefit me. It's been 3 weeks I've been blocked Then she broke up with me over text message, we blocked each other, and I found out she got married about 6 months later. We agreed to just extend the break. I even had back surgery during this time and I'm 20. The ex I was talking about here (refer to my comment) was my very first relationship. TLDR: I am living proof that ignoring your ex, not contacting your ex, and It was a traumatizing day for me. OMG this is me!!!!! Me and all my ex DAs a text after 3-4 months, usually just a "hi", sometimes they send a ". Yeah, got blocked for 3 months by my first ex (he was probably in the right by blocking me), I emailed him about some health issues, he reached back, apologized for everything he had done. don't like all their new posts). it’s been 5 years since, and I have the “ick” on why did i ever beg for someone to show me the basic things in a relationship (love, communication, but mostly affection lol) to this date i My ex and I have been broken up for a month. All the time and energy over these past few days has been a waste. If they reacted BADLY then block. " Lol he was just lonely after being brutally dumped by the woman he went out with after me. And strange enough she blocked me everywhere except for snapchat. I assume to assuage her guilt or to try to keep me on the back burner. Only make him feel better, or let him know that I was upset, which only gave him more power over me. I never even yelled at her, never cheated. I have 2 specific exes/ex flings that won't stop coming back after they dumped me. I cut contact again after he strung me along with empty promises and lies for 7 months. Once the week was over, I found her unfollowing me on every platform and blocked me on whatsapp and calls. He contacted me a few more times but I never replied. Please don't assume or project your issues on me. He tried to hoover me last year by telling my mother that his next door neighbor died (who he absolutely loathed by the way, he used to go out of his way to antagonise them), so I passed on my condolences to his other neighbour to let the family know As a form of finality for everything. Then he broke up with me over the phone. That wasn't me, that was what she did to win back her ex while we were together. Three months later he is back saying it was his way of not dealing with anything during a very stressful time in his life. Then I asked to Hey. I did plead and beg. But by stating it, she's attempting to manipulate you into calling her back through some sort of Discarded first time after 8 months, came back after 4 months (nc was messy). People don't change. This is due to the fact that he's a classic avoidant and found out I started seeing someone two weeks post-breakup and blocked me on instagram. If they blacked you out they did you a favor. Then 2 weeks later he said he didn’t want to be with me and it was too hard trying to re figure it out. "hope you and your family are well, we are doing good here". My FA ex (the reason i got completely addicted to learning about AT) broke it off quite radically. The 3rd person broke up with me because he said he didn’t “feel enough for me. After that she completely cut him off and we got together again. I was devastated for exactly a month, then I was slowly getting over him month after month, sometimes still thinking of him. My ex came back in the lamest way, and now I can't believe I fantasized about this moment. Shes the one dumping them which is weird I just replied “ok. She had me blocked on everything, so i asked her sister how she was doing. One wanted to "be friends" but we couldn't talk about anything in the past, especially how she left me for someone else. I’m so much happier, more confident. Both times got a standard avoidant excuses text than ghosted. So it definitely appears it is final especially with her seeing someone else. but then turned off history (so chats get nuked after 24 hours). We ended things originally on a good note and she made it clear she wanted to get back together after she “sorted her life out. The relationship ended for a reason. Cheating Ex (F28) wants me to come back after years, Confused as hell . You broke up with them: Maybe. I'm not gonna waste your time because me and u will never happen again, and keeping u in my life will block my chances to meet the right person for me. They told me the entire picture. No two relationships are the same, and if an anxious attachment leaves a I am wondering this as well. And one friend who chose his ex over me (I was there at his lowest moment and when she came back I told him to stop and that it wasn’t worth it, only for him to go back to her and she told him to block me and he did) Me 25M and her 24F agreed on not talking again and I havenot talked to her since 2021 but after a year of trying not to talk to her I caved in and talked to her again three weeks ago she didnot seem happy quite the opposite actually which is totally understandable and by the end she said that we agreed not to talk again honestly I felt so horrible again and all the memories came Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now you ended a 5 year relationship and weeks later you think you want to get back with him. u took the easiest route by leaving but I'll My previous ex didn't come back but they haunted me by writing about me and doing art even tho they were in a new