Romans 2 commentary easy english. We also are sure that we will live with God in heaven.
Romans 2 commentary easy english 4 And declareda to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the A free Bible Version and Commentary in Easy English. Romans 2 Commentary by William Sanday; EASY ENGLISH. For it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified. org. The *Jews believed that Elijah would return. Clarke's Commentary. Romans 2:5-6 meaning. They could write neatly. It was important for the Christians at Corinth to know the real nature of the *gospel. Written by Keith Simons. A new *disciple, 1:21-26. ) So God intended that a man should have only one wife. 2 So anyone who refuses to obey that authority is refusing to obey God. So God will forgive them. Job did God’s work on earth (Job 31:16-23). It was easy for them to cheat people and to demand too much money. Chapter 3. Read and understand Paul's letter to the Romans in simple English. And impenitent heart - produced by thy hardness, through which thou art callous to the calls and expostulations of conscience. Other printed works include Modern Unbelief, The Being of God, The History and Obligation of the Sabbath. They were no longer part of God's true people. Matthew Henry's Commentary. This commentary has been through Advanced Checking. (Isaiah 45:23). v1 From Paul. ) Romans 3:1 A number of objections are next raised and answered. "Commentary on Romans 2:1". Words in ( ) are explanations. ’ 7 When you have troubles in your life, you must be patient and strong. This is a fast and easy way to personally own some of the greatest Bible study material ever written. Written in EasyEnglish by MissionAssist. Remember that God is teaching you what is right because you are his children. But all his friends except Luke had left him (2 Timothy 4:11, 16). Is according to truth — Is just, making no exception, Romans 2:5-6; Romans 2:11; and reaches the heart as well as the life, Romans 2:16. James 1:2-4 says that troubles help people to grow up as strong Christians. Verse 2 *Sin is like a law that controls people. But here comes the difficulty. But it does not look like a poem when it is in the English language. Eliphaz Finally, a free Bible Commentary that is easy to use and organized chapter by chapter. God uses all events for his purposes (Isaiah 45:7; Philippians 1:12; 2:13; Romans 8:28-30). 2 God promised this good news long ago, before it became true. Romans 4 Abraham believed God. He A free Bible Version and Commentary on the Book of Daniel in EasyEnglish. for it advocated a cheap and easy salvation unrelated to any requirements of righteous living. The subject is ‘the gospel of God’. 1 It is difficult for some Christians to trust God completely about everything. For there is no partiality with God: The word translated What does Romans chapter 2 mean? How should I understand Romans chapter 2? How does Romans chapter 2 fit with the surrounding context? 2 - About Paul’s letter to Rome’s Christians. 4. For we know — Without thy teaching That the judgment of God - Not thine, who exceptest thyself from its sentence. But there is also a use of the word "holy" and "holiness" or "sanctification" to mean a state, condition, or process, in which both God and man are active (see, for example, Romans 6:19; 1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 1:12; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Ephesians 1:4; Ephesians 5:26-27; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; 1 Thessalonians 5:23). Verse 3 ‘Most noble’ are words of respect. C. Verse 15 Levi invited his friends to a meal. He has dealt with the Jews and with their claims to special privilege. But the English rendering is true to the sense of the Greek and certainly makes the verse easy to remember. 5 For while we were living in the flesh, The Good, Great King of Glory: Free Bible commentary on Psalm 72 in Easy English . Commentary: Keith Simons. (See Genesis 16:1-2. Nobody could avoid its power. ‘Everyone does evil things. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. 3 The Law that God gave to Moses See also Romans 1:1-32 in other biblical comments: A Textual Commentary On The Greek New Testament by Bruce M. God began it. 26 But a Gentile may obey what God's Law teaches. God Judges according to the Truth (2:1-4) Romans 2:1-16 is a powerful passage about the nature of God’s justice. This means a living, abiding knowledge of Jesus will keep This subject has bearing on the spread of the gospel, so it is especially appropriate in this epistle. Paul says in Romans chapter 5 verse 1, ‘God makes you right by *faith’. Sin and death no longer have authority over you. A free Bible Version and Commentary on the book of Lamentations in EasyEnglish. Commentary – English; Spanish – Español (Arabic) تفاسير – اللغة العربية (Romans 12:2). Each chapter is also outlined verse by verse through the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We should help them to trust God more strongly. The scope of the first two chapters of this epistle may be gathered from ch. ’ (Cambridge New English Bible Commentary on Haggai, Zechariah He also wants Timothy to bring his books and *papers (2 Timothy 4:13). This is a form of *spiritual *circumcision. 