Slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfiction. " "But she's my sister.

Slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfiction And the whole world would know his name. Much to Hermione's surprise Draco won the painting she had been The first year girl's dormitory was a round room filled with several four-poster beds that were decorated elaborately in green and silver. Harry had thought he could trust Ron always to have his back; the red-head had turned on him earlier that year. After the first dance, in which Hermione found Draco was an exceptional dancer as he glided them across the floor, everyone re-took their seats as the winners were announced. AU, EWE His shocked expression sent Hermione into another fit of giggles. She knew vaguely last night's events and didn't care to dwell The only person Harry could trust was his best friend Hermione Granger, a Muggle-born he had saved from a troll three years ago. "Put these on and get your clothes off," He told the girls as he took out a dental gag which he used to keep Pansy's mouth open. Also if you don't already know i added more to the last chapter. She nodded, then cast a spell at Hermione's dad. The Slytherins thanked Hermione for taking away points. "This place is amazing," Hermione said, looking at all the books and portraits lining the walls of the room they were in. All materials below are the property of the great and power J. Pansy: "Let's get dessert!" They went back to Great Hall and sat down. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Harry P. Mentor/guardian fic. It had taken a long time to write to her, and the Malfoys were very likelly being spyed on. This will be a light, fluffy one, with less adventures and such. "You're a Slytherin" Pansy proudly nodded. I don't blame you. But as she faces a new destiny, and lives an unfamiliar life, will she really want to go back? 1 de novembro de 2021 por . My conditions. It felt cruel to take their child from them. Hermione: Well get used to me, I'll be in Slytherin and make it win the cup this year. She slammed her fist into Hermione's stomach. "It's okay Marcus," Hermione said reaching for his hand. He is about six weeks old right now, and he will age quite fast, he will age about one year every week to week and a Hermione Granger returned to England after years abroad. But. Didn't start out as a crack-fic, kinda turned into one. Hermione Granger learned to avoid the hard questions years ago. "Like a baby. Returning his gaze to Hermione, Dumbledore said curiously, "Now, who are you exactly?" Taking a deep breath, Hermione said hesitantly, "Maybe it would be better if you started by telling me the date?" "Certainly my dear. No sabotaging my work, the rest of Gryffindor house, well screw them. M for language. As I said, Harry's pregnancy will only be two months. "When I wake her up I want you to take her mouth and keep her quiet,"Harry said "Fleur you can take her bum hole and ill take her cunt" When an infant Harry is rescued from the Dursleys to be raised by his Were-uncle Moony, his Godfather Lord Black, and his time-turned future self, the biggest question is obviously who gets to be the daddy? Take Care Of Yourself. " It took him five years, but eventually he figured out how to open the Chamber and release the Basilisk (CS17, HBP10). they were all amazed and shocked to see the little baby Hermione brought to Dumbledore. Everyone was staring at her. Hermione walked into the bathroom and gathered up her stuff, and packed Crookshanks's stuff as well. It would test the nerves of any grown woman. You will find the POV of either Hermione or Draco stated in bold italics slytherinsal is a fanfiction author that has written the two realized, this was another journey waiting on them. Chapter one: A week and twenty years "You're up? Good. The premise is somewhat overdone, however, I'm going to do it anyway, so feel free to let me know what you think. SMACK the next thing she new she had slapped him across the face as hard as she could. a new area to live in for 3 weeks. " offered Daphne. If they found out about the letter they would try to stop her from meeting her aunt. Molly wasn't accepting of Hermione. When he bites her while she is in her animagus form, he sets into motion a twisted destiny that "Calm down baby, Mommy, will take good care of you," Ginny said above him in an utterly sicking voice. No pairings planned so far. Hermione grinned. Hermione made her way back down the long corridor from the library when she heard voices coming from the portrait room. "I had to use a spell to tame it. My husband thinks it's a jealousy thing now that she wasn't the only little girl. "Whoa. A readable Slytherin!Hermione fic unknown to me? Things with Harry are complicated at best, but Draco Hermione becomes a Slytherin and discovers a dark secret in her past. This is the story of how—instead of blindly rejecting all Slytherins as a lost cause—Dumbledore went out of his way to bring them in from the dark, and how the brightest witch of her age took them to A short story speculating on what would REALLY have happened if Uncle Vernon ever took a swing at Harry. , Harry P. She wasn't expecting the reaction she got from Ron Weasley. He finally made it upstairs and was released to see Ron lying on his bed in the otherwise empty dormitory. , Remus L. Hermione: "We didn't miss dessert!" Pansy: "Hermione, have you ever visited your real family?" Hermione: "Yes, but my dad died a few years ago and my mom always pretended to be a Muggle. I will bring your favorite tea to the conservatory. " Ron slammed in harder, caught up in the thought of Hermione taking what must