Lowest apm class wow bfa. I really love my fury warrior but playing it hurts my hand.

Lowest apm class wow bfa The amount of button spam needed to play these toons is Aug 7, 2023 · Deeply Rooted Elements which is the random proc talent is the meta. 2h frost, unholy, and ret are about the Low APM class consistently r wow. 00. most of the time your pulling your bow string or pulling your trigger really hard. The spec is easy therefore you have more time to look at the enemys and your The class is SSSS-Tier compared to how WoW classes used to function in the past, but since BFA-ish DK has been becoming more of a Relic-of-the-Past. (Haven’t played since BFA and was a healer main) Im playing wow with a controller and have a limited number of viable keybinds I use. The number of buttons more so, I think. APM wise Druid got a nerf because frenzied regeneration is on GCD now. What would Which Class/Spec has the lowest 'APM' in 2022? Kyrian Arcane mage is probably the lowest all around. There are only 4 levels of "APM" classes in WoW, in the following order from high APM to low APM: Energy specs with 1 I mean, you should be using an ability every gcd no matter the class. Balance is really just 5 buttons for your main rotation and others when needed. There's not Jul 19, 2022 · So been away since 2021 and yet looking into lowest APM class for easier time to learn to end game again which (alliance race is worth doing) ? Lowest APM DPS class Jan 21, 2024 · Edit: in all seriousness though, I’m thinking if you want a good front-loaded burst combo class that can burst with the big hitters and still have utility - frost mage. In other words - being precise with ability usage/rotation over pressing available buttons. Marksmanship Hunter: 77k max dps. Both Fury Warrior and DH have a Aug 26, 2020 · I have the autoimmune disease Psoriatic Arthritis so i play with a Belkin N52te(same as Razer Tartarus v2 Gaming Keypad) to make my macros spam and I find BM Nov 9, 2022 · From one of the highest APM classes to the lowest, here's a guide on the most chill spec in classic wow right now: assassination rogue. Reply reply Juther83 • There is “no brain . Of those Monk has the lowest APM. I figured the simplest Nov 13, 2022 · I haven’t played WoW in a bit and I dusted off my Prot Warrior very fun but that is 100% a no go for a man in his thirties with a lifetime of gaming under his belt. Destruction Warlock. Though Prot Apr 11, 2023 · Monk has the lowest GCD but relatively little weaves, yes. Shadowlands DPS Rankings in Season 3 Week 8 - Mythic Sepulcher of. Frost loves haste and stacking May 8, 2023 · As a note, that looks like APMs for single target boss raid fights. [Top 5] WoW BFA Best Burst Class For Great Burst Damage. Most specs are grabbing a new button or two at least. I'm looking for a ranged DPS class So currently deciding on melee class that has low apm and high survival that can breeze through 10>80 (possible Earthen if i finish the campaign in EA) ? googled “wow apm list” looks like its Daredevil is a good low apm dps class. She says she wants low APM first and Nov 15, 2023 · I’m new to wow and only ever really played BFA and DF. The As per the title, looking at making another character and would like to get opinions on what caster requires the lowest actions per minute. Don’t worry if your class The what now? Guardian druid is spammy as hell. Destro can instantly fire off a Rain of Fire and they’re already rolling on the meters. What are the Mar 29, 2023 · BM is NOT low apm. APM does not necessarily Feb 23, 2023 · That should be generate higher numbers especially in boss encounters. Community. When I look at the activity logs we’re like the bottom 3rd Fun is subjective, i had fun in BFA playing ele sham when the spec was doing horrid dmg. Other choices would be awakened witch or wizard, harder to learn, but Which dps specs have a low apm, just want something easy and chill. Low apm class with low amount of keybinds - General Discussion. lose 3 stacks of frenzy once ur done. But I haven't played much BfA so I'm looking to you Oct 20, 2022 · to have the lowest actions per minute of the melee DPS specs. Low APM. The hold to cast is okay at best. She says she wants low APM first and Jul 15, 2019 · Ion Hazzikostas has himself detailed this problem very recently, we strongly advise you to read (or listen to) below as it has a lot of implications for WoW's future after BFA. WoW Best Warrior Race (Ranked) That wraps up my ranking of BFA classes. I've been talking with multiple content creators to see which 3 days ago · This data is based on the Official Blizzard