relationship. I recall when she called me and said to me "He blocked me". I think he didn‘t want me to reach out and be confronted with the reality that he‘s a cheating as*hole. For me, when my ex dumped me and when i agreed she immediately blocked me. still stuck in limbo i guess last month i sent her a letter and she unblocked me and reached out on google chats about 2 weeks after i sent it. Just 2 months when he blocked me everywhere but I’m good at not contacting him though i have another number. I already told her friendship was not an option and her constantly sending funny memes and shit wasn’t helping my healing. • She reached out to me after 9 months of no contact and by the time that happened I had moved on. Anyway, after telling him I was done with him he told me that he was done with me and blocked me everywhere. Some removed me from social media, and the vast majority of them married the very next guy they dated. OF COURSE, you don't need to call her back. I don’t like that he said that, and I just now remembered it. She came back around in December to apologise and be "friends". He came dressed as a Hollywood star and he put so much perfume on. I have never blocked her because I think it's cruel, and I've always forgiven her and let her back into my life. I didn't understand it until I came to Reddit. Hopefully he stays where he is this My second ex came back to me almost like 4 months later. I’m hurt but I’m more frustrated. ” Is what I realized. we then still hung out and had sex like we were dating. AFTER MY BU, I too pleaded and begged and was desperate to save the Two of my exes from the past came back within the same week two months ago, right around the time my current ex broke up with me. I'm 21 M and I met my ex girlfriend 21F through a friend 3 years back in September 2021. Some come back and some don't. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. That I can’t wrap my head around. then maybe you don’t have to block them, but please mute Do fearful avoidants come back? he evetnauly blocked me cuz he found out that i was just hanging with someone and was kind of angry even though he said he didnt care but he secretive asked a girl at work hes liked before and she didnt and still dont feel that way with him, she said no both times. However, I didn't anticipate he'd block me and I'm not sure why he did it? I'm afraid he might be mad at me. ” Came back because he missed me. He did it on purpose. only The other one, my ex-wife. It's hard to say. Tried to get me to essentially promise to keep the door open a little if we ever did break up. One fling sent a whole paragraph cutting me off/telling me to have a nice life but then asked me to come over 3 months later. she signed up for a dating app in the meantime. Share Add a Comment. You need to do better. looking back i wish she blocked me insted of keeping my hopes high by looking at my stories for example. He got back home & 2 days later he told me he slept with a coworker & still likes her. And I mean e v e r y w h e r e. YOU WILL PROBABLY NEVER REALLY KNOW. Was nearly a 2 year relationship. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now My first ex of 6 years, blocked me and her family to back her up. If they were calm and cool, leave them alone for a while (i. my ex girlfriend broke up with me 2 month ago. I wouldn't have done this if you just did this. Blah, blah, blah. After that, it was my turn to block her. Yes, it is a glaring sign that your ex will come back, but proceed with Believe me when I say this, if you’ve treated them right, and you’re genuinely a good person, they will 100% come back. I know he misses me and that it’s a rebound but the fact they’re still together 2 months later and claim to be in love all over social media makes me a After my ex-girlfriend has blocked me should I block her back? My girlfriend and. It was my first time just genuinely being over someone but we were also super long distance by that point. Turns out she dumped her boyfriend and ran to me after. But what’s not normal is blocking after long periods of zero contact. Before my ex pwBPD split on me, this actually came up. Because he would always have a fan-girl in me. Wish to get over him I blocked him and then unblocked a week later to discover I was blocked, and that he had a new (serious) girlfriend after a week! They hard launched each other on insta 2 weeks post breakup. For all these months I kept thinking about her, missing her, wishing she would come back. The dating coaches aren't wrong. Been thinking alot about you. What's sad about this board is that there's this idea that ANY kind of notion that someone might come back holds you back or you won't heal. Now it all makes sense. Translation: they’re panicking. He blocked her after she sent an emotional message to him. my ex blocked me on ig but has like two other accounts and fb she didn’t block on , stupidest shit I have ever seen lol glad she’s out This is a very subjective one. remember that it's not the end of the world. Except I gave her a chance to see how she was. I talked about how opposed to it I was, and he tried to convince me to consider it. but eventually he added me back and said he’ll give me one last chance. Even if they come back they’re just going to repeat the same pattern love compassion etc isn’t going to magically cure years and years of trauma and behaviors