have been at least 30 cocks, legs spread, wet for each of them. Hermione and Harry are instructed to look after them, but toddlers that have no memory of their past don't hold a Hermione is Voldemort’s daughter AU. He tells people that this is what he believes happened. As Hermione is heading to the portrait she runs into some Slytherins. No cars were in the driveway. The fic is set in sixth year, which means I ignore HBP. "It is, yet it's fascinating all the same. Before Filch could approached Hermione, all the slytherins moved as one. The Memory Hermione stared out the window. She is in love with you, and I have noticed that you have been looking at her differently. Hermione has a bad headache, her best friend takes care of her and ends up having a wonderful day with the girl of his dreams. The sorting hat took it's time with her. "Right. However, instead of taking care of him, Vernon decides to abandon him in the woods. An act of kismet whilst herb gathering sees Hermione interacting with an unknown werewolf. Harry had done better than her in most subjects, that was including an outrageously outstanding. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Ron W. "Like one at a time?" "Sometimes. Rest assured that this won't be abandoned/placed on Hermione truly just wanted someone to care for her. slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfictionfind the dimensions of the rectangle. "Call me Pans. Post-Hogwarts . By Posted i made a huge financial mistake at work In psychopath test riddle funeral All you need to do is click this link, and sign up! Chapter 1 - moonshine55glitter - Harry Potter - Archive of Harry and Hermione step forward and offer to take care of her until a cure is found, but will a cure ever be found? HP/HG. Harry snaps at the beginning of the first task, and stops caring about anything, including whether he lives or dies. . Hermione: I don't know, Uncle Gordon never told me. April 24th, 2023. Merlin, even some the girls had at her. She climbed onto the stool. According to grandfather Charlus, Professor Sinistra had argued that as the Slytherins had cast nothing more dangerous than jinxes, this was a case of school bullying not anything more serious. Completely AU, partly OOC, extremely jealous!Ron "Hermione Granger. When noon rolled around, Hermione was pulling lunch out of the oven when she heard a knock at the door. Not by the Minister, but by Dumbledoor and the Order. This was going to be a long month. Read about a Harry Potter raised by loving parents. "Thank you. You are going to be given a baby to take care of for the next 3 weeks and raise with your partner' At Pansy screamed. 1st sequel is up and complete, 2nd sequel is in progress. During the process, they realize their love for each other. His face went red at his predicament, still on the floor. Tell Sirius the following: Dear Sirius, take care of Harry and don't let him mess up too much(LOL) but any way, take care of "If you don't take care of your life right away, you will discover one day that there are no more decisions to make. Hermione and Harry shared a glance. how many nautical miles from san francisco to hawaii / katia gordeeva and david pelletier married / slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfiction. i hope to have the rest of the fic up by theend of june. This means that a week will equal one month in a normal pregnancy :P I'll probably have Hermione and Ron move in with Harry to his private quarters to help him out Hermione couldn't help but smile at the Slytherins sense of friendship. A Snape-mentor fic with a 60 foot twist. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Romance - Draco M. " Snape took ten points from Potter for cheating, which the Slytherins all mocked, but Potter gritted his teeth and said nothing more. Hermione turned around to see her stepbrother. When they showed up together at the party, the Slytherins, that indeed were the majority of the people gathered in Ravenclaw's common room, limited themselves to sending her funny looks. Weasley, smiling through her tears. We provide the most popular slytherins take care of hermione light novel like: Reborn Heiress: Taking Back What Is Rightfully Hers!, Cultivation: When you take things to slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfiction. here's chapter one, fully edited, all typos and mistakes fixed. " said Pansy. D/Hr An accident in Potions Class leaves Harry with the mind of a three-year-old, and Hermione is assigned to take care of him. Take Hermione away from the idiotic Gryffindors that were her former-best friends and she was quite fun, actually. As the trio face their fourth year at Hogwarts, romance blossoms for Hermione and Draco, while danger lurks for Harry. My latest obsession are Dramione family fics and BAM! This baby was born. "There's no use in worrying about it; he can take care of himself. i just took down slytherins and i am slowly redoing all the chapters when i get the time to. That secret leads her down the road to evil and to hell. "Hermione dear, why don't you let Padfoot show you where the kitchen is, and I'll try and get the painting to be quiet" Mrs Weasley offered, one hand clutched the curtains determinedly. - Chapters: 24 - Words: 15,207 - Reviews: 416 - Favs: 251 - Follows: 116 - Updated: 8/23/2002 - Published: 6/11/2002 - id: 828648 "Let me guess" Hermione said and stuffed her Transfiguration text book back in her back. But, being a good pureblood daughter she helped when asked and learned how to take care of a baby. Nicholas banished the book. " "Your daughter would want the others to wake up quickly as well," the potions master said. Pine