Mythic+ API. The It is the highest APM, but you have to take into considering why it's the highest APM. With them, they are near GCD locked as well. APM is pretty much just limited by my lack of Haste - i’m using virtually every GCD for an attack/utility and constantly weaving in instants like Brews and Expel Harm which are on like 5 Have a differently-abled friend looking to migrate from DPS to tanking. For tanks I've played Pala, warrior, monk, and DH. Oct 30, 2022 · The five current lowest APM classes to play are destro and aff lock, mm hunter, feral druid, and arcane mage. World of Warcraft 3 days ago · Low skill cap is designed around dealing massive amounts of damage; [Top 10] WoW BfA Best PvP Class That Are OP. The first is, obviously, APM (actions per minute). What are the best PvP classes to play in Battle for Azeroth? PvP is a game in and of itself. Even better if unreleased (NA) Aug 31, 2022 · Generally Frost Mage is low apm, no? They were in BFA because of the g-spike build. I'm looking for advice on classes and specs that have low APM/lots of good passive choices in the new talent Jun 18, 2024 · What is the slowest class to play in WoW? Arcane mage. Some of these will change in DF (feral, I imagine) but having So currently deciding on melee class that has low apm and high survival that can breeze through 10>80 (possible Earthen if i finish the campaign in EA) ? Dam beat me to it. Wow congrats you mastered Assassination Rogue. I want to play some WOW, mainly solo PVE with the possibility of some LFR. I really love my fury warrior but playing it hurts my hand. That's about 30% higher APM. What are like the top 3 easy but good M+ DPS classes? I thought about WW but the whole “don’t repeat an ability” thing Feb 26, 2018 · Hey all, Looking to get into WoW, but due to some hand disabilities, I'm looking for class/spec recommendations within a very specific criteria. But 1 Aff action is not equal 1 Destro action. My left arm is not fully operational so I can only use 12 razer naga keybinds + maybe shift modifier Oct 28, 2022 · Haven't played WoW for a decade, thinking of returning. The spells cycle kinda fast. You'll get people denying it because they equate low apm with simple, but rogue is by far the lowest apm class by virtue of not using abilities every gcd. 1. Huge difference. Shes actually quite Jun 28, 2020 · I don’t think the classes are fast paced. Do we have Go take a basic math class. I want to go back and through things to get mounts from mythic dungeons, The best classes for farming legacy Torn between my Surv Hunter, Assassin Rogue or Ele Shaman out of these for long term throughout TWW expansion which has more easier time to play and solo (ez killing rares?) Dec 4, 2022 · I second the evoker. Mage Jul 15, 2016 · Hey guys, I'm looking to play a spec (DPS) that has the lowest APM (actions per minute), highest downtime rotation in the game. In my opinion Druid plays still Apr 16, 2020 · Wow actually is fairly low apm game. As Jan 9, 2023 · I've been returning to WoW since Draenor, i've always been a ranged dps main (mage/lock) but this expansion i wanted to switch to a melee dps class. (fbi on your ass though) Succ drakania is low apm but not so good atm for any grind spots. " [Top 10] WoW BfA Best PvP Class That Are OP. This (should) reflect specs current to 10. If you care about dmg, in low keys you will feel like a god among mortals. 5s cast time), Living Flame (instant), Arcane Blast x4, Arcane Missles (5s channel), repeat until boss is dead or you're Aug 31, 2022 · Not a bad option. He’s said he likes the idea of Jan 9, 2023 · If you said you want to pve, i'd suggest guardian. Legendaries+soulbinds+conduits blabla We have alot of things to add and I still use azerite armor, perhaps that might be a Jul 10, 2022 · Also Marksman Hunter, I average about 30 APM for each key, and 35 APM for bosses. Please tune that down /bring us some new slower pace A special needs friend of mine is looking to get into WoW. DK Mains are also weirdly gaslit. org - 1st BFA So what are the lowest apm class in pre-patch (corruption removed) please don’t mention DH/Hunters/DK’s cause they are high APM/Spammy and also strong/okay in PvP Jun 20, 2020 · Not even close. Most casters are fairly low APM, just due to the nature of casting meaning that you have So currently deciding on melee class that has low apm and high survival that can breeze through 10>80 (possible Earthen if i finish the campaign in EA) ? Yeah, that was from when WW Sounds like you need a lower APM class. I want to play melee, I generally prefer Agility melee but I’m looking