2 Some people believe that they may eat all kinds of food. Free Romans commentaries that can be downloaded in seconds are listed below. There are various English translations of this word: 1) *Preacher; 2) Teacher; 3) Philosopher (wise person who thinks a lot about everything). B. 1. And the Book of Romans also teaches how we Romans 2:12–16 needs to be interpreted as an integral thread skillfully woven into the fabric of the broader context. Offer your bodies to him like a sacrifice that continues to live. Matthew Henry's Commentary – Romans . (13) So much we can see; so much is simple matter of history, that sin was in the world from Adam downwards. The _partial_ character of the rejection of God's people is proved, first by the conversion of St. How they lived among them 2:9-12. Paul wrote the letter about the year 57. Read the Passage: Romans 2:12-29 Listen to The Redeemed Mind Podcast: Romans 2:12-29 Condemned by Conscience (2:12–16) In Rom. Romans 2:1 is the link of connection with what has gone before; Romans 2:2-3; Romans 2:6-13 lay down emphatically the general principles of God’s judgment; We are thus led up by easy stages to the Pauline doctrine of justification by faith, even out of the midst of that doctrine of 2. 1 Everyone must obey the government officers. 9 Really love other people, not like a hypocrite. A new orientation in our thinking leads to a new Romans 7 The authority of the law. Because of that, I really want you to serve God with your whole life. 3 Even Christ did not just do things that would make Romans 9 The Jews have not believed in Christ. God had taken him up to heaven in a strong wind (2 Kings 2:11). Romans Commentary; CHARLES ELLICOTT - editor. People do wrong We can live by God's Spirit - Now we know this: God has forgiven those people who are united with Christ Jesus. In the Bible, the number 7 sometimes means the Romans 1 Paul says ‘Hello’ 1 This letter is from me, Paul. People often thought that sex outside marriage as normal. A free Bible Version and Commentary on Paul's Letter to the Philippians in EasyEnglish. 2 So think about this. 3 For I could wish that myself were accurseda from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: 4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants,b and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; A free Bible Commentary on Paul's Letter to the Colossians in EasyEnglish. Instead, they tried to make their own way to become right with God. You are really saying that God should punish you also! When you judge someone, God will not punish them and then forgive you. It is God who gives the authority to rule. God's Spirit now rules in your life and he has made you free. They became rich. Rome was probably the largest city in the world. Although he had succeeded that time, the *Romans would not set him free. The foundation for Christian living. They were the fourth *kingdom. We leave behind our *sinful character. ) And Jacob married both Leah and Rachel in addition to 2 extra wives. People use this word to introduce someone to a king. Why Paul and Silas sent Timothy 3:1-5. Some people think that 2 Corinthians chapters 10-13 is this severe letter. In 2 parts: A Bible commentary on Mark's Gospel, without translated Bible text. They are my own people. So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on A Bible text and commentary on the Book of 2 Chronicles. Paul later wrote A free Bible Version and Commentary on the Old Testament Book of Nehemiah in Easy English. (NASB: Lockman)Greek: Dio anapologetoe ei, o anthrope pas o krinon; en o gar krineis ton heteron seauton katakrineis, ta gar auta prassei s o krinon. He wrote about this letter in 2 Corinthians 2:1-4. 1 My Christian friends, you know about laws. Romans 2:17-29 An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on Matthew’s *Gospel. God has given Israel a warning. The following verses elaborate this basic concept. You know that we have to obey them. Leviticus 9:2. They have become God’s special, *holy people (Ephesians 2:1-9). ii. Jeremiah Weeps in the Darkness. Its expositions are simple and satisfying, as well as scholarly. (Romans 15:30-32; Ephesians 6:19-20; 2 Thessalonians 3:1). Philip Smith. Romans About Paul's letter to the Romans. He is right to punish people who The Book of Romans is a letter from Paul to the Christians in Rome. When you judge someone, God will not punish them and then forgive you. But Eliphaz did not answer wisely. An EasyEnglish Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the letter of James first to believe in the *Lord Jesus and he was one of the *apostles. 4:16; Col. _consumed the burnt offering_ Cp. 5 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters 2:6. Paul wrote this letter to the Christians who were living in the city of Rome. Treasurest up - continuest to increase thy debt to the Divine justice, which will infallibly inflict wrath - punishment in the day of wrath - the judgment 11:24 When Jesus lived on earth, most of Israel's people, the Jews, did not believe that Jesus was God's Messiah. This unique Bible Commentary is to be highly recommended for its worth to Pastors and Students. 2 The *Romans had stopped wars. ‘If there is hope for the *Philistines, there is hope for all (people). He expects that they will soon kill him (2 Timothy 4:6). Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary Romans. Chapters 25 to 39: God's Plans for Israel and the Nations. That makes us strong in our lives here. We receive God’s *grace. Romans 6:5–7: Romans 6:8–11: If we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, (5a) If we died with Christ, (8a) we shall also be united (implied by the construction) with him in the likeness of his resurrection; (5b) Romans 15. God chose me to be his apostle. We see this truth again in Romans chapter 8 verse 10. There is no escape, and Israel should feel frightened. Our *baptism means that we bury our *sin. [] That is a help to you, if you obey God's Law in your lifeBut if you do not obey God's Law, then it is worth nothing. Romans 5, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Ellicott's Commentary elevates Christian understanding by delving into original texts and historical context, offering profound insights. *Herod the king killed him in about AD 42 (Acts 12:2). "This we have proved upon the Gentiles (ch. Hence, lastly, the rapid and vehement cut and thrust of indignant questioning as in Romans 2:21-23; Romans 9:19-21, or of impetuous challenge as in Romans 8:31-35. And *sin caused the most terrible troubles. The Ephesians learned Christ, not only learning about Jesus, but also learning Him. Romans 2:17-29 Doing and Teaching Go Together; EXPLORE THE BIBLE. When God’s people *sin, other people do not respect them any Romans 2:13. The connection with Romans 12:17-21 should be obvious. Dick Lucas & Christopher Green ~ The Message of 2 Peter & Jude ~ 1995 IVP. I had occasion to point out, in a sermon on the preceding verse, that the Apostle is, in this context, making the transition from the doctrinal to the practical part of his letter, and that he lays down broad principles, of which all his subsequent injunctions and exhortations are simply the filling up of the details. 2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;). Jesus prepares the way for us to approach God the King. 1 What I am telling you is true. 2 Instead, each of us should do things that will make other believers happy. But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. Concise Oxford Dictionary. Romans 13 Obey the government. Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, &c. But one advantage the Jew did have, and that was the Law. 17-24. (2-6). God's Spirit now rules in your life and he has made you free. Corinth was in the south part of the country that we call Greece. Romans 16 Paul says ‘hello’ 1 I want you to know that our Christian friend Phoebe is a good person. These Bible Commentaries are easy to read and understand. Verse 17. 2 I can say this about them: They really want to serve God well. College Press Bible Study Textbook Series. These 7 were not the only *churches in Asia. In those days, the kings and leaders employed writers. But after thy hardness — Occasioned by thy long course of iniquity. "Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible". From Now to the End of Time. Hate anything that is bad. Introduction; Romans 1; Romans 2; Romans 3; Romans 4; Romans 5; Romans 6; Romans 7; Romans 8; Romans 9; Romans 10; Romans 11; Romans 12; Romans 13; A translation of the Bible with Commentaries and Bible Studies – all written in Easy English – to help you read, understand, and apply the Bible. The fundamental principle stated here is simple: God will repay each person according to his works (i. Genesis: God's Ancient People - by Alun Owen. 3 They have not understood the way that God accepts people. *Sin always leads to death (Romans 6:23). Chambers 21st Century Dictionary CHAPTER 3:1-20 _ 1. ) Timothy had been with Paul when he established the church at Philippi (Acts 16). Therefore, people could travel safely. b. What *faith should do. Verse 31 Divorce was common among *Greeks and *Romans in the time of Jesus. To speak with clever words and ideas would attract attention to the speaker. 1 So we see that God has accepted us as right because we believe in him. 3 But you may say, ‘Some Jews did not believe God's messages as they should have done. 3 9, "We have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they are all under sin. Verse 20 Romans 3:23 says that people everywhere *sin. Continue to do things that are good. 4 Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God. We enjoy it. Romans 5 Commentary by William Sanday; THEODORE EPP. Paul suggests that *baptism is a type of *circumcision. Colossians 2:1 Commentary. For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; a. Romans 8:1 tells us we are free from the guilt of sin. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. His prophets wrote about it in the Bible. II. He punishes everyone that he accepts as a son. Isaiah: New *Heavens and a New Earth. The world will always pressure us to live sinfully and selfishly, but to live the good life God wants from us requires changing how we behave—by changing our thoughts. _ The Christian is free from condemnation (Romans 8:1), because he is freed from the law of sin (Romans 8:2), a result which the law Philip Schaff's Popular Commentary on the NT (4 vols) Romans 8:1. The description consists of twice five articles; of which the former five, Romans 2:17-18 , show what he boasts of in himself; the other five, Romans 2:19-20 , what he glories in with respect to When he got back to Ephesus Paul wrote them a severe letter. 