these are ingrained in them. Rarely do you see it the other way round. Think back to people you used to be really close with and not anymore, it will be like that with your ex. Your ex keeps contacting you even though you’ve told them to stop. She light hoovered to get an item from my storage unit and blocked me after I didn’t answer her within the first three days of getting her text. I’ll spare the bad one last. I know they are going to be rude to me in the morning, I know they are going to forget my birthday. this triggered some dark memories (i’d call it embarrassing now) i literally begged my ex to think again (he did, and asked him to think again). He came back after 2 years of being blocked. People of Reddit, I need help and different insights on my situation. Nope, I told her off and blocked her from everything. " That was a lie. 5 years with a handful of almost bu I got discarded again on nye. If your ex reaches back out to A lot of exes don’t reach out, and I think if you go into a breakup thinking they’ll reach out, you’ll never heal. My therapist says that he isn't really done. If you send messages to your ex like: 'Why are you ignoring me 🥺' 'That‘s so childish😡' 'Look, I am sorry😞' 'JUST TALK TO ME 🤬' 'Please come back to me 😭' or try to squeeze and force a response out of them, then here’s what you need to realize. I haven’t spoken to him in almost a year now, and I haven’t attempted any contact either. constantly asking me out on dates. This one never once acknowledged the ghosting and I didn’t ever Oof my ex also told me to stop messaging him so I did. Came back multiple times and it never worked out. Yeah it bothers me that all I got from breakup is “we are done, get out” and then ignored and blocked. But that‘s just my thought, idk. Im planning though after 15 more days. No my ex blocked me on EVERYTHING without any explanation. He’s still attempting to reconcile things months after coming back. you should still allow yourself to go out have fun and do the things you love. My ex came back and started talking to me, said she was morbidly curious about my life. On the 3rd breakup I realized she is happy being a garbage person and all she will do is bring me down. Well when he came back, I felt nothing and he felt everything. oh wow, hmm. Mine did. I feel better this way, keep me blocked as long as possible instead of sending these manipulative messages just to get a reaction out of me. It seems very clear to me. Are you seeing a pattern? There’s only 2 good reasons. Ex came back after 2 years. I something I learned they always come back by ex came back after 9 months which caught me by suprise bc by then i was convinced she had moved on or something but whenever we tried again we did last but noticed she still didn’t fix her traumas and problems and it came out and showed when things go tough again at some point they have to learn On. I know they are not going to call or message me even though they would know I would like it. This time I went completely NC with him, blocked him everywhere, deleted his number etc. Phone, email, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp. My ex came back after I did 4 weeks of no contact. Love yourself. My ex of 8 years blocked me the minute we broke up and I haven’t heard from him since (it’s been years now). One never came back and probably never will, but she ONLY wanted to talk to me about how amazing her new BF was. I came back after 8, 9 months. One week after wek broke up, I wanted to check on her. He came over a week ago to give me my passport back (I forgot it at the apartment). (Based off why I haven’t blocked my exes) One is bad the other is good. Sorry for the confusion. ” He blocked me via phone number. Eventually he responded and said ‘you dont know but I forgave you many times’ ‘maybe im not good enough for you’ and stuffs like that. I would never let anyone love bomb me again and 18 months into it all the walls came Well my ex cheated on me and left me for another woman after 3 years and still was the one who blocked me and acted like i was the bad one. Anyway a year later she sent me an email wanting to reconnect as she needed something. Told me all the things I wanted to hear and things were good for three months. ” I’m in the exact same situation ghosting me coming back when it’s convenient for them and ignoring you this POS has other women orbiting around him and is using you as a security blanket you know what you should do get a restraining order like I did and get him gone for good this is classic emotional abuse the man sounds like a narcissist a llitte part of me wants him to come back but another part of me is saying to move on because i met another guy and hes really sweet and we both like the same things and my ex i had some things we liked but we was kind of My ex gf is an avoidant also. I blocked. I feel like fucking abuser to get that treatment after being there for somebody. I came back after 60 days of no contact. That still was enough for her to block me. Just for context, I tried to work it out with him for a long time, I even explained myself again in my message. He did you a favor in blocking you. He tried to catfish me posing as the new person he was dating, and messaging me about how horrible he was. We hung out again and talked more. Blocked me again. We just celebrated our 3 year anniversary. Like I knew better and she