Destruction Warlock: Lots of spell casting. But it won’t a spec that doesn’t require any odd gimmicks, such as pummeler or special level 40 gloves that are bis the entire game Warlock? Are elems viable in Vanilla? Jul 20, 2022 · It’s low APM, many buttons. Dec 21, 2022 · Assassination, Arcane, Elemental, and Marksmanship (and Demonology but people seem to argue with that one a lot) are all low APM specs, according to top parses from Warcraft Logs. Image "Put an apple on your head. Your normal rotation is 3-4 main buttons with "living flame" being your most used button which is a cast time ability. Not quite as big of a May 26, 2024 · From upcoming changes in the new TWW expansion and hero talent trees, which classes are looking to be relatively low APM. Elahri Mar 17, 2022 · A subreddit to discuss the Fire Emblem series of games, and associated media. 24. Arcane Nov 4, 2023 · Anyways, the lowest APM spec, by far, is Devastation Evoker. I've started recently researching on classes with low APM after being asked about it a few times. 1 action, large pay off, hell you Nov 25, 2020 · I got pretty bad wrists/fingers these days, what are some of the lowest apm classes that are a bit more kind on the ol wrists but are still viable in raids and M+. Low APM -> Huge Damage. As I am quite old with wrist problems, then looking for a relatively low APM dps class, preferably ranged. Dmg is good regardless, May 21, 2020 · We will start with the lowest on the list, and end with the most epic spec to play. Under additional information, we have the apm for every spec. Jun 18, 2024 · Beginners often have low APM counts, typically below 50. You constantly have to swap between talent and florang and lmb canceling your skills is required I've got some issues with my left wrist where in experiencing discomfort after raiding for a couple of hours when playing a bit spammy classes (looking at you fury warrior Dec 6, 2021 · I find it very odd that Shadow is so low when there isn’t a single cast time longer than the GCD, and Shadow’s GCD floor is 0. Since TBC classic is confirmed, I was wondering if anyone has any memory of which dps and healer specs were the lowest APM or had simplest rotations in TBC. The only problem I see is your APM might be a little higher with Balance. I'm specifically looking at Evoker Dec 4, 2022 · Hi, I am looking for new class to play. Arcane I think some people are intermixing low apm and low button count. I do not want to use every single GCD. Jul 23, 2022 · You’re asking a lot low APM, good damage and survival w/ heals. I couldn't find anymore information passed that as SimulationCraft has taken down BfA statistics, and I'm not Jul 19, 2022 · Most easiest/low apm class. DH is at around 79 APM on single target, Mage is a out 61 @ 475 ilvl. During CDs your APM is on par with Prot Pala. 75 sec rather than the usual 1. Shaman, enh and ele have 2 of 3, but APM is not low, some might dispute the survival aspect as well. I was going Nov 25, 2020 · This is nude version of our class though. What would May 8, 2021 · I’m playing resto shaman in sunwell right now and we have a pretty low apm compared to most other classes. Which is the lowest APM tank? BTW: Druid is out. In WoW Classic, each class has its own identity and For some people it's a choice between grey area vs. It has Feb 3, 2023 · Hey all i tried to look this up online but most of the post are about 4 years old, which classes have the lowest APM in the game, Our community is filled with those looking to Jun 25, 2019 · My outlaw rogue is just so fast paced and my demon hunter is roughly 2-3 buttons mostly, so they seem to hurt my fingers way faster than something like a caster. I mean That’s very true. My left arm is not fully operational so I can only use 12 razer naga keybinds + maybe shift modifier Jul 13, 2023 · You can do +20 on just about any class right now. Perhaps the actual APM numbers become vastly different once movement I’m an old timer but want to give M+ a chance. I love shaman restoration for how simple it is and These are the Sims for all specs. Every single class is dependent on good raid comps and fast boss killing. Each class has to do its own healing and tanking (outside some high end formats but a laid back attitude there would not be appreciated) and dps. I parse like 92 to 98 and bm is actually wildy difficult to play perfect. I think people getting into a dungeon start running like their hair is on fire. It feels like a hectic h&s these days. Marksman hunters and all 3 warlock specs follow it. You mainly just keep track of stacks, So tried arms and ended up hurting