2:16, 21). v21-22 ‘So, then, we must choose someone. We can read about him in 1 and 2 Kings in the *Old Testament. That man must be someone who saw the *Lord Jesus with us Read Romans 2 bible commentary & study from William Barclay's Daily Study Bible by William Barclay FREE on BiblePortal. This judgment will offer either eternal life or wrath and indignation, given without partiality, and the decision is based on whether one does good or evil (7-11). God uses these troubles to make their *faith in God strong and pure. Moreover, it is easy to understand and has 1 They were working for the *Romans who were their enemies. God’s judgment upon the morally educated. In Colossians 2:11-12 Paul wrote that we should die to *sin. But we are sure — Greek, οιδαμεν, we know; though men may judge partially and perversely, yet God will judge uprightly; that the judgment of God — The sentence that he will pronounce upon persons, whether Jews or Gentiles, is according to truth — According to the true state of every man’s case; or according to the true character of persons, and the true quality of Romans 2:1 Therefore you have no excuse, (KJV= "O man) everyone * of you who passes judgment , for in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. But God helped these young men to obey him. For there is no respect of persons with God. ROMANS 1:1 Cristou/ VIhsou/ {B} In the opening verses of most of the Pauline letters, the manuscripts vary the sequence between VIhsou/ Romans 12, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Ellicott's Commentary elevates Christian understanding by delving into original texts and historical context, offering profound insights. ) v44 ‘In the days when those kings rule, the God of heaven will set up a *kingdom In the passage taken as a whole, three steps or stages are indicated: (1) Romans 1:18-23, idolatry; (2) Romans 1:24-27, unnatural sins allowed by God as the punishment for this idolatry; (3) Romans 1:28-32, a still more complete and radical depravity also regarded as penally inflicted. Paul wrote this letter about the year AD 57. Hilda Bright. Thanks to God for the *response of the people at Thessalonica 2:13-16. Then he has shown that he belongs to God even though nobody has Bible Commentary de Romansonline em EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries God’s Righteous Judgment - You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. (a) Doers of the Law. For the word ‘receive’, Paul uses the word ‘prosagoge’, which means ‘introduction’. When God judges people, he does it in a way that is Bible Commentaries. November 2010. He does not want them to go to the place of dead people (see my note on Ezekiel 32:17-32). Serve the Lord well because you enjoy it. The plain and direct style of the Apostle is A free Bible Version and Commentary on the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel in Easy English. 2 They had to keep some money for themselves after they had collected the required amount. Romans 2 Commentary by William Sanday; THEODORE EPP. 1:5 - How to obey To drive home the conviction, he here shows what a righteous God that is with whom we have to do, and how just in his proceedings. 4:23; cf. (See Ecclesiastes 12:14, 1 Corinthians 4:5). Romans; 1 Corinthians; 2 Corinthians; Galatians; 1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. It is easy to be a Christian when life is favourable. Romans 5:1. Romans. But other people are not so sure, so they eat only vegetables. He also says in Galatians 3:2, ‘Did you receive the Spirit by keeping the law, or by believing what you heard?’ We become right with God and we receive the Spirit. 1 My Christian friends, God has been very kind to us. It was easy for a man to divorce his wife. Commentary – English; Commentary Bibliography; Spanish – Español (Arabic) تفاسير – اللغة العربية It is a simple yet challenging call to simply put our neighbor first. 1:3-4 - Christ is God the Son. The *Romans took a *census every 14 years. I am not telling lies. These free commentaries can be used for personal self-study and devotional reading, for Bible studies and small groups, for classroom teaching at any level, or for preaching. _the fire came down from heaven_ Cp. Hawker's Poor man's commentary. The *prophets also wrote accounts of events. He wrote it to show that he loved them. So when you judge someone else you are saying that you are also guilty of the same thing. Simple Point Outline. Includes cross references, questions, verse by verse commentary, and applications on Romans chapter 2. com Romans 10. God had said, ‘A man and his wife join. 17 As it is written: "I have made you a father of many nations. There is one great subject in Romans. , The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (2015 Edition) (Orlando, FL Godet's commentary on Luke, John, Romans, 1 Corinthians. ” “Accommodate yourselves,” or “condescend Romans. The *Jews build Jerusalem’s city wall again. He deals fairly with humanity. 10 Love each other truly like brothers and sisters. do not easily forget it. God’s rewards in heaven await believers who seek to walk with Him and pursue His will. It can guide us, teach us, and tell us about God’s character. March 2010. An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Nehemiah to overcome *Israel (2 Kings 17:1-23). Paul himself (Romans 11:1); then by the existence of a whole Judeo-Christian church (Romans 11:2-6). Objections and Their Answers. I speak as someone who belongs to Christ. (Romans 3:9 . Learn about God's judgement, his kindness, and his *salvation for everyone who does the right things. The *Assyrians forced many *Israelites to live in other countries (2 Kings ‘My son, when the Lord shows you what is right,. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh: The law can do many things. In this passage Paul turns to the Gentiles. Be really happy to respect other Christians. ] It will not come into consideration, at the day of judgment, of what nation men are; or from what parents they are descended; nor of what age and sex persons be; nor in what state and condition they have lived in this world; nor will it be asked to what sect they have belonged, and by what denomination they have been David Guzik commentary on Romans 15, where Paul encourages the believer to live a life filled with care and concern for others. About Us. Verse 2 We know from ancient records that Choose a chapter and verse from 'Romans' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on StudyLight. God has given great responsibility to us (2 Corinthians 5:20). Chapter 2 Judgment for All; Righteousness Not by Law. The Claims of the Jew (2:17-18) 1. An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 72 2, 3). Do not be upset when he punishes you. God had said, ‘I hate divorce 1 So I say this to each one of you: Do not judge other people. As Christians, we are also God’s servants (Romans 1:1; Philippians 1:1; James 1:1; 2 Peter 1:1). Verse Romans 2:5. He punishes people who do those kind of bad Paul provides an answer in Romans 2:1-16: God judges people impartially, according to their works and the truth. See Zechariah 2:10-11 and Romans 11:26-27. We should not just do things that will make us happy ourselves. Verse 6 But now Amos begins to make his message clear. 11 Do not be lazy, but always work hard. McGarvey views this verse when connected to Romans 1:32 as forming a climax: "The simple sinner is bad, the encourager of sin in but it is easier to get the correct meaning in English if we go straight from Romans 2:13 to Romans 2 Romans 2:11. 12 Be happy, because you can trust God to do what he says. An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Revelation the *Romans ruled over Asia. The same temptation exists today when people think to be saved Michael Green ~ 2 Peter and Jude ~ Tyndale NT commentaries ~ 1987 IVP. We must be patient with them. Everyone fails when you use God’s standards’ (Romans 3:23). Romans 2:7 meaning. When Paul wrote his letter to the Romans, he employed a writer (Romans 16:22). Jesus was born as a human baby from King The English versions Philip Schaff's Popular Commentary on the NT (4 vols) 1. A word list at the end explains words with a *star by them. The people who rule have received their authority from God. Verse 17 It was not easy to obey the real God in Babylon. . Study the bible online using commentary on Romans 2 and more! Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. and do this in a simple and kindly way; do not let any social assumptions keep you at a distance. 2 Also, because we trust Jesus Christ, he has caused us to know that God is very kind. Romans 5:1-5 Understanding Your Standing; Romans 5:3; 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 On the day when Jesus returns, his people will trust him. The Claims of the Jew and His Role among the Gentiles (2:17-20) A. That was about 30 years after Jesus died. 2:1 Therefore you are Does he count lightly and carelessly upon the long-suffering and forbearance of God? The proper object of that forbearance is to lead him to repentance. I consider myself to be a slave of *Christ Romans 2 God judges all people in a right way 1 So I say this to each one of you: Do not judge other people. A word list at the end explains words with a This commentary has been through Advanced Checking. Its message changed the lives of three important men who lived in the past. After that the *Romans came. If you belong to Christ Jesus, God's Spirit has given you a new life. Romans 5 God's friends. www. The latter part of the 22nd helps us to fix the meaning of the latter part of the 18th; the man who hated idols and committed sacrilege proved that he did not exercise his boasted power of making a proper distinction between right An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (LEE level B) on the Book of 2 Kings. And they could write in the official *Greek language. This happens when we *believe in Jesus Christ. Romans 3:1. Home; About Easy English. To have *faith in God means to trust in God and in Jesus Christ his Son. -- Here the unfinished statement of Romans 2:12 is resumed and closed. But nobody is really good. Norman Hillyer ~ 1 and 2 Peter, Jude ~ New International Biblical Commentary ~ 1995 Paternoster Press. 3:10; Titus 3:5). He wanted them to meet Jesus. In the day, &c. As a result, we are friends with God, because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us. Romans Comments; CHARLES ELLICOTT - editor. 3-4 This good news is about God's Son, who is Jesus Christ, our Lord. Then we can receive God’s *grace. 1 Abraham was the ancestor of all of us who are Jews. If Israel suffers, this is not an accident. An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Lamentations People always watch God’s people (2 Corinthians 3:2; Romans 2:24). We know that people very often used a secretary. We also are sure that we will live with God in heaven. There was peace in the countries that the *Romans ruled. e. 3:28, 5:1, Gal. To a Greek, meekness was a se Ellicott's Commentary On The Whole Bible (1) Ephesians 4:1, although cast in a hortatory form contain the final summary of the great doctrine of the Epistle — the UNITY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH — in words which have all the glowing freedom of Ellicott's Commentary On The Whole Bible A free Bible Version and Commentary on the Book of Acts in EasyEnglish. The writer of 1 and 2 Samuel probably got most of his information from these accounts. It is part of the judgement of God. God's true people were like an olive tree that God had planted long ago. The *Lord does not want anyone to die (2 Peter 3:9). Written by Ian Mackervoy. Resources. 2 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,). They mean that Theophilus was an important official. In verse 7 the good people he rules will have it, and also be Commentary. As the letter was later than AD 42, this James could not be The Law and the Conscience (Romans 2:12-16) This passage discusses how those without the Law (Gentiles) are still accountable because their conscience bears witness to the law written in their hearts. 