How to make a coil antenna. Secure the coil to stop it unwinding with insulation tape.
How to make a coil antenna Th Basically I am motivated to replace the antenna on this RFID reader. Values are in the article. Total length of antenna in feet Open the dipole length calculator in a separate page. **Antenna Coil:** Connect the antenna (wire or coil) to the circuit. com In this video, we'll see how you can create PCB Coil using KiCad + FreeCAD and Things did not work as expected with this great design by VA3TNE on Thingiverse. 22,6cm. . The original design LETS MAKE A COIL! All the materials were purchased locally at my electronics, Hardware and truck parts stores. Also note important difference: the feedpoint is a tap on the coil. Attach the 'F' How could you improve the range without tweaking the power level and sensitivity of the NFC devices (master/transponder and slave/tag), If you analyze the underlying physical equations, for the case of a circular loop coil antenna, the near field range (suitable for NFC communications) is about 1. Making connection to the inductor at locations other than the Hi, this is my first video in the series of making a 9-Band Vertical Antenna. I just wound a coil and grabbed a mica cap out of my junk box. The goal will be to keep the total length under 40 feet so that the dipole can be mounted on two 20 foot fiberglass pole to make A coil-shortened vertical antenna is designed with a coil in the radiating element, allowing it to be physically shorter than a quarter-wavelength at its operating frequency. Changes to the 40 meter length should not be necessary. How to make the feed-point connector is also explained in another video. how to make a homemade indoor tv antenna,how to make a homemade indoor tv an the idea is to make a coil to capture this frequency at 125 khz but that it is small. Particularly suitable for those with the smaller garden. Clearly a ferrite cored coil would be smal In general, to make a ground plane for a CB antenna, all you need to do is place the probes in their designated locations we mention below. Nice and simple. copper-strip coil Another rewarding approach towards reducing losses and therefore increasing Q, consists in fabricating the coil out of copper-strip material instead of round wire Uncoiling will ruin your impedance match if the circuit is designed for the coiled antenna. This design is often used in limited-space setups where a full-length antenna The Coaxial Trap, great for more than one band on a single antenna. In the low frequency limit, the how to make a rf433mhz antennaDescription wire: 19g /24 inch /28 turns x 2Receiver: length 3 inchTransmitter: length 1. So, using a coil close to the base or even in When I first started wearing the coil and I had to make a new one it would take a little bit for the coil to work again, but now after wearing it so long it works right away. Make sure your antenna is in a safe place, high enough so people or pets won’t walk into it by accident. Using your new GDO coils, measure the resonant frequency by looking for a dip in SWR or resistance. Middle: The BNC V. Then, connect the exposed wires at the bottom of the The antenna pictured has supported 100 watts SSB. If you have a ferrite rod, you can also experiment by holding the ferrite near the tuning coil. Here are the 8 steps for how to create a paper clip Omnidirectional WiFi antenna to get free internet. 100 watts to a mobile antenna might give a similar signal as 5 watts to a full-sized If you would rather calculate the length of a full-size vertical antenna, see The Quarter-Wave Vertical Antenna Calculator. The base of the coil is in our case a PVC tube in which the PCB fits exactly. I measured and cut two solid copper wires at approx. Due to fact that has been use more turns that should normall Video on repurposing surplus 800mhz 5/8 wave antennas to VHF and UHF. You may also like to read the article How To Build A Directional Wifi Antenna?. com. The coil is useful for many other things too, but this one is designed for the crystal radio I sho If you want me to build this. Use something like a pair of 100 or 200 pF caps to ground and a tapped coil in the series leg. After searching for homebuilt ones I found not many vid A coil is generally used when you want to use frequencies for which the antenna is too short. This is a very inexpensive project which you ca Watch the video to learn how to make the loading coils. com/DAOKI-antenna-Helical-Control 3. The advantages of a spider web coil over a more traditional cylindrical inductor is that its update nov 2021VK1ERF has made a brilliant write-up on how to build and set this up. The length was chosen simply based on the You may think the Rez Antenna Systems Recon 40 is like any other base loaded coil, but what makes this one different is that you can change bands with a flic This is a very versatile antenna system - even more versatile if you use a longer whip! (For the longer whip, I'd use a broader base or a spike so it doesn' I am often asked: Where do I get a good antenna? Or: Is this a good antenna? Unfortunately, you do not see if an antenna is good or bad before you do some me A ferrite rod antenna generates a voltage in series with the coil. Later on you can use them for your Wireless power transmitter/Receiver c The three coils pictured are: Top: The BNC V. For non-air-core coils ferrite, powdered iron or toroid can be used as core material. The JPC-12 is intended to be used as resonant vertical, and with its included coil, it is capable of operation down to 40 meters - but it can be 433 MHz Coil Loaded Antenna: In my 433 MHz projects I have been using a cheap (0. 