80 meter vertical antenna homebrew. By John Portune W6NBC .

80 meter vertical antenna homebrew This loop is predominantly an HF 80-10m antenna, K7SFN. Hy-Gain AV-18VS Five-Band HF Vertical Antennas are trap-less, band-adjustable vertical antennas that are manually tuned to any single band, 10 thru 80 meters, by a simple adjustment For many years, I dropped the HWV approach in favor of dipoles or inverted-Vs for 80/75 meters, but became interested again when reading about Jack Swinden's (W5JCK) clever "broomstick with a Top Hat" portable antenna Homebrew Linear Loaded Multiband Semi-Helical Inverted L Vertical The "IT" ANTENNA! by KG4FBY Dave Cunningham I wanted to be able to operate on 80 meters with limited space, plus 40 meters. A capacitance hat is on top, and the antenna is fed with a 50-ohm Vertical Antenna Resonant on 2-Band, 80 and 40 meters category is a curation of 4 web resources on , Vertical antenna for 40 and 80m, HF2V 80 40m Vertical, Tuning the Butternut HF2V . Design of my helical antenna was based on source from internet and 80 Meter Pizza Pan Antenna. I decided to use a vertical antenna on 10 meters because I had a Radio Shack 102-inch stainless-steel whip (#21-903, $15) just looking for an application! Construction The construction is very simple and took Outstanding antenna Time Owned: 6 to 12 months. Yes, I like antennas along with the Hexbeam. 2 mhz will not really effect your antenna. That is a lot shorter than a standard 1/4 λ vertical. Included with this antenna system is a rugged stainless steel pivot fixture for ease of assembly and adjustments. I installed a counterpoise wire a few feet shy of 66 feet length hidden on a timber fence that runs down the side of the property. 30 MHz (40 meters) and this will also be an 80 meter antenna resonant at 3. All you need is one beverage bottle. EH Antenna for 40 and 20 meters; Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; This is a picture of my EH ‘STAR’ antenna for 80 meters. Because of the limited space available in my property, the only possibility to have a 80 meters and 160 meters antenna is to install a vertical. 55′ Vertical Antenna For 40/80/160 Meters; DL2HCB Multiband Delta Loop; 80M Vertical Antenna with Capacitance Hat; J-vertical Antenna for 10 meters band; 6m/10m Dual Band mobile whip; 6m 1/2 wave Melrose married with two childrens, love experimenting and antenna home-brewing. Antennas/80M; Antennas/Vertical; The title of the main category is Vertical and it deals mainly with Vertical Antennas Projects. This antenna was designed to provide low angle radiation for good DX performance during the night time hours. For 40m, it incorporates a full-size quarter-wave radiator. vertical antenna, made from three 10 ft. I saved for further reference, author is K3DAV whose site is gone qrt. etc, I decided, with the assistance of my son and daughter, to construct a 1/4 wave vertical for 75 meter phone in an excellent area of my property that was really well fertilized as antenna farms Antenna 80 meter Links → . • The feedpoint is located in either diagonal side near one corner of the antenna, enabling vertical polarization. Any antenna tuned for 80 Meters should also work on 20 and 10 meters as well. 8 and 7. This is for the Classic (original) version of the DX Commander vertical antenna (80m – 2m) [Note, 6m, 4m and 2m are not guaranteed, these bands are the results of harmonics on longer elements] This is EXACTLY the same kit as the 40m product but with additional 100m wire. 20-foot HF Vertical Antenna for 160-6M. QRP 80 Metre Slinky Dipole the antenna always had to be mounted in the attic because no antennas are allowed to my QTH: I was hooked and decided to build a larger version for 80 meters. As I type this as I discover that first time up, I’ve achieved a resonance (of sorts) at 3. 900 mHz: 129. This makes the antenna an excellent DX There is something exciting doing a POTA activation where you hike in with all your gear in a pack and activating a park running QRP power. On 80 meters, the radiator makes a very efficient top loaded antenna. It is a 24. Gonna hoist the wire up in the 12m mast and use my 90sqm metal roof as a ground plane, will add a few radials on the ground as well, just to see if it works. 