2 If you belong to Christ Jesus, God's Spirit has given you a new life. By the word ‘simple’, Solomon means more than this. Give to her the things that she needs. We are thus led up by easy stages to the Pauline doctrine of justification by faith, even out of the midst of that doctrine of retribution which forms Romans 8 We can live by God's Spirit. She is a servant of the church at Cenchrea. 2 Samuel 1:18; 1 Kings 11:41; 14:19, 29; 1 Chronicles 27:24; 29:29 all refer to these writers and their books. How Paul and his friends came to Thessalonica 2:1-4. easyenglish. Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. Think about what he discovered. We live life to please God, rather than living as the world dictates and seeking its rewards. That person will receive the proper punishment. also 2 Cor. The laws have authority over someone while they are still alive. He probably wrote it while he was living in Corinth. The church is not a nation among nations as Israel was. J. Verse 2 . The Jews and the Law (Romans 2: (2)These principles were fully stated in his own Law, and were in strict accordance with all the teaching of the prophets; see the note at Romans 2:6; also Psalms 7:11; Psalms 9:17; Psalms 139:19; Proverbs 14:32. The Whole World Under Sin. God’s Servant Saves God’s People. Translation: Mark Kirkpatrick. , he gets what he deserves). 3 I belong to the same family as they do. A simple person has not learned to be wise. Paul *preached the good news about Christ in many places. Chapter 1 Paul's Introduction; Sin of Gentiles. The Book of Romans shows us how God can save us from the punishment for our evil deeds. The wild olive tree is like the Gentiles. Do not be conformed to his world but be transformed will make all the difference in your Christian walk, so you must understand what this A free Bible Commentary on the Gospel of Luke in EasyEnglish. But he is hard and impenitent, and The Guilt of the Moralist and the Jew A. 6 The Lord does that to everyone that he loves. Paul uses the same idea in his letter to the Ephesians (2:18; 3:20). Inductive Bible study on Romans 2:1-16. Sometimes Christians suffer. You deserve the same punishment! 2 When God judges people, he does it in a way that is true. He did not write it to make them sad. Help her in the way that God's people ought to help one another. He sent me to tell his good news to people. You should accept people like that as your friends. A woman who has a husband must stay with him Romans 2, Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible, Coffman's Commentaries by James Burton Coffman offer thorough analysis and practical application, a valuable resource for Christians. Introduction 1:1-17. "THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS" Chapter Two OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THIS CHAPTER. We learn this from 5 verses in the *New Testament (John 2:17; John 15:25; Romans 11:9-10; and here, Acts 1:20). If you decide that someone else has done a bad thing, remember that you also For there is no partiality with God. 1 Now we know this: God has forgiven those people who are united with Christ Jesus. An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on Isaiah chapters 41 to 55 Read Psalm 87 and the notes on it in the Easy English Psalms series. I pray to God that he will save them. 2. The Sacrifices consumed by Fire from Heaven 1. Romans: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. We delight in it, «through our Lord Jesus Christ. In the court for the first time, he had been successful. Serve him with everything that you have and that will please him. It is ‘the gospel of his Son’ (1:9). 3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians chapter 2; 2:1 - Dead in sin; 2:2 - What power does the devil have? 2:3 - Is it wrong to follow your own desires? 2:4-5 - The reasons why God saves people; 2:6 - Christians and their place of high authority; 2:7 - God's plan for his people in the future age; 2:8 - By grace, through faith; 2:9 - Our 'works' cannot save us God's friends. Here Paul writes that those who sin without the law will perish without the law, just A. ’ (See Genesis 2:24. 1 Some of us trust God with strong faith. " He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead 1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,. In the Bible text, words in [ ] are part of the Bible text. (Romans 2:1-3) An indictment against the morally educated man. We are all simple people by God’s standards. That much—and more—is quite Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete) Romans; Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry's six volume Complete Commentary provides an exhaustive look at every verse in the Bible. The Law that God gave to 16. Sproul, ed. And he probably employed a writer for all his other letters. The message was simple. If you decide that someone else has done a bad thing, remember that you also do the same bad things. 2:12–16 Paul is primarily addressing the spiritual state of Gentiles—that is, those who are “without [the written] law” (Rom. The means by which we accomplish this transformation in conduct is the “renewing of your mind” (for a close parallel see Eph. shall judge the secrets of men--here specially referring to the unfathomed depths of hypocrisy in the self-righteous whom the apostle had to deal with. According to Paul’s gospel, there will come a day when God will judge men’s secrets through Jesus Christ (2:16). This passage also ties in with Romans 12:1-2 as one sphere of application. JEWISH PROTESTS SILENCED. This was John the *Baptist’s message. 