8g Long Range FPV helical antenna! Full guide to building your own. The coil is used with an AT-271 military antenna whip, 3D printed and tested A lowly coil of wire can be surprisingly difficult to understand and model correctly. Wearing the Lakhovsky Coil is no more than wearing jewelry so those that tired it felt they couldn’t be harmed. Secure the coil to stop it unwinding with insulation tape. How to Tune a monoband HF Vertical Quarter Wave Ham Radio How to Make a 315 MHz RF Antenna. I've got these in my future schedule to learn about, but in case you are ready for them, here the Such a short antenna appears to be capacitive and requires an inductance in series to resonate the antenna. My Idea is to build a new antenna that can be fitted into a PVC tube and have a usb Many mobile operators like what they call a "Bug-catcher" inductor for your antenna. To test the coils, wind a coil, and put a cap across the ends of the coil. References. If you decide to build a dipole, make sure that some type of However, to make an indoor plant antenna, even a chopstick will work! Position your "lightning rod antenna" to the south of the crop, directed towards the north. Create an FM radio antenna by dividing cutting an aluminum pole to the correct length for your radio frequency. 16 and 810. This kit includes: 15 cm PCV pipe, diameter 19 mm; 15 Learn to make a DIY TV antenna using coaxial cable with this step-by-step guide. What is the highest gain omni directional antenna possible to create using this method? How to build a VHF/UHF ground plane antenna with household wiring. aliexpress. To purchase a fully constructed Mad Dog Coil go to maddogcoils. I activate parks regularly for the POTA, WWFF and Induction Coils for Ham Radio - TheSmokinApeJust a short video where I discuss Induction Coils, how they are used in Ham Radio and show of one that I recentl Adjust the Coil: Slide the wire off the dowel and gently stretch or compress the coil to adjust the size. You can also try wrapping the external antenna The shorter the antenna (physically) with respect to the wavelength - the larger the inductance of the coils - the worse things get! Loaded dipoles are very narrow band antennas, best suited for use on a narrow portion of a frequency band. This 28 turn coil allows operation from 11-30 Mhz. To make an FM antenna using speaker wire, start by splitting 3 feet of wire and arranging it to form a “T” shape. Mini External Antenna for Cell Phone Signal Booster. 25 inch copper tubing) with a 12. Make sure you check it out. Our RFID coil antennas have been designed by us specifically for our RFID readers and transponders but can easily be used by hobbyists and 104 votes, 16 comments. I personally use this to make form fitting pipes for liquid cooling systems an Buddipole and Buddistick is the name for two portable shortened antennas by the same Buddipole company. google. These are some important points you need to remember about mounting the antenna. And what’s amazing, is that there’s actually a lot going on in the case of these This is part 6. The ARRL Antenna Book; Off-Center Loaded Dipole Antennas, QST magazine, September, 1974; For about $4 in parts you can build a helical antenna that provides a huge amount of gain and significantly increases the range of any 5. Through the power Don't throw away your old Coax cables! How to make tv antenna from coaxial cable. Antennas capture wavelengths in the air and convert them into audio and visual signals that yo Create a simple TV antenna using a coaxial cable and tinfoil or a jumbo-sized paperclip. The tap for the antenna on So, my question is can I make a simple monopole or dipole antenna(or any antenna) with a jumper wire(or just a wire) or any other simple conductor without any coaxial cable, mounts, brackets, soldering equipment. Connect the metallic parts of your vehicle with your ground strap. Tuning this antenna for all 3 bands appeared trickier than normal. Make your own loading coils for antenna projects using Caterpillar Grommet. The coil-antenna combination can thus be made to appear resonant (resistive) so that it can absorb the full transmitter power. 414 times the radius of the circular coil. You may use a ferrite rod or a coil wound around a non-conductive tube. I The coil is in series with the feedline center connector and the antenna and the coil has a tap to ground (the coax shield) Both the overall number of turns as well as the tap point need to be adjusted for proper match. 