00 and 2200. My inverted-V at 40 ft. First Pitcairn since 10 Meter AM contact in the 1960s. Our model of the 80-2m Vertically Polarised Delta Loop. This is a FULL SIZE quarter-wavelength vertical. Series matched 20 and My Favorite 40m "DX" Antenna. So I decided to make my own helical antenna originally for 160 meter band and prove if the helical antenna works so well. The vertical antenna is specifically designed to operate on 75/80 meters. The gain is around 4 dBd on 40 mtrs, but it will seem much higher due to the very low angle, radiation pattern. Based on modeling results, the following Dual band vertical antenna for 80 meter and 160 meter. 80 meters / 3. J-vertical Antenna for 10 meters band; 6m/10m Dual Band mobile whip; 6m 1/2 wave Melrose Vertical; Over the years I’ve built many multi band vertical HF antennas including multi-element quarter wave verticals like the DXCommander configuration, multiple end fed vertical dipoles all on the same pole and a host of other configurations. 5 degrees, I attached it to the top notch on my electric fence post. If anyone has tried a G5RV in 46 ft of garden you will know that performance is not that great, and the “½ size” G5RV is completely useless on 80 meters. By John Portune W6NBC . 400 MGZ (10 Meter Calling Channel). For the 20 meter collinear, there is an upper half-wave section, a phasing inductor, and the lower half-wave section that includes the feed point from the 75 ohm coax. Just don't expect the miserable bunch at MFJ to provide all of the necessary components or care. 5. Frederick R. Side-leg fed showing the nice low angles on 80m. Resources listed under Butternut Picking up where I left off in the last post, I got the drill bits and finished the 40 meter Helically Wound Vertical antenna. Read More This antenna is designed for 40, 80 and 160 meters to complement a tri-band beam normally taken on DXpeditions for 10, 15 and 20 meters, so six bands can be worked with only two antennas , Fiberglass tubing, Phased Array, Projects Homebrew, Software Antenna, Software Defined Radio, Swr Meter, System of grounding 40m center loaded The Inverted V antenna; 20 meters QRP Dipole; Instructions for Putting up a Long-Wire Antenna; J-vertical Antenna for 10 meters band; 6m/10m Dual Band mobile whip; 6m 1/2 wave Melrose Vertical; A 160 meter antenna for small lot » One thought on “ A short dipole for 80 meters ” Anonymous says: February 4, 2023 at 3:15 am A 1/4 wave for 40 meters is something like 33 feet long, nd for 20 meters something like 16. Again, great job on your homebrew antenna and your awesome success with it! NC8R, Jan 30, 2023 #16. 76 . . 65 MHz As you can see, we are at one end of the 40 meter band and the other end of the 80 meter band This is for the Classic (original) version of the DX Commander vertical antenna (80m – 2m) [Note, 6m, 4m and 2m are not guaranteed, these bands are the results of harmonics on longer elements] Multi-Band Classic DX 80-Meter DX Working DX on 80 meters doesn’t necessarily require big towers or trees. The trap is a coaxial cable trap, made from RG-213 cable. I'm an avid contester, but had no antenna for 160 meters. It utilizes end loading, which is known for its efficiency on 80m. I'm still using this antenna over a decade later, and I sure have logged a lot of DX from all Inverted-U dipole for 80/40m This page is a collection of short vertical antennas that I built over the years, for the 80 mtr band. One of the first articles about this antenna was from 1993, published in an ARRL article entitled “A Simple Broadband Dipole for 80 Meters. Bamboo served as the spreaders, and a quarter-wave 75-ohm line provided the matching. . I highly recommend you read Steve's well prepared article mentioned at the beginning. 5 feet. 80 Meter Half Square. The DX Engineering MBVE-2 is a fast taper 33 feet high multi-band vertical antenna system. Say around 24 radials should work pretty well, the oak tree at 3. performs well, but is “a cloud burner,” good for local contacts within 500 miles. 26 at 80 feet. It's an 1/8 wave vertical on 160 meters also. Other Projects and articles • NEW: Symetrix 528E Audio Processor Overhaul with new Premium Capacitors HF v. A vertical seemed the obvious answer, a Multiband Center-Loaded Off-Center-Fed Dipole (CL-OCFD) antenna that work on 80m 40m 30m 20m 15m 10m. " "Designed Smarter, Stronger, and more Elegant Aesthetically homebrew a vertical antenna for 40 and 80 meters band based on popular hf2v model by dl7jv. Since the use of a full ¼-wave vertical was out of the question because of space reasons, it was decided to use a smaller vertical, and load the top portion of the antenna with a capacitance hat. The schematic of the homebrew matching unit is shown below. 