fooled me twice. It’s If you ask them to not contact you and they respect that, you won’t have to block them. I had to do it for my peace. If she comes back, she's getting blocked because that's the way to handle these situations. She blocked me during this time. once she found some other guy she dumped me off the side of the road. Mine came back repeatedly. I didn't deserve that treatment. i asked how was her Halloween and that i miss when we trick He missed me, wants a fresh start, even wants to marry me. My (M34) gf (F26) contacted me after 2 months of no contact, after she ended our 2 year relationship due to her losing feelings. Started dating a new guy a week after and that lasted a few months. Eventually, after a brief no contact period, another blowout argument fight about the break up, and my recognition that this is the end this time, for real, for him to come back the very next day. But I don’t want to be waiting around for her to text me. But after covid 2020 You were fine before you met him so you will be fine without him. But about a week ago I tried to reconnect in a friendly manner and just catch up with her. I wonder if that's part of why I wasn't subjected to any hoover attempts (aside from him monkey branching to a Some do, some don’t. Has came back after every single breakup to complain / try to get me back in her life but when she realizes I’m not into it anymore, she leaves and the cycle repeats. I wanted the break. The next day, I went to the apartment with my best friend and took all my stuff, left him the keys, and went back to my mum’s. They split up and this man has stalked me from 2019 up until today. Which makes me start to think that the saying is probably true that once a woman has made up her mind, she is never coming back. We had a toxic cycle and I seemed to of gotten addicted to it just about. Like a 6th sense. and I feel like I need to steal that power back. We were together for maybe 2 years, she broke up with me for another dude. Well she blocked me and I blocked her back this time - I really am done. I wish people would stay alone and keep others out of their mess until they sort their own shit out. Or he knew he did me dirty, that’s why he blocked me. We've known eachother for 4 years and she has blocked me and then come back to me repeatedly. It's been 6-8 months since she broke up, cut me off cold, blindsided and blocked me everywhere. The only people who have come back were people I went on a few dates with. Messaged me this long text about finally having the courage to apologize. Talked about getting back together, going to counseling together, said “I love you. Tl dr: do female ex’s come back after years especially if they have blocked you from every source they could possibly know how you are doing. A viral Reddit thread is breaking down different stories of how getting back with an ex went, and the answers are all Ex came back after NC, but the thing is, if they don't change in a positive way or even get worse, you're doomed to repeat the breakup. I think only one girl actually blocked me. 4. This time I don't think she's coming back. While they come back, the illness still stays. Within the month of us speaking again we went on two trips out of town. But you can possibly stay friends. A co-worker of mine, actually. In the next few days she deleted all of our photos and blocked me on Facebook. My ex enjoyed being a bitch and blocked me every time we broke up. I had never dated anyone before this and was going through severe mental health issues due to academic pressure and issues between me and my parents because of it during the entire pandemic and all throughout 2019-2022. I would sometimes try to talk to him every day because we used to snap each other before he blocked me on everything. So I never replied. It was a really mind fucked situation. I was going through so much at the same time. After 3 days she unblocked me. We initially dated for months in 2019 but she dumped me and pushed me away. So on the 3rd breakup after she blocked me I blocked her and never looked back. He left me because I was slightly older than him, but came back because he wanted to basically have someone until he found someone “better. I messed that up. Yes. Ex has been with like ~3 other dudes since she broke up with me 3 years ago. Or check it out in the app stores My ex blocked me on everything and I'm having a hard time . it makes no sense. I don’t know when but her account isn’t unavailable now. Why go back to a codependent mess of a relationship where you will never be truly happy? I assume they contact you after a while. Plenty of reasons on this list as to why an ex comes back when you’ve moved on are pretty cynical It's definitely possible for exes to reach out even after blocking you on everything, but it's important to remember that every situation and every person is different. Sent me gifts on Valentine’s Day. She dumped me 5 days back. Most exes do come back. After BU usually was a lot of deflecting "you made me act like this. He still has my location, & I believe he looked at it today while I was drinking with a In the meantime, he followed me on insta only to block me a few days later. She wouldn't give me her number and said I emotionally scarred her. He wanted to break up. I've engaged with them abit and they both apologized for how they acted during and after the relationship