1–7. The tubing on the lower part of the antenna fully encases the screwdriver and also increases the antenna's There is a loading coil in that picture (in the middle), but that's an irrelevant detail. A looser coil is ideal for larger plants or garden beds. One of the knocks on the Buddipole is that the clips used to tune the antenna are a bit clunky. Sliding contact for the BuddiPole. #3. I choose to use an easy program that does the math for you. I’ll only use the FT-817 in conjunction with it for portable use however. 94K subscribers in the RTLSDR community. Detailed instruction abo With FDX, the tag increases and decreases the resistance (shorts) across its internal coil to cause slight changes in the reader antenna voltage to communicate the 1's and 0's (load modulation). 🎯 What You'll Learn: Step-by-step guide to building a 40-meter make evenly spaced, nice looking coils of all sizes. In this video I show how i constructed a 6 meter Moxon Antenna from PVC and wire. However, when mining the internet for a coil antenna (trying to improve on the lengthy 17. Also, a loading coil is used to make an antenna Examine the animation carefully. Wearing the Lakhovsky Coil has never failed me. A more substantial outdoor antenna will improve reception, however it is important to observe all relevant precautions regards lightning protection with outdoor antennas. The reader is really cheap, and fits my porpoise, its recognized as a USB keyboard. Use lightening protection! Make provisions to disconnect and ground the antenna Before we start, a little background on the spider web coil. The first step was to make 5 coil with the diameter 80mm, i got 83mm fine with m Just to post some pictures of the antenna I tried to build quickly. 5 MHz We go 'Back to Basics' with the vertical antenna. The air-coil works really efficient on 10-12m that is the re whatsapp no +923119882901If you want to design a project/need help/teach you email me etcetcetc901@gmail. But it´s easier than you think as already demonstrated in the video about "Making Your own Frame-Antenna" To make MW antenna coil, first 7 turns and then 75 turns with 35 number wire. Use a pair of scissors to cut off one end of an ethernet cord. 40 metres (7 MHz) is a good all-round mobile band. 4. However, not all search coils are the same, and understanding the If you try to use a larger diameter coil, the inductance of that coil must be the same as the one which is included. com Antenna/filter, power combiner/divider, coupler To make a TV antenna out of copper wire, follow these steps: 1. Secure the wrapped end by taping it in place. But very close to the coil location, the field pattern isn't flying outwards. So a feed I have built an T2LT Antenna for the 15m band just with an Air Coil and the rest of my RG 58 C/U. The more you load A video aimed at beginners in HF Ham Radio. Before attaching wires to the coil, remove the wire’s plastic coating. Build a DX Commander for 80/40 RF coils fall under two categories air core coil and non air core coil. Also called flexible grommets, flexible bushings etc. I know how to make miscrostrip antennas but I have never done this kind of study at low frequency. This was used in an AM directional antenna array. Creating a 315 MHz RF antenna involves designing and building a resonant antenna tuned to the specific frequency of 315 MHz. After all, the signal is coming from free-space and gets concentrated magnetically by the ferrite to produce maybe 2 or 3 times more induced voltage in the coil. Your antenna's efficiency will be severely compromised. https://digitalshack. amazon. first, take 3 inches of bare wire and make 3 coils. Using copper wire as an antenna is a cost-effective way to In this tutorial you will learn how to model the helix structure in HFSS or Maxwell. Find the length by dividing 468 by the frequency you want to tune into. Avoid using insulated wire. Ferrites have got better but air has not . The higher the antenna, the better the A Tutorial for Helical or helix antenna Design using with CST Studio SuiteIf you like this video Please share , subscribe and comment for improvement in this Tips to build high-quality RF coil inductors. Just one more thing. No loading coil is necessary if you have the right ATU, and it will almost certainly make the antenna more difficult to match. Distance from center of antenna to the center of the coil in feet (Must be less than half the total antenna length given above). 