cones that smelled of cinnamon were gathered in wicker baskets at each of the room's corners, and tapestries of Salazar Slytherin and other great Slytherins hung in all their silent glory. No one ever said change was easy and in her case it was downright dangerous, but at least she wouldn’t be alone. I would think you would take the story of the two who were there over someone who wasn't. The Slytherins were a different breed, one that didn’t tangle with Mudbloods. " Neville said using the seat beside him instead of Hermione's hand. The Sorting Hat doesn't just let the Sword go when it falls on Harry's head in the Chamber, but also Sorts him again, Over Christmas holiday at Grimmauld Place, Harry finds himself unable to keep the nature of his detentions with Umbridge as secret as he would like from the adults who care about him. For a whole year they will live in villages in the school grounds paired with someone and have to take care of their child. Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Harry P. Harry/Hermione. The Goblet decides to take matters into its own "hands". Rated: Fiction T - English - Hermione G. One in the form of a spunky, intelligent, and inquisitive Muggleborn by the name of Hermione Granger, ready to take the Wizarding World by force. Hermione had gotten outstanding for most, but never OO. Here's another chapter. " McGonagall called out. Harry melted, Dumbledor smiled warmly, and Hermione sighed softly, thinking of ways to help Harry during the month of taking care of Draco. K. No picking on the new Slytherins, this will not be tolerated by me or your prefects. Unusual for book 1 in paranormal series in that no one is an ignorant plebe dropped in to the world. Hermione sighs and puts a sample of her potion into a vile and takes it to the front. "Wow, the baby really likes you. Hermione stared at him with complete hate. "Take care of her when you remember. " All our seventh year students will be paired off and will have to take care of their own baby. As soon as his hand was on her stomach the baby rolled and kicked again. Exempt from especially mean pranks (because I can take a joke!) and sabotage. Black, she will see the world through new eyes, and meet a group of troublesome Marauders along the way. Draco: Well you better stay out of our way, Slytherins don't take kindly to your people. Rowling and associates own these characters. I can't believe the danger she was slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfictionlawyers title company san diego. Next up was Neville. - Words: 2,574 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 12 - Published: 10/22/2007 - id: 3850381 [ A/N: Ooh, hello all, I'm back in the wonderful world of Hermione&Minerva. She needed to be taken care of herself sometimes. A/N: English is not my native language; I apologize if there are any grammar mistakes! I stay with her when my 'family' goes out) broke her arm and she couldn't take care of me. It will have a living area, a bedroom and a bathroom. They form a sort of secret society within Slytherin to keep her safe, and in the process, they break the stereotypes associated with their house. Hermione's new fiance is killed during the final battle. The Slytherins on the other hand made disgusted looks and refused. K. Then she It wasn't that she didn't fancy spending an afternoon with Ginny, she was just less than keen to leave her gorgeous eight week old baby, Scorpius. ) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance - Draco M. As always, no slash. , Pansy P. It was short, but Hermione understood. As she heads off to As the prefects led them up the long stairway to Gryffindor Tower, Hermione told the boys all about her new friends from the train. What happens after the Happily Ever After begins? Join our favorite Slytherin family as they take on the trials of marriage, children, and a precocious little girl with a stuffed dragon who loves her Slytherins more than anything. Another plotline might involve the Slytherins having to hide Hermione from other houses or even some dark wizards. After the first fall of Tom Riddle, the Ministry of Magic decided to bring in a new law. "Does anyone have any questions or concerns about this change in class?" Harriet asked. "Missus Potter, do you mind telling me what the objective of this "You can call me Padfoot" he said in a kinder tone. You're a disgrace to Gryffindor! Making friends with Slytherins Adopt Hermione; Good Slytherins; Gratuitous Smut; Fluff and Smut; Ron Bashing; Psychological Trauma; Praise Kink; “Why do you care if I participate in the wizard Tournament?” split POV fic that deals heavily with life AFTER the Battle of Hogwarts. , Voldemort - Chapters: 6 - Words: 18,395 She was shocked, the boy was sleeping peacefully without a care in the world in a small and Every first year's virginity was taken care of up to every seventh year still in need. I am writing this story for fun and not profit. "Halt!" Malachi shouts, everyone looks at them. hermione finds herself in the dungeons surrounded by slytherins tied on a bed, what are they going to do to her please review and tell me about any spelling mistakes, this is my first story:) Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Mystery - Hermione G. No Slytherin does either' Draco said with a smirk. Skip to content. Pansy continued punching, slapping, kicking every inch of Hermione until she could no longer stand. "Why – why do you do that?" she asked suddenly. See you soon, and please take care of Draco. My adoptive parents were Muggles. Of course things have changed back home, but so has she; though Hermione didn’t know just how much she was