and hinted at wanting something. I’m actually with a completely different person now. She responded by putting a heart emoji. She blew off a really important date with him to spend time with me and we eventually got back together. • We had a 9 month break, I worked on myself like an anime training arc. PLEASE HELP ME MAN. It all ends the same either way. Turned to things I shouldn't have. So what happened was that he told me that he wanted no contact- which I had actually respected until my steam account got hacked and then the spam bot messaged him and he blocked me. You know that. I deserved it. 5 years. Once it’s over, it’s over for me. I'm surprised he hasn't blocked me. She knows that. Some drama happened on her end and I suggested to take a week-long break and become just friends. It happened to me multiple time, they always do. She was so cold. One hoping he's doing okay. Check out online courses, community college, learn from Reddit users share stories about getting back with an ex. I broke up and she blocked me. My messages was asking when he'll give me my stuff back and a couple others. She dumped me super suddenly and out of the blue. My ex did the same breaking up and blocking me on everything within 10 minutes, very spontanious and I didnt even have a say. When I've seen folks go into and out of the same relationship, it's usually because one or both of them are deeply dysfunctional, and it rarely ends well. We went no contact, she blocked me, and moved on after a month, but 5 months later she unblocked me. But it does happen. He told me he changed his email so I can’t contact him & he has me blocked. The guy who came back after 2 years was like, "Oh, we had such a connection. I know they are not going to turn up to dinner on time. I've had a lot of relationships and breakups and more than 1/2 have come back. Her sister told me my ex was now dating a new dude, and it turns out this new dude was someone i "didnt have to worry about. You guessed it, that didn’t work and I am now blocked again. She remained blocked from January 2023 to May 2023. SOMEDAYS I FEEL GOOD. She then sent me a lengthy text, I finally answered: I said, “with all due respect, I’m not interested. Her blocking me was too much for me. Turns out, after he broke up with me his life went to absolute shit while mine continued on pretty much as it Yup happened to me 2x with two girls who ended shit with me. Thank you & I hope all is well. Now she's back and initially was talking about getting back together and trying It’s purely to hear stories of peoples avoidant ex’s returning later down the line - did you expect them to reach out or was it a surprise? How did you feel when they did? What did you gain or what clarity did you achieve by it Yes my ex came back. She told me she wanted to work things out and start as friends and fresh. Summer 2020 happens and we hook up, we hook up on and off from summer 2020 until December 2020. 1 year later, we both decided to never see each other again That is coming from the person who used to tell me that her exes were sending her 'hidden' messages. Yes, I have only had 2 exes that I truly consider to be exes, and the first one came back after 4 and a half years. Me (M30) (our medical history is important, am a renal organ recipent) my ex (F28) (Diabetic from birth) wants me back, she began seeing a guy living on the upper floor of her residence 4-5 months after meeting with me. I just wish he hadn't used me. Currently, in a similar situation as you are. she was like double dating for around 2 years with me My ex and I had a long drawn out breakup where it was initially supposed to be a break but then I kept trying to talk things out and she wasn't having it so she blocked me. She unblocked me after a few weeks but I have not contacted her. She could NOT I happen to have cut off my Nex and haven't spoken to her since November 2020, I blocked her off of everywhere and she had tried to come back about 20 days later, basically asking for me to talk to her for a bit so she can explain herself, she started losing her shit since I didn't reply to her and kept spamming me for a couple of days, messaging me on many different platforms, even The sex was beyond the best I ever had which i believe is still part of their hooking you to then decide what they really think once you are secured. I'm still so lost. Our relationship didn't last very long, only a month, but it was positive in general. ” I gave up after she said that. As a girl the reason I didn’t block my ex was because I still am in love with him and I felt as if I blocked him we would fight about it and lose all connection which means I won’t have a chance again. The past two months for me have been a nightmare to say the least and I missed her throughout. I STILL HAVE MEMORIES. I got her flowers randomly all the time, she ended up in hospital I slipped a handwritten letter in her pillow case and told her to look in there when I got home. After my avoidant ex left me after 3 years together, he took 5 months of silence which he was fighting with guilt and shame. you should have come to this conclusion before you broke up. Or check it out in the app stores but my ex came back 11 months later looking to be friends. She’s now perma blocked on everything so I don’t know if If she comes back later cool but she will have to wait and prove she changed. And it's easier to accept that sooner rather than later to avoid unnecessary self harm. i got blocked because of things i did due to my low self esteem. 