70 cnts) pair of Tx/Rx modules. Install the Antenna: Insert the straight end of the coil into the soil Create an FM radio antenna by stripping the end from an ethernet cord. Vintage VLOG. A mobile antenna should be placed in the middle of the vehicle roof to make best use of the ground plane. It also works pretty well for fixed antennas. Build a coil that will use the materials that I have on hand, saving money, will be fairly rugged, and allow use from 17 through 10 meters. To make the experience fit your profile, pick a username and tell us what interests you. Paper clip. How to Make an Arduino Antenna: Hi, my name is Charlie and i had a need for a simple 1-wire antenna that i could interface with my arduino, and that's why i'm writing this. His experiments are for HF, but the antenna theory will be the same. The coax trap will also shorten the length of the wire antenna, making it perfect for the How to design a coil for a specific inductance that you need, including how to calculate the inductance and where to find an online inductance calculator. A subreddit for the low-cost software defined radio (SDR) community. Bottom: A 40m experimental that has been shelved . I didn’t More details can be found here:http://theradioboard. I'm asking about the coil at the bottom. 8GHz FPV system in a You can couple a small portable to a long antenna by locating the radio near the end of the wire, or the antenna feedline, without a direct connection. 2. Out of an old car wiper motor, wire and plastic parts!Thanks for watching!! Tool to create PCB coils for KiCad. A vertical 80M Band Coil. Build an effective and inexpensive vertical antenna for any HF band. 25 inches between windings) would fit the bill. The video tells it all: how to make a good quality oscillator coil or antenna coil for Shortwave, 2 MC – 12 MC or even 15 MC. The Pi network is most versatile allowing matching over a wide range. com Today Mickey continues his teaching on Electroculture Gardenin Homemade coil for antenna tuner. If you string up a wire antenna outdoors, and the NEC applies to you, and something crazy happens like the wire breaking With this 110 uH coil kit for EndFed Antennas you have all the parts for the extension coil. 1 coil was my first go at making my own coil. Providing you use this cheap 224 pF variable capacitor, and a 10 mm diameter ferrite rod, approximately 70-turns of coil are usually Hello Everyone!Welcome to the world of 110 Engineering!This video is about Design and Simulation of Circular Loop Antenna using CST Studio | AWP Lab Tutorial 3. (Plus, the higher up you get it, the better it works). Instead of antennas you can also make copper pyramids. 6 cm) of the insulation off of the ethernet cord so the wires are Build a 40 Meter Loaded Coil in 15 Minutes – Under $5! #hamradio #diy #antenna Discover how to build a 40-meter loaded coil antenna quickly and affordably! I I show you how to calculate the right sized loading coil - and how to make your wire dipole or vertical antenna shorter by placing the correct loading coil 125 khz : antenna of 100 turn coil; 13. Next, strip the bottom 2 inches of insulation from the wire. This antenna works great and extends the range with approx 60 meters even when I use 10 I've had great results with this CHEAP & EASY to build 5. It somewhat resembles a Wolf River Coil. Buy 433mhz Arduino/Raspberry Pie antennas: https://s. then, put it in I wanted a HF screwdriver antenna but the price put me off, so I decided to try and build one myself. The loading coils used in making this antenna are from a diagram by IK1ZOY based on a project by I2CN. Forget the formulas and just get ahold of approximately 110 ft. Check out the Ham Radio Adventures Merc Also known as the coil or the antenna, the search coil is responsible for picking up the electromagnetic signals emitted by metal objects in the ground. if you did it yourself you’d be Coil-winding is a task many hobbyists shy away from. Mid loaded verticals (more like what you have) 80m mid loaded dipole. 7 mm pitch (a gap of 0. Most importantly, the coil wire needs to be bare so that a clip lead method can be used to adjust taps as There are some tricks to getting antenna size down like folding the dipole in all manner of ways, but the real cheat code for reducing antenna size is to build a loading coil instead. The inductor can be variable to allow adjustment for optimum operation over a range of The coil antennas, like a Viper or Predator, have a larger open coil above its base - as compared to the Wilson 5000 or a Sirio 5000 that has an enclosed coil at the base. The longer the CB whip, the better the performance. Wire turns can be removed from a coil by breaking the wire out of a rib, or by nipping off a turn or two at each rib with end cutters. Many experts suggest putting the loading coil closer to the middle so that you're not at the largest Prevent mistakes by downloading my DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLISTS for the schematic circuit, PCB layout, and enclosure 3D model design: https://predictabledesigns. Google pi network antenna tuner. In this video i am going to answer the question if a coil antenna Here is a simple construction project that you can carry out. Let me know. Tools / lose parts. Diameter of the conductor In this video I show how you can wrap a coil around simple objects in Blender. Now start making a standard dipole antenna for the 10 meter band. pcbcupid. 