my fingers cause cant play spammy classes or high apm classes like tank’s and i refuse to play healers specs due to anxiety but really dont Jan 21, 2023 · Check out Wow Lazy Macros for more info, setup tutorials, and class examples! Edit: links Reply reply 7 of the top 10 lowest APM classes are indeed casters, and destro Demo lock is low APM and no reaction time. Mar 3, 2023 · Keep in mind that most classes have extremely inflated apm. At best you could say that we could discuss variability in action presses across the minute, as a fire mage has a huge APM during combust Low APM class consistently r wow. Low APM game doesnt need much Dec 9, 2022 · I recently boosted a Demo Lock and while I think the class is pretty cool, I find most of the specs to be really high APM (and also quite complicated) which is the opposite of what I Which DPS specs have the highest APM? I came to a realization I don’t like being slow, I like pressing the buttons. Usually it also doesn't come with procs or things you have to quickly Realistically something like classic might actually be more up your alley. Every cast is instant and you have always something to press. The APM in this game for patchwerk fights ranges fron around 40 (evoker) to around 80 on average, but you have periods, where it Nov 17, 2019 · Apart from Black Mage, the only (DPS) classes which have a 'low' apm are probably Summoner and Red Mage, although they're not quite as low as Black Mage. It has a key moment every minute where you need to plan ahead, build up resources, and spend them at the right times to do good dps, but it's the same every time. MM Hunter. Low survivability. That’s the reason I am a Clicker in WoW. is the lowest actions-per-minute spec in the game, with affliction warlock as the second slowest ranged spec. Jun 19, 2023 · Hey there, I am on a mission to find the least spammy class in dragonflight to save my aging hands and I've come across something really interesting. Everyone will recommend that but she is by no means the lowest APM class if you wanna get good mileage on her. Jul 31, 2023 · Here is the simulationcraft for APM from this tier. WW Monk. APM for Mythic+ dungeons will likely differ (and most will be much higher). I do manual labor job and stressing my hands after 12h shift in my free time starts Jan 25, 2018 · Yes, I should have formed the question better. You charge a charge with Seriously, I’ve been playing an enhancement shaman (hate it) and a monk (fistweaver and windwalker). Assasination Rogue. Roughly, of course. Some specs have low button count but very high apm, vice versa. Personally I feel a similar way and prefer the gameplay style of classic that is somewhat slower and more deliberate. My left arm is not fully operational so I can only use 12 razer naga keybinds + maybe shift modifier Right now, Arcane Mage is pretty low apm. As a player, you wont like Classes/specs that are very Nov 28, 2021 · Guardian is a noobtrap btw. Sep 7, 2020 · Lowest ApM (Actions per Minute) during Tier 23 (Battle of Dazaralor). He’s pretty sharp but has a slight tremor at times that can slow his reflexes a bit. I want to do straight DPS. Affliction and feral are both relatively low. . It is generally the highest APM class for this reason next to outlaw rogue, also on Mar 25, 2021 · Shai isnt low apm. But I’d say the one that has the least buttons might be BM hunter. It's actually a lower APM than several jobs because of this. At the moment they’re one of the higher apm classes. Since you're You will get a lot of hate on this post but really you CAN play anything, you just wont be very good or reactive in a pvp type situation unfortunately. General Discussion. I don’t like recommending you dps, because of Damage addons. Machinist might be your ideal. I would definitely stick to BG's and not arena's So, there's two types of intensive that you'll want to consider. My main MMO experience these days is FFXIV and my Jun 29, 2023 · I want have an old time slow paced DPS class to play on Dragonflight, could you advice me 1 or 2 classes to try out? In BfA i tried Elemental Shaman and it was a cool class, in Nov 18, 2024 · The majority of the classes/specs is much too fast paced /has too much apm alrdy. And since Shield of the So currently deciding on melee class that has low apm and high survival that can breeze through 10>80 (possible Earthen if i finish the campaign in EA) ? I think Arms Warrior is one of the Mar 7, 2022 · It’s probably more important to look at your keybinds and work on improving those than it is to look at lower APM classes. Devastation I believe has the lowest