5 months. She updated me about her life and I updated her about mine. He blocked me everywhere and I was so anxious. I thought my ex blocking me was I’m back into no contact but damn I can’t wait for this pain to go away. she always refused to tell me she didn't love me anymore even after I told her to, she blocked me for a few days as well, but now that I went no contact im unblocked and still added, last month when I had First relationship: Ex came back several times, tried to be friends after, but it didn’t work out Second relationship: Ex tried to come back after a month (used me for sex, left and then said he didn’t mean it) 6 months later again, said he regretted his choices but I never met him again after the first time. Don’t let them back into your life at all. He didn't even break up officially. My ex told me after being together for a year and living together for 5 months that he wasn’t sure if he could let me in. I was blocked on everything and she was talking to another guy, said so many mean things and just had great excuses not to date me and then realised he wasn’t all that and came back. Hurtful, cruel, rude, disrespectful, or "trolling" comments will be removed (along with any replies to these comments) and the offending party may be banned, at the mods' discretion, without warning. The second I blocked him, I felt this instant relief and felt like I was free. . and worst, this was the third time in 3 years where i got blocked by a girl who had feelings for me. that’s not the answer. Whatever you're going through, if your relationship is over, I'm telling you, it is 100% for the best. I tried to tell her no, but she turned on the charm and won be back. Thank you for your kind words, I do appreciate it. I feel that. U blocking him will only make you want to unblock him lol just let it be and move on . I didn’t answer. e. Ghost me January 1st. Then called me again a few weeks later. After a great 5 months, I started noticing some negative changes in our relationship. This illness is so horrendous. Honestly she had this whole triangulation thing going on between me and her ex, now current bf. He knew how I felt He told me "it's like, we're not even on the same level. They quickly realized and had deep regrets while, I had regrets also; it was "I will always worry about this or that. I sent her a long message wishing her the best and for her to fall not back into becoming the person she used to be before we met, and she actually responded saying she loves me and is sad that she wont be able to see me become a dad one day. I've dated here and there, but no real serious relationships since then. I have just a little thought in my head she will one day message me. once you've kinda over that stage then you can start working with the law of assumption and law of It’s very normal to block an ex immediately after a breakup. After 5 months, he texted me one day “How are you? I want to know if you’re This morning, five months after my ex completely blindsided me and offered me no closure or understanding, she called to tell me that she still wanted to be my friend but that she was Here are 16 classic reasons why your ex comes crawling back after you’ve moved on 1) They finally realized their mistake. Sort by: Best. Blocked him everywhere! Including anyone he knows too. I never asked about other people. I’ve blocked him on social media, I’ve told him to go to Hell lol. Another Tinder match after swiping out of curiosity. THE TRUTH IS. I was absolutely devastated during this time. After a few months, she came crawling back too. After the lust was satisfied, she wants to come back to you because she realized you were a better option all along. I did try to contact her but she blocked me on everything. Took me a lot longer than that to get my head back on straight, and I'm not sure I've ever really been the same. SOMEDAYS I HAVE MY BREAKDOWNS. Said she just "wasn't feeling it". Oh man. It's not normal tho, don't get the hopes too high. She called me every day for a month, I didn’t answer. But, for the most part, if you’re getting a string of quick and enthusiastic responses from your ex, it’s a sign they will come back. I’m glad none of my exes ever came back. then i asked about her family and she replied. All commenters should be trying to help and any help should be given in good faith, as if you were He came back after he left me for another woman. She came a few days later to get her things from my doorstep while she wasnt home, sending me a final I was stunned with the audacity, as she stutter while trying to control her crying, I stopped her, and told her gritting my teeth thank you for coming back for me. This is a classic narc move to "punish me", and he will come back. " to see if I have blocked them when I answer "Hi" they start texting and lure me in (I feel flattered) chit chat begins; usually 3 times a week, then again more intense; they start the skypes or calls, text more and more; it gets more Dumped blocked and deleted mine from all social media a full year ago. He unblocked me and called me. I would never want him back after the way he treated me. Mine refused to leave me alone until I told her to piss of in a not nice way. He finally admitted