45 GHz Helical Antenna in CSTThe simulation file can download in this link:https://drive. The perfect DIY Super easy and fun to build The antenna is effectively extended, boosting signal strength and stability. John Portune, W6NBC, shows how to build an easy, cheap, and effective vertical #antenna using a self-adhesive metal tape and a PVC pipe. This extension coil can be used for the 10/(15)/20/40/80 meter band EndFed antenna. SO-239 Link: https://www. Coiling vs Whip length 10,2M and 8,9M counterpoiseUse fishing pole 11mThe coil last value is 15,7 uH, sorry about 14,5 uH because my tools error ONE Coil to Rule them ALL! In this video we are going to take a look inside the magic antenna coil, to show you how this remote tunable loading coil is worki CB enthusiast Don Johnson invented the DK3 screwdriver antenna in 1991. In this video I show you how to make speaker wire verticals to cover 20 through 10 meter by removing turns. I've also made coils from #14 solid copper wire, wound around drill bits or broom handles to form them to a shape. You can When assembled, verify their inductance using your antenna analyzer. A larger diameter coil, like the Viper or Predator, means there are less coil turns used and less loss due to coil loss. Connect the ends of the wire to the TV or radio. How to make RF Coil. These are used by installers to form In this video I show you how to make a 110µH loading coil to allow 80m operation on a 66ft end fad half wave. The EM4305 chip contains an internal capacitor that resonates with the antenna coil. Instead is Whip antennas and longwire antennas are a different animal than a coiled, loop antenna, which is technically an antenna that is also a coil, or inductor. Meander line antennas have a similar effect. The resonance frequency is determined by the formula below. I remember making one coil that was 16" long, and consisted of 1/2" soft copper water line wound around a 20" form. Should I make a representation in R,LC? if you have examples of study and modeling even on different frequencies I am interested. I use coils of wire or coils of coax cable as trap inductors for various antenna designs that I have built. The diameter of the coil should be 50mm (2ins). A simple guide how to easy modify your 40M EFHW Antenna working also on 80M band. Buddistick is a vertical , Buddipole is a dipole mad A successful morning today to convert my 40m vertical to an 80m vertical by adding a loading coil that I can switch out manually by just unplugging it. Depending upon fixed or variable RF coil design suitable core need to be choosen and any conductor such as insulated thin copper wires are wrapped around the core. com/file/d/1PnNZfqINM_EL54DHLfk7sahJ3GaLIEx9/ The Image below shows the materials you will need to build a 2 meter vertical antenna for the 146 mHz. Install the CB and This is how to build a Nathan Stubblefield coil designed to create multiple currents from one simple coil. The V. You may also make an external antenna out of While we are still skeptics about these electroculture antennas actually doing what they promise they will do, we did make some to show y'all how to do it as Here are a few that are really detailed on coil loaded antennas: Base loaded verticals. **Power Supply:** Connect the positive lead of the power supply or 9V battery to the circuit, and If you would like to support our channel please visit our Website link https://hillsmill. Here is the list of parts needed to build a 2 meter vertical antenna: 3/4″ PVC pipe – Length to 2. The problem is that an inductor big enough to make a difference to the impedance down at 3. Make the coil about 10 Again, I went over to the coil shortened vertical antenna calculator web page which offered me my beginning factors for the filling coil. I take you through the parts and setup of the Wolf River Coil Vertical Antenna System and show it in use at As for a vertical antenna, there are only so many variations on a theme. Less capacitive loss too; but we aren't talking about For more information regarding how to build a coil you should consult the Ferrite Rod Antenna Coil article. EG - if your antenna is a half-wave on 20 (10 meters, 35-ish feet) and you want to transmit on 30 or 40. com/rb/viewtopic. 2 cm stick antenna) I came Here is where base-loaded CB antennas usually work well. It is not available in different places so I shared this video to all the radi Antennas can be mounted on various places, for example, the roof, trunk, bumper, hood or even mirror bars. Three Rules: Needs to be compact, easy on the wallet (cheap!) and easy to construct and understand. Spider web coils are neat type of inductor often used in hobby radios applications. amateur radio band. Twist the wire into a dipole shape. At that point, where the cable is fully insulated, make a coil of two turns of the remaining fully sheathed cable. Here’s a detailed guide to help you with the process: Materials and A Tutorial for Design the shape of loop or ring antenna using CST Studio Suite. Thingiverse files for orqa goggl The Experiment: In this experiment were going make a Ham Radio 20 / 40 meter short coil loaded dipole antenna. How to use tools you may already have to make low cost, effective antenna coil clips that are easy to adjust. These antennas have little resale value and as such are ready candidates for experiment Coil assembly Now that the capacitors are soldered, we can start with the coil. php?f=2&t=9950&p=99286#p99286 converting the 40 meter inverted V antenna that I built in a previous video. Straighten the copper wire. 52 specify minimum wire sizes for outdoor antennas. Simple. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced ham radio enthusiast, this project is simple, effective, and perfect for your next setup. 8 inchdiameter: 5mm#RF433MHz_Transmete The voltage across the coil will be the input voltage times the Q value at that frequency, so if you should happen to make a high-Q coil, transmitting on the exact resonant frequency of the This little coil can be quite powerful in the world of electroculture. He designed a CB antenna using a modified electric screwdriver motor installed inside the lower section to create a multiband antenna. AC is applied to the small coil in the center, and blobs of closed circular field-lines are flying off as EM waves. Make a HDTV antenna using copper wires and a wooden board. A standard dipole antenna is resonant if constructed with a length of one-half wavelength. But you'll still make contacts. Check According to this calculator, a coil 75 mm in diameter comprised of 7 turns of 6. 1 coil, 80m. I simply used the dimensions from the diagram, added my own style of making coils and This is a really simple and easy to construct antenna that will get you on the air on the six meter band using only RG-58 coax!I needed a quick and simple an An antenna loading coil is an inductor placed in series with an antenna element in order to lower the antenna’s resonant frequency. My guess is that I am making use of I have some Powerline RFI noise in my neighborhood and thought this would be a good project to make a loop that can be directional to help me in locating whe This video is a short demonstration of a homebrewed vertical antenna using a inductive coil that I made. I have built loft / a NEC 810. of wire and wind it around a plastic milk crate. 3. com In today's video, Mickey explains in more detail, one of his basic E Theirs a few instructables and youtube videos of making a higher gain wifi antenna by cracking open their existing wifi antenna and adding a longer coil of wire. Here’s a video that shows a modification to give the Buddipole a sliding contact that should make tuning the antenna a little easier. auThis is my second do it yourself coil. com/e/_dTq4iz9 or https://www. Adjustments to the 80 meter length will affect the 40 meter length but only The frequency at which the antenna trap has a high resistance (so it blocks) depends on the coil and capacitor. This wire may be too small to meet NEC. Is this actually viable (taking into account solder and imperfect coil diameter and length?). First design was by John Ryan N1PCE. However, in this video I explain the principles behind antenna design using Maxwell's equations and the moment met A long coil can be divided by cutting the ribs with a hacksaw. click. That being said, the vertical antenna is the subject of entire textbooks and its analysis is beyond the scope of these Other coils are large, and use copper pipe in place of wire. The loading coils for electrically short MF and HF antennas that I have seen over the decades are all air cored. Here I show how you can add a new RFID coil antennas Priority 1 Design carry a stock of these RFID coil antennas. Strip about 2–3 inches (5. The radio can pick up the antenna's re-radiated signal via How to Design 2. It’s essentially an electronic resonance circuit, or self-resonating antenna. 6 Mhz : antenna of 3-5 turn coil, more sofisticated can include communication protocol and security issues; if it just to open a door or something like that you can use the 125 khz How to make a coil for crystal radios that has taps on it. org/?smd_process_downlo Loft / Attic Home-Brew CB antennas. A tiny tag does not put a lot of Here I show how you can add a new twist to your fibonacci copper antenna Electroculture gardening is all the rage- and has been around for hundreds of years. I want to model it on CST or ADS. strips. 2 coil, 60m. While I have made 2 models of spiderweb coils/antennas/inductors. The coil gives you more electrical length but you sacrifice efficiency if the coil is really tight. If you like this video Please share , subscribe and comment for improvement in For best development boards / components shop here : https://shop. The coil electrically extends the antenna, maintaining resonance and radiation efficiency. com/gp/product/B00YORIHBO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s0 SO you want a 80 metre vertical and would like it to work on 40 Metres as well, and I needs to be just 10 Metres tall. In this video i will show how to solder the coil antenna to the LoRa module. 35 mm wire (0. This coil taps into the Earth's electromagnetic fi If you would like to support our channel please visit our website https://hillsmill. qkhkiyzzhwmoyyskgtvfmdyntsjfzsgwxawzdlwrpxdurksfuvuhyk