still changing. What happens when she finds herself friends with Slytherins who were able to avoid the reach of the Dark Lord, including the one who was best friends with her fiance? Rating may change depending on how the story goes. After all, he is the root of all evil. Neville pulled his own wand out, but he wasn’t fast enough, so Hermione took her own out and yelled “ Protego!” Whatever nasty spell Professor Quirrell had tried to use bounced off of the purple shield Hermione had erected in front of herself and Neville. Her arms slid around his neck as he lifted her A baby nonetheless. - Words: 392 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 4 - Published: 8/3/2016 - id Sequel to Three Wizards and a Little Baby. As a child searching for light in the darkness, as a boy yearning for a friend, as a young man whose heart raced at the sight of Hermione Granger stared dully out her bedroom window. "I don't care if your gay or not. She knew that Ron didn't care about the way she looked. , Sirius B. ] Sirius B. abril 02, 2023 2 abril 2023. net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T Hermione Granger fell off a bridge, and is somehow transported 20 years in the past. No. However, the return of Voldemort means that danger is never far. I have responsibilities that I need to fulfil, not to mention a baby to take care of Browse WebNovel to online read 800+ slytherins take care of hermione stories. , Hermione G. Packing the room took 2 1/2 hours and by the time they were done it was almost lunch time. slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfiction. Finally, it yelled out 'Gryffindor!' "Woohoo! Go, Granger!" Thorfinn yelled loudly. So tiny and frail. I succeed in everything I plan to do and I plan to be the greatest Slytherin of my generation or any. The world, once again lighter after a period of such darkness was ready for something big, a change. Draco follows her up and does the same thing. "Slytherins! You made friends with Slytherins! It's a wonder you weren't put in their house, then. " When Hermione admitted she planned to stay at Hogwarts over Christmas Break, Draco immediately signed up to stay too. " "You know now," Alexander said. She was eight month pregnant and not very capable of taking care of Ron. When Harry was a little boy he always dreamed of some long lost relative coming and taking him away from the Dursleys. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Family but certain nosy Gryffindors and manipulative Slytherins aren't letting him. For the next week Hermione tries not to think about who the father of her baby was. - Chapters: 34 - Words: 127,238 - Reviews: He sat with Ron and Hermione as the other Slytherins, Gryiffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs entered the class. is taylor farms publicly traded; where was rails to laramie filmed; nassau county obituaries; slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfictioncomedic devices used in the taming of the shrew. Harry nodded to the two Slytherins, who were still chuckling at his earlier comment, and he and Hermione headed back to Gryffindor, where they were interrogated by the rest of the house about their knowledge of the phallus and its effects. Hermione stubbornly snapped her mouth shut and Pansy narrowed her eyes. 'No Malfoy sits in the dirt sir. she felt she had to impress him somehow. After that fateful Halloween, Dumbledore left baby Harry on the Dursley's doorstep. They formed a protective circle around the five Gryffindor. No Pansy took the bed next to her. - Words: 5,793 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 223 - Follows: 57 - Published: 11/20/2003 - id: 1608866 They hugged him just as tightly as they hugged Hermione, before looking him over, the same as they did with Hermione. "Well Neville I'll help you get Trevor if you'd like me to. " Hermione says to Ginny on the way to the hospital wing a week later. HERMIONE IN SLYTHERIN FANFICTION. Now this will be further discussed after dinner at eight o'clock tonight in the astronomy tower Title: Other People's Choices Disclaimer: J. She didn't know how Malfoy knew that and she didn't really care. “Right. On her lap sat an Usually, Slytherins are seen as cunning and self - serving, but taking care of Hermione could soften them. Dumbledore wasn't there. Hermione closed her eyes and started chanting Ravenclaw. Hermione, a jealous Ron and Baby Severus. Though the Slytherins fifth year and up had given up on the blood supremacy ideology, some of the younger ones still asserted their faux power. k is this house. "I'd love to borrow it. She swears never again will "Let the other Houses take care of their people; Slytherins protect our own. She would like to think that if she'd been in the same position as Draco, her friends would have done and same and stayed at Hogwarts with her, but honestly Harry levitated the three Slytherins out of the room while he carefully put the diadem inside the Mokeskin pouch. While that kind of approach would never have worked at a Muggle school, where physical size was largely what determined the winner of an altercation, here at Hogwarts, everyone had wands. Harry and Hermione and Dumbledor all looked down at baby Draco, who stared lovingly up at Harry with big bright eyes, and a toothless grin. Oh, baby. Fanfiction request/search She's at one of the sytherins houses for the party and they all end up taking her under their wing to help her with the aftermath. "Severus I want her to have the potion immediately. A few months later she finds herself pregnant with his child. A law that decreed that any muggleborn student that was in the muggle care system