APM in the game. Reply reply Good-Expression-4433 • What is the most metal moment in WoW? upvotes Which class has Jul 29, 2023 · Hey there y'all. What we want is low buttons so she doesn’t need to use the shift button on the keyboard very often. Ideally one Jun 17, 2021 · That's the weirdest flex I have ever heard. Enhancement Shaman should be I find classes with downtime and low APM more enjoyable to play with. Feb 26, 2023 · People say that Zerk APM is low but to my troubled hands it's still too much, because of the movement that it requires and the use of shift + movement a lot, it's worse for Jan 17, 2020 · Gw2 is fairly balanced. I warn you, I am not saying any of this specs is easy in any Aug 4, 2023 · As others have said it would most likely be blood dk, apart from some major cd's (what you would compare with shield wall) all of their abilities are pretty much on the gcd (can Nov 24, 2020 · I got pretty bad wrists/fingers these days, what are some of the lowest apm classes that are a bit more kind on the ol wrists but are still viable in raids and M+. What is currently the lowest APM spec class so i don t have to. While lower APM will help, it’s much more important to Without all of the energy talents, feral is very low APM. Mangle Thrash Swipe Swipe Swipe Mangle Thrash Swipe Swipe Swipe Mangle Thrash Swipe Swipe Swipe Mangle Thrash Jun 22, 2024 · I am older and have trouble with my right hand so was wondering if there are any classes that require less apm EDIT: Sorry my bad for the description. For me it’s a few different things: Rescuing someone from a mechanic I know their class has no way to deal with like Magmorax’s knockback. Which dps specs are the least. Which specs in war within generally use fewer buttons in combat? Im only interested in I have seen APM questions before, however, in the context of WoW, a question like this makes little to no sense. BoS frost is the lowest apm, but you dual wield for that. It's an Can anyone recommend me a dps class with low apm and utility for mainly m+ and the occasional (Normal) raid? I mainly play balance and hate the ramp up time as most things Aug 26, 2020 · If you are only looking for low APM I can say. I want have an old time slow paced DPS class to play on Dragonflight, could you advice me 1 or 2 classes to try out? In BfA i tried Hunter imo was the easiest class for me. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a I got pretty bad wrists/fingers these days, what are some of the lowest apm classes that are a bit more kind on the ol wrists but are still viable in raids and M+. the hell out of early-Legion S2M Spriest I think Resto Shaman will provide you with the best experience in your situation. Low APM class consistently r wow. plus you got your pets to carry damage for you. I leveled a Fury warrior First problem high apm secondly you are 100% wrong when it comes to haste. Also Marksman Hunter, I Stay away from specs like any Mage specs (Even Frost, because it has alot of procs, so you have to use abilities fast), any Rogue spec, Windwalker Monk, Frost DK, any Warrior spec and Havoc Demon Hunter. Arcane blast x4 (1. It's rotation is simple, you just have to get used to having 0 dodges to dodge oneshots, but that just comes with time r/wow. The cancels and multiple skillsis very taxing on the wrist. You're wrong about melee being the only high APM, mages have water eles, locks and hunters have pets that can be individually Hey I’m looking for easy low action per minute class with few skill buttons. But a kinda class you play if you Nov 10, 2022 · I have hand injuries that prevent me from playing for very long. Even during lust and your big CD ("dragonrage") you basically just press 2 buttons. Lower APM plus good binds will typically be easier on those with arthritis, RSI, or Hey I’m looking for easy low action per minute class with few skill buttons. It gets worse when you start at Mythic-plus dungeons, where Oct 24, 2022 · It's rogue. I do see now that APM and number of buttons are indeed different and both are important. It's a lot of fun too so it Dec 4, 2019 · BFA classes listed in a tier-list style for both PvE and PvP. For a So have 2 choices which is more easiest and relaxing to 60 and also easiest to do mythics+/raiding contents to Dragonflight expac ? Enhance is one of the only classes in the game that hits gcd cap consistently, it is by no means low APM. WoW Classic vs Mar 18, 2023 · Idk how you're downvoted. All other classes have casts, resources, or cooldowns which slow the class down a bit. If you’re a “low APM/low parse” player running a 20 you’re getting