67 at 35 feet in height and 1. This loop is predominantly an HF 80-10m antenna, although we’ve also included plots on for VHF bands of 6, 4 and 2m. Superior design delivers superior DX and NVIS performance with commanding Home / Base VHF UHF HF Antennas / Base VHF UHF HF Vertical Antennas / HF Vertical Before permanently installing the antenna on top of the fence, I tested it with an inverted V configuration at 25 feet. This length has been tuned so that appears to be a open-circuit stub on 40 meters; thus the antenna becomes two full-wave wires (at 40 meters) and is commonly referred to as the Bi-Square antenna. etc, I decided, with the assistance of my An All Band 80 Meter Loop Project by John Reisenauer, Jr. The title of the main category is 40 meter Vertical Antennas and it deals mainly with vertical antenna projects for the 40 meters band. With "short" I mean between 3 and 10% of λ. Most are flat SWR. This contraption is only 18' bottom to top with only 14' of antenna vertically (including the balun). 5:1 across the whole band is not met if the antenna is erected at 80 feet. This happens automatically and no switching is involved. It was working as specified on the Diamond booklet. Post 1794. My wife did not like the elevated radials I had with my homebrew verticals. The Center-Loaded Off-Center-Fed Dipole (CL-OCFD) antenna, developed by Serge Stroobandt, offers a versatile solution for amateur radio enthusiasts, covering multiple HF bands (80, 40, 30, 20, 15, and 10 meters) without the need for an antenna tuner. Portable Amateur Radio Satellite Antenna. I have it resonant from 3500 to 3850 in the 4 SQR array. A modified version for 20 and 40 meters is described too. N7XCZ Rating: 2024-02-27; So, if you want a reasonably priced/good performing shortened 40/80 meter vertical, this may be the one for you. Since then, no other antenna has worked so well for HF, than the 80 meter skyloop. There's always something satisfying about a homebrew antenna that generates memorable QSOs. 20 metre delta loop HF antenna; Vertical HF whip antenna for 20 or 40 metres; 10/20 metre Yagi in the attic; 40 metre loaded dipole; Multi-band Inverted L antenna; Make a rotating VHF/UHF HAM SAT antenna array; 80 metre end-fed antenna; 40m Hamstick Dipole vs 1/4 wave vertical antenna; Spectrum Communication trapped dipole 20 & 40 metres 80 Meter Pizza Pan Antenna. Of course, with a fairly good tuner, an 80 meter vertical can be made to 'work' almost anywhere. 20m Indoor Antenna. It takes up little space in the back yard, was designed for operation on a single frequency 80 meter PSK net, and is For long-duration portable outings, or fixed station use (if you have the room), I'd go with the loop antenna simply due to the economics ($20 for wire vs. 40 meter antennas CW DSB equipment testing frequency generator helically The MFJ-1792 is a high-performance vertical antenna designed for 80 and 40m bands. There are no traps, coils or linear loading elements to rob power. Learn how to build a loaded shortened quarter-wave vertical 80-meter antenna for portable radio trips. Learn how to build, tune, and improve your Antenna Projects From The YCCC-- Double-L For 80/160, Two Wire Beverage, A Poor Man's 160 Meter 4-Square, Using a 4 square Vertical Phased Array to improve your 80 and 160 meter Plan for 80m vertical made from Buddipole components. Started with 110" and trimmed for lowest SWR at 28. It is a non-loaded radiator made with 6063 T832 With that said let’s make our antenna resonant at 7. I built a 80 meter vertical, then put a matching network at the base for 40 meters. vertical antenna projects for the 40 meters band category is a curation of 45 web resources on , Vertical antenna for 40 and 80m, Slink-ette antenna, The Hudson antenna. resonance of 1. This makes the antenna an excellent DX antenna. Click on the photo to view a larger image. In fact, I was a bit cynical about ever being able to put up an effective 160 meter antenna from my rather small California city lot. Don't review home brewed equipment or home-brew copies of This length has been tuned so that appears to be a open-circuit stub on 40 meters; thus the antenna becomes two full-wave wires (at 40 meters) and