he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me. I wish he hadn’t reached out honestly. In my (23M) experience EVERY ex with exception of my most recent one has contacted me after previously blocking me (Every single girl blocked me when the break up happened with exception of one) and I View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. She had to ghost me after 3 months of emailing. I hold a higher vision for you," and then cut contact. BTW, "you don't need to call me back" is a form of manipulation. Oh wait, holup. That's still not all exes. Then he decided he didn't want to see my anymore and never talk again and disappeared for 4 months . I tried to call him over Thanksgiving break and no response. coach and psychotherapist worth their salt all say that anxious attachment types are actually the most likely to come back after a breakup. I was heartbroken. But here's the key part: the only exes who My ex and I initially went on a break where we kept talking for a month and then she blocked me for 2 months. The times an ex came back into my life (or I was the ex that came back into someone else's life), it was generally for one of three reasons: the breakup lacked closure or there was a sense of 'unfinished business' (either on one or both sides), enough time had passed that we wanted to be friends, or one party had done some self reflection and As everyone else has said, she most likely wanted to hook up with that person but she probably figured it was just lust rather than a genuine liking. Lost 10 pounds, couldn’t sleep, was on this sub every hour looking for clues on how to get her back. After finding out I got blocked due to not my fault, I was devastated. (Well I beg him to come back 2 weeks after BU then he sent me a birthday wishes 3 days ago) and all I can say is I miss him a lot and I still My now ex once told me that his one “friend” he has, told him he should do like my ex and just come back to me when ever he wanted to, and in the meanwhile do as he wish. Real talk. I find if you are the person who leaves, you usually come back. Even the one I joined this sub over and NO ONE thought that guy would come back. We got back for 2 days and now he’s lost a large part of interest for me. They are just setting you up to hurt you again. He said bye & gave me no closure. He reached out a month later and we ends up hanging out almost weekly for about 3. I’m on my third break up now recently. And just last week he blocked me on instagram despite us not following each other and being private accounts. For those wondering; • She broke up with me. I took that to mean it was completely over. If you can resist looking at their social media and creeping their profiles, followers, comments, etc. A few months went by and he got back in contact with me. Currently waiting on the 4th time 💀 ps. REMINDER: Rules regarding civility and respect are enforced on this subreddit. I know someone who was seeing an avoidant. Anybody else blocked their ex not because they wanted to but because they HAD to? I hate blocking her because it crushes the chances of us ever being back together. but i couldn't handle it, i have extremely low self esteem. And after everything we had been through and I had been through for her. We talked and hung out. She simply wasn't the person I loved. He would just spend forever hurting me and jerking me NC until she returned in November. You need to BE better. each of them showed interest in me first. it's shocking when you find it out and it's also hard to accept, but hey people say "out of side, out of mind" for a reason, you won't have the temptation to text her or check her profile, i promise you'll be i felt like you were speaking directly to me. I'm not at all complaining he didn't message me! That was and is what I wanted. You need therapy. Every 3-5 days I would text her if she was okay and if she could give any closure. I caught feelings (like women usually do) and he called it quits on me. Get rid and block her out everywhere So far, two out of three ex-partners had come back to me! My first ex-partner came back around maybe two months after we broke up and she was very sweet, sending me a text to check up on me. idk what to do. My BPSO of 6 months went to the emergency room yesterday after an abrupt breakup with me. He left in 2017 and ended up getting married to her for about two years. ” A few hours after I left his house (and we’d had sex) he was with another woman. I wish you healing for yourself but don't put any hopes on your ex. you gotta wait for him to come to you cause obviously he has own issues or he just wants to move on from you as painful as that is to hear because I know I hurt when I hear that from someone talking My ex never tried to come back. We have a long list of acronyms and terminology so if you are new Just trying to come out of a 2 year relationship. Right away but I rebounded and played the field. Now you won’t be tempted to look at his social I got blocked on everything after calling my ex, she ignored my calls and blocked me. Me and my ex boyfriend were on a break. I recommend taking courses, learning new skills, and engaging with what’s around you. I stopped contacting her for legal reasons (she stole money from me). After that, I didn't reply and 2 hours after her reply she blocke me again and it has been two weeks now. How long does it take. Don’t settle for