HARD Feb 8, 2020 · Which class/spec is currently the lowest APM? World of Warcraft Forums Lowest APM DPS? Community. If you take some Fury Warrior or DH (without Demon Blades). The records are fetched and updated every 24 hours to provide the most accurate and up-to-date data-driven Rankings and Tier Lists for the current WoW Meta in The Aug 20, 2020 · Hi all, I'm looking for a low APM DPS spec (bored of my Havoc) and I remembered Arms was pretty slow, but that might not be the case according to simulationcraft. The biggest problem is feeling the need to spam a hotkey as the cooldown window is closing, but there is actually a grace period there for Jul 20, 2022 · It’s low APM, many buttons. Haste is definitely favored more for that build as well as it’s all about getting in more Stormstrikes to fish Nov 18, 2023 · The highest APM melee class would probably be feral druid, as there's a lot of random BS things you can add in to your leveling rotation to make it more efficient. Mar 14, 2022 · I would highly appreciate those with experience in KR/RU to give input to high and low APM classes -- especially those with good mobility as well. Very tanky for a caster, so you are not likely to die to mechanics that much. Fire Emblem is a fantasy tactical role-playing video game franchise developed by Intelligent Nov 20, 2020 · Rather than looking at low APM it might be better just slowing your own APM to a comfortable level. Arms warrior: Very hefty hits, and not too many buttons to The issue is that some specs get too much haste from talents, or have off-global spells. Professional e-athletes in South Korea usually have average APM scores around 350, but often exceed the 450 mark Jun 29, 2023 · Dev Evoker is by far the lowest APM. Most fight parses in the entirety of WotLK Mar 27, 2023 · Lowest apm/best class for those with poor wrists? Question I've had a few injuries in my life which have made my wrists tense up and become sore more easily than before. Most classes and specs will have something to be pressed every global and Aug 12, 2022 · Which dps specs have a low apm, (Haven’t played since BFA and was a healer main) 10 minutes of research is annoying? Low APM specs. Low apm class for combat that is generally easy to learn. You also have Howdy friends. Elahri May 20, 2023 · What is the slowest class to play in WoW? Arcane mage is the lowest actions-per-minute spec in the game, with affliction warlock as the second slowest ranged spec. They require Dec 3, 2022 · Bm has a simple ST rotation, but the apm is quite high as you stack haste and press a button every gcd. High af apm. I think every time he does it and I I want to come back but playing classic era for so long has kind of killed my desire for ultra zoomer rotations. Come on, man. I would recommend MM or a caster for a real low apm spec. Low APM Classes are those with spells/abilities with very long cast times like an MM Hunter. arthritis(I know a guy from my class back in school who had issues with his finger joints after gaming on multiple occasions). Like rogues for example their offhand proces, gouche, extra combo points from attacks depending on the spec Jul 22, 2022 · Which made me realize that the simcraft logs are only for static non-movement Patchwerk fights. Third problem melee in general is not a good idea unless the person is very comfortable with Oct 14, 2023 · Awk shai is low apm if you like support classes. One I’m dealing with a hand injury that’s really screwing with my gaming. I don’t know how bad the Nov 21, 2023 · Hello, I suffer from a pretty advanced carpal tunnel and unfortunately they are classes/specs that I just cannot play anymore, my main goal would be to push M+(20+) and Nov 24, 2020 · I got pretty bad wrists/fingers these days, what are some of the lowest apm classes that are a bit more kind on the ol wrists but are still viable in raids and M+. With Avenging Wrath up, you generate a lot of Holy Power really quickly. comments Hey I’m looking for easy low action per minute class with few skill buttons. Idk I find classes with downtime and low APM more enjoyable to play with. 5 No real shockers here, melee dps and tank heavy at the highest end (specs with lots of procs, builders/spenders). Although that’s true, you need to be a decent player. Curious where Frost Mages sit in the Nov 9, 2022 · From one of the highest APM classes to the lowest, here's a guide on the most chill spec in classic wow right now: assassination rogue. Low APM spec Aug 18, 2019 · Not because of the amount of buttons, but rather because it's the spec with the lowest APM in the game. r/wow.