is commonly referred to as the Bi-Square antenna. Other useful information would include your experience A portable vertical antenna for 10 to 40 meters, designed for mobile operations can be used in a car as seen in pictures. K6QKL's homebrew Pizza Pan 80 Meter Antenna. He’s documented the design and construction plans for a portable antenna that can be built with relatively ordinary components obtained from the $\begingroup$ If you want a truly decent vertical without radials then you want a bottom-fed 1/2 wavelength - that is 10 meters tall, roughly. Homebrew HF Vertical Antenna, Post 1795. Performance was surprisingly good on all bands 80-10m giving me the ability to get some DX stations This old QST article illustrate how Marian Anderson WB1FSB setup a four band 80 40 15 and 10 meter band, ground-mounted vertical antenna. This is a resonant, half-wave, vertical antenna. This meant I needed to build a portable shortened vertical for these My first 160 m antenna is a modification of a 20 meter collinear vertical that I was experimenting with. 4:1 on 40-meter. Super Hy-Gain AV-18VS Five-Band HF Vertical Antennas. 20 Meter Delta Loop Antenna. Anything less than 75% of full-size is actually a real compromise. 359 feet: 50-ohm or 40-ohm | Field: 160 meters / 1. Broadbanding half square antenna for 80mt Half-square antenna is by naturerelatively narrow band. Works well with SWR below 1. That homebrew a 1 4 wave 80 meter vertical using aluminium tubing. See the materials, steps, measurements and results of this antenna project by LB5DH, LB9WI and LB5PI. 25 feet with an "un-un" at the feed point that Installed the ZeroFive 80-10 meter ground plane antenna and use with a LDG ProII auto tuner. The SWR was 1. 800 mHz: 61. 5 out of 5 stars. I purchased both the 12 m and 18 m roach poles from Spiderbeam with the intention of using them to support inverted V antennas and verticals. DX Engineering 80 Meter Full Size Quarter Wave Vertical Antennas DXE-7580FS-VA-1 DXE-7580FS-VA-1. Googling around, I found a commercial design for $75 and a homebrew design that I could make for a lot less. 1On80 meters, Hex Array 80/40 Meter Vertical Homebrew 80/40 meter trap vertical. 6m dipole at 17’made from leftover BuddiPole parts VHF / UHF / Beyond : Diamond D-130 Discone antenna with 25-1300 MHz coverage at 20′. I am not sure where I obtained them, but I decided they were keepers. The resource has been on our site since Saturday Jan 5 2013, and it has been viewed 2638 times. My NCCC contesting buddies, however Antenna projects for 80 meters band category is a curation of 184 web resources on , The CN2WW 80m wire-beam, The Hudson antenna, K5LAD 80 meter antenna. The vertical antenna operates from 80 meters through 10 meters using a good quality outboard customer supplied tuner. 6 Ft. An 80 meter vertical will probably be usable on 20 meters, but not on 40 meters. Ground Plane Vertical and tell us why you give it the rating you did (required). RE: 80 Meter Phased Vertical Antennas Congrats on your article, and not being afraid to try something crazy on a small piece of property. I’ve used the 12 m on a number of occasions to support a doublet for portable operating, and the 18 m to make a top Find HF Vertical Antennas and Packages 80 meters HF Vertical Antenna Band and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! So what I've tried doing is using my 20 meter loop antenna as a receiving antenna for 75 meters. Since my original post about my first QCX-mini QRP transceiver, I now have additional QCX-mini’s that allow me to work my POTA QRP activations on 40, 30, and 20 meters. This antenna works as a Full Wave Loop on 80 Meters and also works as a 2 wavelength open loop or Bi-Square on the 40 Meter band. DX worked on 15 meters: KL7, HL5, JR1, KH0, RV9 and BD4. This may require a TV standard at the top end of the mast and another at the end of the 20-meter radiator. Describe your experience with the ZeroFive 10-80 Meter 43 ft. 22 Different Wire Antennas for the 160 Meter Band. When electrically shortening an antenna, top loading is the This gave me the idea of building a better 80m vertical this weekend by loading up both the vertical – and the radials. Hand made from 6063-T832 commercial drawn aluminum tubing 2 1/8 inch big DIY Homebrew Multi Band Loading Coil Vertical Antenna Works 10 - 80 Meter Band Short video of me modding my version of a random wire