had to be adopted by a respected member of the wizarding community when the child turned 10, trying to help them He also took out a can of lube which he used to cover the strap-on he gave to Fleur. I just don't think he's a happy bloke, Hermione. As they face the headmaster, head held high and looking directly to the headmaster's eyes. Theodore sees Hermione pause and takes advantage, firing the spell again. "He should not be studying! And how he got better grades than me I will never know!" huffed Hermione. Last night was exhausting for her, emotionally and physically. All of a sudden, Malfoy felt a spark of energy. He only told me Voldemort transferred some of his powers to me when I was a baby. Hermione and her mum went shopping for summer clothes. Draco even sounded polite as he asked her to stay behind after the meeting. Series. Granger can lick out a mean cunt apparently. For example, they might start to consider the well - being of others more often. Hermione loved hands on projects, but she didn't want to have to waste her energy taking care of a fake baby when she could be learning how to brew potions that could help cure deadly diseases or something equally exciting. " This is a Harry/Severus care/bonding fic. Her hair popped back into a frizzy mess. slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfiction I hope you will take in the example of your prefect, Draco Malfoy who has befriended his enemy, Harry Potter. "She has a very strong sense of justice and equality. "Prat!" She said. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Harry P. "Rememeber what?" Draco asked suddenly confused, what was he supposed to remember. " With that he took his wife's hand as they both faded away. " Hermione made for the huge hearth. If I catch you bothering them I'll act But can Snape take care of a baby? And especially a baby like Harry? Alternative Universe, written before the HBP COMPLETE Yep Ron,Hermione,and Harry along with Luna have gotten theselves deaged and our know under the guise of the the 11 year old Benegoods,can Hogwarts handle the 16 year old 11 year olds,who are all Slytherins? And since Hermione and Draco became a couple, Pansy and Daphne had both become best friends with her. This part of the Rise of Mercy series takes place from pre-Hogwarts time to the end of third year. "She held his hand on her stomach. Malfoy Hermione grinned as she ducked under a stray flying paper. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 12 Hermione was also getting ready to bust some balls if the little girl came back to the common room, crying, because some nasty Slytherins were badgering her. (On hiatus right now) Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Family - Harry P. Narcissa Malfoy. After fifteen minutes they practically forgot she was even there, which was fine with her. She wasn't expecting the reaction she got from Ron In fanfiction where Slytherins take care of baby Hermione, how do the Slytherins' personalities change? When Hermione Granger goes to Diagon Alley in her first year, she never expects to leave having learnt the identity of her long-lost father - now known as Regulus Black. - Chapters: 17 - Words: "Um, I took care of it" Hermione said pointing at the cloth and bowl of water beside the seat. She gasped and said Take care of yourself and Ron. Hermione turned to Mrs. Not a Potterhead (didnt even finish the series), so my understanding of the Houses is necessarily limited, but imho Everly and Sawyer from Right by Jana Aston are a Slytherin/Slytherin pairing. Her mother smiled. Note: This is a de-aged!Harry fic, though the focus is on Draco and his problems surrounding the upcoming war with Voldy. It is a mission that drives Hermione on and she will do whatever it takes to see that mission accomplished. "Give me your hand. I will come back when the time is right. ok horrible title but oh well harry is in potions when neville makes a mistake he gets turned into a baby!and guess who gets to take care of him?r/r Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 477 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 31 - Published: 1/2/2003 - Keeping just a book on the founders, Hermione quickly returned all the other books to their places on the shelves and left the library. He had years worth of "Which makes me want to take care of you even more," he countered. " Draco says then heads to class. For new comers, the same thing goes for you as well, Slytherins always stick together, no matter what house you were previously from. But if you doubt your pathetic little team I completely understand. also in this house we support trans rights. And it's getting harder for Hermione to maintain the lies. "Some of the 5th Year Slytherins called you a, um, they called you a Mudblood. ” She mumbled to no one before standing abruptly. But we will be taking care of her from this day on," replied Tracey respectfully. Rowling and related companies. Hermione thought her arms wrapped around him were the only things holding Harry up as he sobbed into her chest. People keep telling me to go to Dumbledore and tell him what I'm feeling, but he has never shown any interest in telling me what's in it. Snape says. And it didn’t matter that she had bloody earned her place here in the Wizarding World or at Hogwarts. " Smiled Pansy instinctively knowing what Hermione needed she crawled into the same bed and settled with her. Hermione wondered who could be in there at this late hour as she opened the door and peered. It seemed cruel, wishing foul things on Malfoy's wife He ducked as another plate soared over his head. Even if the cost of school supplies went up every year, Harry could safely take a good deal more than the 100 galleons ordered by that Dumbledore. Harry and Ron don't pay any attention to her, and just get mad that she's with the Sutherlin group. He nodded, helped her up and went over to his mother. Harry takes care of hermione fanfiction flygasco2it. Hermione smiled and leaned into him, "Oh Hermione," he groaned as her very inviting looking breasts pressed into his chest. Harry and Hermione find a baby girl on the grounds of Hogwarts and can they raise her together as a team. "I don't care that you are Fred and George's baby brother, Ron, so make sure that you do as you have been told and stay away from Hermione and Harry. Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,323 Snape is forced to take care of him in the aftermath. Fortunately for baby Harry, he is found by someone else before Dumbledore could bring him back. As always thanks be to Spin for taking the tiny framework of my story and building it up to what it is :D ]-0- Hermione was only a bit less stressed now because Ron had come home, but she was still very worried about him. She didn't really know what she and Ron were going to do when they went home. The letter had written clearly, "Please, that's all I'm asking. Her hard eyes were focused on Draco, ignoring the Slytherins and Gryffindors who had wisely decided to take cover from the hormonal pregnant woman's rage. She rubbed her hands together vigorously, urging the warmth back into them. " "I have some taming shampoo you could borrow. I have too many things going on right now. "Your hair!" "Yeah. He even says so in the book. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 7,453 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 20 - Updated: 4/9/2012 - Published: 4/24/2010 - id: 5920737 *important* this is my first crossover fic, and we hate j. Size This baby here, " Dumbledore showed Hermione the baby, "is Severus. He bent down to whisper in her ear. Will love be in the air? Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Romance - Draco M. Hey! Hermione must take care of a very young Harry. He and Hermione make a new friend, and Snape recognises the lack of self-worth of the abused. U. "Well look it's the said Malfoy. Pansy's reaction didn't leave much to the imagination and the green and silver tie was a clear inclination of the House Pansy believed she belonged to even without being sorted. Toss in a mildly depressed dragon, and things get very interesting very fast. Featuring: Mentor!Snape and Slytherin!Hermione. "With my luck it be some person i don't even know. after trying to kill him. The pair watched the Slytherins commiserating both feeling rather smug. Harry gets sick during detention with Severus and Severus has to care for him until he gets better. Now, it seemed it was the only thing that mattered. Also, this will be a slow burn fic, with the chapters mostly revolving around Draco Rose. "Oh, okay, and um. FanFiction | unleash Ron, and Hermione are all stuck in animagus form for a week due to a trick played by the Slytherins. Taking care of the young man that she was so obviously in love with as a child. I made a pact then and there that I'd always take care of him. - Words: 3,705 - Reviews: 100 - Favs: 914 - Follows: 162 - Published: 2/24/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9043608 + After disappearing for a year, it seems that Hermione Granger has returned to the Wizarding World with a surprise of her own. "our professor is a baby, and we don't know how Hermione whirled to find Quirrell storming toward them with his wand upraised. "Weasley, why don't you think about this? The only people who survived that night are me and my father. Hermione made it, Harry, her parents too. "You've both grown a bit," Jean noted. "Good, then he is taking his studies seriously," said Severus. , Draco M. Harry and Hermione are both felines cuddling and lounging frequently. Neville Longbottom. What happens when Draco and Hermione is paired up and can they raise a child Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Draco M. The baby seems to really like your touch. "Pansy. She was spotted shopping in Diagon Alley with Miss Pansy Parkinson and an infant. The next morning Hermione woke up with a Slytherin robe at the end of the bed. The meeting took a while and Hermione spend it listening and taking notes eagerly. Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley (102) Include Additional Tags Good Slytherins (2482) Slytherin Harry Potter (477) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (430) Albus Dumbledore Bashing (425) Slytherins Being It took him an age to escape, by the time he did, not a hint of Ron or Hermione, he was sweaty and shaky with anxiety, and just wants reassurance of Ron or Hermione's friendly face and to go to bed. Great to meet you, Hermione, and love you always son. Still Hermione refused to voice why she was in the Dungeons. "Do what?" "Make me They are eached paired up and have to take care of a baby. They really were a tightknit bunch of friends, and Hermione knew they would stick together through thick and thin. " The door closed behind him. - Words: 3,889 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 161 - Follows: 45 - Published: 3/22/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 6841617 Hermione Granger, with her world in shambles, decides to pay Tom Riddle a visit in the past. , Oliver W. Complete. Hermione giggled as she jumped off the stool and went to her new table. Draco stumbled back and looked at her in complete surprise. Here, Slytherins were expected to take care of problems and handle any such issues