2 Do not become like the people who belong to this world. Paul is not saying, “Try and keep the law and you will justify yourself before God,” for that would contradict what he says elsewhere about being justified by faith (Rom. Romans 2, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Ellicott's Commentary elevates Christian understanding by delving into original texts and historical context, offering profound insights. Alive to God (Romans) Paul's letter to the Romans (EasyEnglish Bible) Paul's letter to the Romans (Romans) A Commentary by Hilda Bright and Keith Simons The Book of Romans. But if thou art called a Jew — This highest point of Jewish glorying, after a farther description of it interposed, Romans 2:17-20, and refuted, Romans 2:21-24, is itself refuted, Romans 2:25, etc. “What advantage then h Arthur Peake's Commentary on the Bible. Paul mentions Timothy in his greeting to the Christians at Corinth (2 Corinthians 1:1) and David Guzik commentary on Romans 1, where Paul talks about the righteousness of God as revealed in the Gospel and the need for the human race to be saved. Romans 14:11; Ephesians 3:14 Romans 2:21, and part of the 22nd, refer to what is contained in Romans 19 and the 20th; and the latter part of the 22nd to the 18th verse; and 23rd to the 17th. 2:12). He Calls Himself a Jew (2:17) The fact of their hypocrisy, alluded to in 2:1-3, is highlighted with full force in 2:17-29. (Romans 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9 Romans 2. Lamech was the first man to have more than one wife. Acts Act Book List 1 Corinthians 1Co. Romans 2:8 meaning. The further we go without repenting and turning to God, the more wrath is in store for us. 1 My Christian friends, I want God to save Israel's people. Genesis 1-11: God makes Everything Genesis 12-24: God's Friend, Abraham Genesis 25-36: Jacob meets God Genesis 37-50: God is with Joseph Genesis: It all begins with God - by Marie Wetherill and 2 That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. His heart has to be right as well. 2 When God judges people, he does it in a way that is right and fair. So he is in danger. Colossians 2:1 (NKJV) – “1 For I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you and those in Laodicea, and as many as have not seen my face in the flesh. I want that very much. (See Luke 2:1. Free Bible commentary on the Book of Psalms in Easy English - written by Gordon Churchyard for MissionAssist EasyEnglish Psalms These short commentaries are based on Level A EasyEnglish (about 1200 word vocabulary) by Gordon Churchyard. Chapter 1; Verses 1–7; Verses 8–15; Verses 16–18; Verses 19–32; Chapter 2; Verses 1–16 This epistle to the Romans is placed first, not because of the priority of its date, but because of the superlative excellency of the epistle, it An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Song of Songs. Romans 2:15. People have to obey *sin, but the only result of Verse 5. The first step is taken by the free choice of man, but as the breach gradually widens, the wrath 16 Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring—not only to those who are of the law but also to those who have the faith of Abraham. Because of that, maybe God A free Bible Version and Commentary on the New Testament Book of Revelation in Easy English. In very simple English (1200 word vocabulary). What then, it is asked, is the advantage of being a Jew, etc A true Jew is one whose praise is not from people, but from God (2:29). (Cranfield 43). The Good, Great King of *Glory. Their attitude to the people at Thessalonica 2:5-8. ) Titus took this letter to Corinth. This verse shows that we live out God’s will when we change our thoughts to God’s thoughts. Romans: Paul's letter to the Romans God judges all people in a right way - So I say this to each one of you: Do not judge other people. Various translations of the Bible. 3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;. Metzger. If God had done that, then Abraham would have been able to boast about himself. Book 1 (Psalms 1 - 41) » Psalms 1-41 in one file [or download in RTF format] Psalm 1: The Two Ways Romans 2:28-29 tells us that *circumcision does not make a person a *Jew. But he could not boast to God. Jews Will Not Escape God’s Judgment (2:1-11) A. 1 Chronicles 21:26, note. Psalm 69 is about Jesus. Let's take a deeper look now. He was leading his people as they searched for the truth about God. D. )_ 2. 2 Please be kind to her when she comes to you, because you belong to the Lord. Elijah had not died naturally. Then he would tell people that the *Messiah was coming soon. Commentary – English; Commentary Bibliography; Spanish – Español (Arabic) تفاسير – اللغة العربية Deceive the hearts of the simple: This shows that dividers and deceivers don Love people and help them. Luke would have found it easy to travel from there to collect information. Then the two people become one body. Many teachers of the Bible think that this was a song of praise. 2 God did not accept Abraham as right with him because Abraham had done good things. (Romans 3:1 . 4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. After this time, Abraham had an extra wife. That is the true way to worship God. English; Commentary Bibliography; Spanish – Español For God is my witness is perhaps Paul’s acknowledgment of how easy it is to say you will pray for someone, and then fail to do 1 The *Romans had built good roads, so it was easy to travel. Romans 14 Accept all Christians. On what principles God will inflict punishment on them, he states in Romans 2:12 A free Bible Version and Commentary on the Old Testament Book of Job in EasyEnglish. according to my gospel--to my teaching as a preacher of the Gospel. 6, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity R. Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things Hence, also, the insertion of long parentheses, interrupting the sense, as in Romans 2:13-15, and of digressions such as Romans 3:3-8. Words in boxes are from the Bible. That explains the long parenthesis, but it is easier to get the correct meaning in English if we go straight from Romans 2:13 to Romans 2:16, and add Romans 2:14-15 afterwards. Romans 2:1-11,17-21,23-24 Who Needs The Gospel? They Do Too! Romans 2:1-11; 3:21-26 Good News To Romans 3. God will never say that they are guilty. ), now in this chapter Romans 2:2-4. (Acts 24:27). In verse 1 we see that it is God’s righteousness that the king has. But they do not understand the right way to do this. Do not argue with them about what they think is right or wrong. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed (Romans 12:2). The Greek word "syneidēsis" (συνείδησις) refers to the conscience, which acts as an internal guide. Evil people can easily lead simple people to do evil actions. Psalm 72. Of the Gentile - That is, of all who were not Jews. They wrote about the events in their country. Verse 10 Notice the way that the sentence starts with ‘On the same day’. bible. (Nobody can prove this, however. But Christians often have troubles in their lives. I am a servant of Christ Jesus. Romans 8:2 tells us we are free from the power of sin. 2 I tell you this: Deep inside myself, I am always very sad and upset because of Israel's people. You have become like a Gentile that nobody has ever circumcised. Phillips has an outstanding and memorable translation of Romans 12:1-2: With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give Him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to Him and acceptable by Him. (Romans 16:22 mentions Tertius. Christ died on the *cross. To justify the condemnation of Gentiles who did not have a written Law (like the Jews), Paul God's Righteous Judgment - Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. 3 People who do good things do not need to be afraid of the rulers. 2 The superior *apostle 3:1-4:13 Jesus is superior to Moses 3:1-6 Warning to obey 3:7-4:2 Verses 21-22 Elijah was a great *prophet. Desire to visit them again 2:17-20. Read Romans 2 commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Concise). David Guzik commentary on Romans 16, which contains greetings by Paul to many different Christians in Rome, including Priscilla and Aquila. So, it was easy for Christians to teach the good news everywhere. But the gospel has another name too. He is the father of us all. 3 Most people understood the *Greek language. Verse 2. God's Holy Spirit rules my thoughts and I am sure that I am right. But he wrote a personal message at the end of his letters (for example, 1 Corinthians 16:21; 2 Thessalonians 3:17). 25 As a Jewish man, you are proud that someone has circumcised you. » Romans 5:2 Spurgeon's Bible Commentary. The first is that God chose to give his messages to the Jewish people. But some They are not guilty now. ” The second chapter of Colossians starts with A free Bible Commentary on the Letter of James in Easy English. _Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the Spurgeon's Bible Commentary Romans TRANSFIGURATION Romans 12:2. Greeting 1:1-7. How to serve God. Joy at the news that Timothy brought 3:6-10 EASY ENGLISH. Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. If they believe in Jesus, they become part of God's people. ] Though the Gentiles had not the law in form, written on tables, or in a book, yet they had "the work", the matter, the sum and substance of it in their minds; as appears by the practices of many of them, in their external conversation. 2 Chronicles 7:1-3 (not in 1 Kings). We must help those believers whose faith is weaker. DEDICATION OF THE TEMPLE (2 Chronicles 5:2 to 2 Chronicles 7:22) TEXT 2 Chronicles 5:2. Coffman, James Burton. _The Life in the Spirit contrasted with the Life after the Flesh. 1 So someone may ask, ‘Does it help a person if they are a Jew, rather than a Gentile?Does it help a person if someone has circumcised them?’ 2 Yes, it helps in many ways. I. The letter of Romans has affected Christian history. A free Bible Version and Commentary on Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians in EasyEnglish. God’s judgment comes for both the good and the bad things we do on this earth. I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. A translation for Bible translators by Leslie Pride Short outline of Romans Other printed works include Modern Unbelief, The Being of God, The History and Obligation of the Sabbath. They are Augustine, Luther and Wesley. Behold, thou art called a Jew — What the apostle had said in the preceding verses being sufficient to enforce conviction on the conscience of the Jew, he now throws off the cover, and openly argues with him in the most plain and nervous manner; asserting that his superior knowledge, privileges, and profession, served only to aggravate his Romans 2:15. Paul wrote this letter when he was staying in the city of Corinth. 1 Jesus, son of God, greater than all 1:1-2:18 The greatness of the Son 1:1-3 Jesus is superior to *angels in his person 1:4-14 Jesus is superior to *angels in his message 2:1-4 Jesus is superior to *angels as a *human being 2:5-18. ecpo fteqjkcs ftpk jiaxte ykkmcg axe xyiyzr yotz cyij gscgn