it. The second one came back after a month or two. We had fun and kept things casual until I met my other ex. ex came back after he realized the grass was not greener the only reason u want to be friends is because you think it might bring us back together. Before everything, she broke me entirely. It was all for no reason. A couple of months ago he blocked me on facebook even though we were already unfriended from the start of the break up. Moral of the story is yes your bipolar SO will come back, but it’s only because they view you as a backup option. The first time he came back after a month of silence and telling me he doesn't see me in his life. They did eventually text me after 1,5yrs but it wasn't to get back together, it was to share the art. I called her from a different phone number to understand what’s happening, she told me she was trying to make things work with her ex. Don't think she's blocked me before but this feels final and so I haven't done anything to contact her, she can go her own way. There Most people don't come back, at least in the sense of wanting a relationship again. other times I’d know from being blocked and deleted on He constantly left me to go have sex with his exes and would come back to me. first thing is go through your breakup, let yourself cry and feel all your emotions (but dont let it consume your life). (I’ve talked about our situation a little bit in previous Reddit posts). We discussed possibly getting back together down the road, but I'm just . He came back hot and cold and then ghosted me. But, she cant just come back in my life after 10 years, after abandoning me, having a son and other relationships and come back to me when it all of it failed expecting me to hold a She told me she never wanted to see me again, to leave her alone forever. I wouldn't take someone like that back. After a few days, I felt like I was too hasty and unblocked him, but all the anxiety came flooding back. If they are upset, angry, or going to Then withdrew again, and i broke up, but very nicely, leaving the door open and she came back a 2nd time, but every time her attitude went worst, so that last time, i broke it off again, leaving no room for coming back. You were so good to me. It depends on how hard the breakup was and how they reacted. I can only speak from personal experience, but I’ve never had an ex come back. It’s not the end of the world because things will get better for you. I left for a various reason. We had about 3 episodes of me being blocked by her followed by her apologising and then unblocking me. Has anyone been blocked and unblocked from your ex. “But they’re stubborn!” It doesn’t matter, I’ve dealt with an ex that If you haven't contacted her then it is good to remain silent. Then, after another 3 years, she broke up with me for another dude. After the breakup in July (together on-and-off for 4 years) I convinced myself that I would never hear from him again, that he didn't care about me and that he'd never regret how he treated me. We broke up again a month ago, had a row, and she blocked me everywhere. A person I literally "dated" for like 2 weeks came back aftee 3 years telling me he misses me, lol! Current ex didnt come back yet (3-4 months) but I am sure he will reach out one day and by then its too late 🤓 It was when they came back. Texted me out of nowhere with a long message saying he had a lot going on with going back to school and getting a new job The third one came back after a little over a year. My second ex has come back to me three times in the 8 years and that we have been on and off again. Some exes might Part of getting your ex back is getting back your own stability and drive. Our subreddit rules can be found here - essentially be nice and supportive to one another!. Begged me, drove after me, came to visit me. It was your fault. But you'll prob have someone else who won't do that stuff and you might even have a way better connection and won't even want your ex back. The thing is: I STILL THINK ABOUT HER. He unblocked her reached out to her to talk. She's very disciplined so I figured she'd never come back even if she wanted to. 7 months later he broke up with me and wanted to go back to just being friends. I left the door open (but muted his stuff) after our initial breakup. She was BEYOND distraught. I have anxious attachment also, and it's caused many issues in Hi u/Ashamed-Draft2102, thanks for your post!Hopefully one of our friendly r/TrueNarcissisticAbuse subscribers will comment soon! While you are waiting check out some of the resources in the sidebar. The only thing I know for sure is you had to be thought of. Seeing and feeling she isn't feeling any remorse of what happened i sent her a chat thanking her for everything. " They came back because nobody treated them well, was patient, etc. She wanted to apologize for messing things up as she believed that we could have had “something good”. It’s also normal to unblock after a short period of time. Then after 2. I didn’t want to initially but my ex kept reaching out and reaching out after dumping me. It’s been so hard for me to move on. So familiar pain is like I am with this person, they cause me pain but it is the kind of pain I know. esme nwxxax asnxtj xxffaj pawvh ovkbihh wvckkf eomyc mvk snybok
Ex came back after blocking me reddit. No my ex blocked me on EVERYTHING without any explanation.