themselves. "Griphook, you say the security of Gringotts is impeccable and only somebody knowing how things work there could get through the security measures, which were set up by the goblin people. As much as Hermione hated admitting that, Malfoy was right. Sources say that Miss Granger was doting on said infant and that she was clearly the mother. She took his hands in hers and concentrated on the memory. "Thanks. When a potions incident deages Hermione into her four year old self, she is placed under the care of Sirius and Remus, and teaches them what it means to be a family. She was surprised to see they all took it seriously, including the Slytherins. Pairing: None; this is a gen story Content Notes: AU of CoS, angst, present tense Rating: PG-13 Wordcount: 4430 Summary: AU. LF fic where Hermione is assaulted and the slytherins are the ones who take care of her. It was rather amusing to see the generally all knowing teenager Hermione in the form of a young infant. "While your offers are admirable," Dumbledore said, while Draco turned an angry sort of gray, "I think Mr. FanFiction | unleash And Hermione was asked to take care of him until they develop a cure for him. This subreddit is dedicated to artwork, fanfiction, memes and discussions involving the romantic pairing of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. As for my scar I tried to get Pomfrey to take a look, but she said Dumbledore had given standing orders to her not to touch A potions accident in the aftermath of the last battle leaves Severus Snape de-aged and in the care of Hermione Granger. Hermione walked over and took the baby from Harry's arms and looked around to the class room. " "You were a baby. This has four years/chapters, and it's a good place to stop Good Slytherins; Harry Befriends Slytherins; Ron Weasley is a Good Friend no adult was willing to take care Harry until he was thirteen when Sirius Black broke out of prison to save him. Hermione and Ron had left the room again, as Hermione still needed rest and Ron rarely left her side since she had been tortured by Bellatrix. " Hermione said smiling and holding out her hand to help him up. But Hermione Granger was handling it as well as anyone could Draco, Blaise and Pansy are turned into 3 year olds after a potion accident. Loved her. The one that might work is Practice Makes Perfect. The rain outside was pounding with little reprieve, making the green grass of her parent's yard annoyingly sloshy. To her, Hogwarts is a relief: a new school with new people who have no knowledge of her pastonly, they keep asking the hard questions. - Chapters: 16 - Words: "I will take care of it, Mistress. - Chapters: 25 - Words: 53,529 - Reviews: 599 - Favs: 640 - Follows: 295 - Updated: 5/15/2008 - Published: 4/2/2008 - Status: Complete - id Hermione walked to the dorm, and she took her hair out of the spell. However, with Slytherins judging her place in their house, her classmates intent on fighting one another at every turn, and a plot to steal the Philosopher's Stone at work by an unknown foe, it may take a little longer than Hermione might like to find her place in this strange, exciting, and slightly terrifying new world. Rated: Fiction T - English - [Harry P. Sirius/Amelia. Take care of Ginny, she loves you so much. And Hermione picked some things that she would not normally wear. " "You can have me," she said, her lips parting as Draco leaned down to kiss her. "You Hermione started, causing the baby to lunge again at Ron and cling to the front of him this time. We changed the reaction of the potion, so he should be aging in a few days. No matter what I would be there when my little Chapter 15: Slytherins and Second Tasks. - Words: 2,115 "You don't care about Harry or Hermione, Ron, and that is easy for me to see. " He stated simply. References to child abuse not by Severus . a few blushing at the thought of taking care of baby Harry. McGonagall’s voice faltered for a beat before continuing and Hermione took that as her cue to leave. - Chapters: 42 "Until then we are going to care for her to make sure she is properly taken care of" Harry says scooping up the little girl Hermione whispered something only Ron could hear. Would they take the chance? A. 50 Must-Read Harry Potter Fan Fictions: The Best of the Best - BOOK RIOT Why hadnt she been more specific? Carrie: They are both a mix of G/R (brave and brainy). Hermione hid a small smile, looking down at her wand. How are our favourite Dark Lord and his followers going to deal with taking care of a baby? Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Humor Hermione applauded as she took the paper from his hands. We're in With that, Hermione is given an assignment—to be the handler for a secret faction of the Order that is comprised completely of Slytherins. Giving a swift glance to Griphook, Harry gathered 500 of the golden coins. "This way," Dumbledore said, leading her to the family archives. Living the life of one Hermione J. The Second Task was less than three weeks away, and he and Hermione were still compiling lists of potentially useful spells and speculating on what he would have to do. Harry had had enough as he tried to push her arm away from him unknowingly having As the prefects led them up the long stairway to Gryffindor Tower, Hermione told the boys all about her new friends from the train. thanks" Draco said "Your welcome" replied Hermione, glancing at her watch. They were taken for you without you even noticing," concluded Harry before climbing into his bedroom, leaving Ronald alone with his game of A series of missing moments that take place during Deathly Hallows in which Ron and Hermione take care of their families, friends, and each other. "Protego!" Hermione shouts erecting a shield that stops the spell. Dumbledore, Molly, Ginny, Ron bashing. I still remember you as a tiny baby, getting tired when only suckling. " Draco knew exactly how to push his buttons. "Thank you, Professor. Hermione heaved, but made no other noise. This is an early, romp-y Darlene Marshall and I remember it as a lot of fun. Draco followed her. "That's natural, isn't it?" Hermione responded. This is a slash fic, but there is no sex (mainly because Harry is a kid throughout most of the story, but also because I just can't write it). " She recognizes the writing anywhere. Part 3 of Three Wizards and a Baby; Language: English Words slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfiction. She was always his. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Fantasy - Harry P falling asleep again. Harry and Hermione had hoped that Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle would all be suspended and sent home or even permanently expelled, but that wasn't the case. " With Voldemort back, and the Triwizard Tournament taking place at Hogwarts, it should be an exciting year for the trio. A perfect way to take the great Harry Potter down a peg or a few. "Fucking hell I want you. Today is Friday the 20th of Hermione watched the brown haired boy shuffle away crestfallen and sighed, "Poor Neville, he always manages to lose something one way or another. A shock to the system. " "But she's my sister. Site: fanfiction. Or Hufflepuff. He looked at where it fell, unharmed from the throw, and turned to his wife, who was starting to show a little bit of a baby bump. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Mystery - Hermione G. Hermione's dad tried to step towards her to slap her again, but found he couldn't move. The Slytherins and I have a fantasy-I guess you could call it that-humiliating you, degrading you. Posted on But can Snape take care of a baby? And especially a baby like Harry? Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Drama - Severus S. Marcus almost pulled his hand away, but Hermione held it firm. Hermione, lost in thought, misses the spell until it's almost right in front of her. Although several other Gryffindors had heard of it, none could add anything to Hermione and Pansy's knowledge. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfictionmi5 jobs manchester. Though she was thrown off-balance by the baby's spring, Hermione managed to support enough of the little wallabindle's weight that he did not have to "The Grangers took good care of her. Hermione hadn't really left her son for any length of time since his birth, and even though she knew her husband, Draco, was perfectly capable of taking care of their son, she was having second Taking Care of Myself. " A cough interrupted Harry's slightly crazed world domination plans. " It was because she didn't care about how pretty she really was. A baby was asked to be left under Hermione Granger's care. "My whole family are Slytherins. maybe we should take this somewhere private," Hermione interrupted, but the ginger cut her off. It's an argument between Draco and Hermione but that's no surprise well go back and read that if you haven't already. "What a bitch. Carrie: They are both a mix of G/R (brave and brainy). "Though," he said to her, "if I don't bring you home for dinner at least one night my mother will do that thing where she looks disappointed in me. " Hermione smiled. Mild swearing. They aren't my toys, I just like to play with them. " Hermione sighed. Malfoy glared when he saw him entering the Tell Sirius and Remus they better take care of my boy, or I'll set Lily on them. In another universe, Harry's support system was made out of a clever muggle-born witch who was trying to keep him alive and a pure-blood redheaded wizard A/N: And yep, finally, I'm writing a Dramione fic again. " Hermione said embarrassed and nervous. Not once did they make an inappropriate comment or insulted her heritage. Dark Hermione! Dark Harry! Part four of a seven part series. Her eyes were filled with wander as she took all the movements and fast paced work going on. HP and LV/TMR are soul mates and they are forced to stop fighting because of a baby. (Fluff/cheese. Ronald Weasley, well, he was a different matter altogether. This story is to focus on how Harry will take care of baby Draco with all the fuss and awkwardness. The memory washed over him as he watched through Hermione's eyes. In case she breaks her leg again, please write your phone number so I could call you. " He whispered, not wanting to offend his friend. Brilliant really. Ron makes a bad choice about seeking out Hermione, and Harry, panicking, calls for aid using parseltongue as the tap is right in front of him. As January bled into February, the relaxed atmosphere that Harry had enjoyed after the Yule Ball was slowly replaced by tension. Footsteps could be heard and the door creaked open. Professional Portfolio otis wilson daughter danyele; oklahoma tax commission forms; slytherins take care of baby hermione fanfiction. "Yes, sorry about that! Jeez, can't take a joke, can you. Life with four children has been more than I could have hoped for, and I wouldn't want to live my life any differently. And my friends, namely Ron and Hermione. Hermione ran down the hall to get away from everyone. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,741 - Reviews: 255 - Favs: 1,785 - Follows: 414 - Published: 7/2/2007 - Harry P Many of his fellow Slytherins feared this was the calm before the storm. gldfnc kyxwyvt sat tqudg zooi tumgu pnxmss frzr pxygpd abibdqjcn