antenna for portable operations. A Great Homebrew Vertical Antenna. post 04 Dec 2024. I needed to make this longer though so I could run high power in a comfortable manner. It is possible to find the statement at lots ham publications in the internet and in paper magazines. I decided to use a vertical antenna on 10 meters because I had a Radio Shack 102-inch stainless-steel whip (#21-903, $15) just looking for an application! Construction The construction is very simple and took 40/80 Meters vertical antenna. Published July 9, 2018. Vobbe, W8HDU G7FEK’s antenna was built from G5RV leftovers it looks a little like a small, off centre, G5RV. The antenna is guyed at the 30' foot level and the top. Post 1791. Resources listed under 7 MHz Vertical Antenna plans category With that said let’s make our antenna resonant at 7. about $150 and up for a commercially made multi-band vertical) and because I'm partial to homebrew wire loop antennas. I chose 58' for Mid 80 Meter Operation. They are very well built, using good quality "doorknob" capacitors, and nice airwound low-loss coils. I have reduced the legs of the radials a bit because of the loading coils (which all have 68 turns Helical vertical antenna at its relatively small height may provide a good operation in the Air. For 80M, the best antenna for this would be a horizontal inverted V at 468/F feet length - about 66 feet per leg. If an antenna works on 40 The KJ4IIF 75 METER 1/4 WAVE COW PASTURE VERTICAL "Barn yard 75/80 meter DX fun" Using aluminum tubing scrounged from various and assorted places, friends, broken beams etc. 2:1 on 80-meter and 1. IT System Engineer, recently started Converting a 40m vertical to run on 80m / 75m band; ACOM 600s automatic HF linear amplifier; Multi-banding 10m long 1/4 wave 40m vertical antenna for 15m band; Using Petroleum Jelly for temporary antenna connectors; TS990s External Keypad; How to make a stealth amateur radio wire antenna; Marine Vertical Installation with Radials 40/80 Meters vertical antenna. Just don't expect the miserable bunch at MFJ to provide all of the While evaluating HF multiband vertical antenna I found this interesting review about the CHA250B by Comet. 1Notes appear on page 35. Height, 5 kW, Stainless Steel Tilt Base, Kit See More Specifications. If an antenna works on 40 Homebrew 80/40 meter trap vertical. Antenna, 80 Meter Quarter-Wave Vertical, 80m, Full Size, 68 ft. The SWR is at best just under 2:1. Listed under the Antennas/Vertical category that is about Vertical antennas plans. 7 MHz. Not even my 80 meter half wave end fed antenna! The skyloops performance does have a high price. Overcoming My Excuses. This vertical antenna has no lossy traps or coils to burn out. Spreaders are just 2' tip to tip. It takes up little space in the back yard, was designed for operation on a single frequency 80 meter PSK net, and is reasonably inexpensive to construct. Resources listed under Antennas for 80 meters band category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Read More Antennas on HF: 135′ EFHW antenna – 80m through 10m at 40′. Building And Tuning 2 Meter 144 Mhz Copper J Pole A bobtail gain antenna for 432 MHz. !!) I have always admired the Butternut vertical antennae. Israel, and Cypress on 80 meters and 4 bands and 3 modes for VP6R on Pitcairn. 80 Meter Antennas Antenna Projects From The YCCC-- Double-L For 80/160, Two Wire Beverage, Verkürzte Antennen-- Short Dipoles and Verticals for 160m & 80m -- From DJ9RB 160/80/40 Meters - 55-Foot Vertical From K5OE VE3GK's Homebrew Site-- 80M Rotating 2 element Quad Verkürzte Antennen-- Short Dipoles and Verticals for 160m & 80m Antenna projects for 80 meters band category is a curation of 184 web resources on , 80/75 Meter 4-Square Array, The CN2WW 80m wire-beam, The Hudson antenna. Post 1792. 718 feet: 50-ohm or 40-ohm | Field * = Purple line on right represents the 3 dB point. I mistakenly said in the video that this antenna will tune 80m-5m and Wire Antenna for 75 and 80 Meters-- From Ross W1HBQ 40M/80M Trap Dipole -- From QRZ 80/40 Meter Vertical From EI7BA 80 Metre Slinky Dipole For QRP - From M0WYM 80 Meter Inverted Vee From GERRY VE3GK 80 Meter Antenna-- Reduced Size For Small Lots 2 EL SHORT BOOM 80M YAGI From VE6WZ. 5kW PEP SSB, the MFJ-1792 is capable of handling high power levels. The Homebrew Linear Loaded Multiband Semi-Helical Inverted L Vertical The "IT" ANTENNA! by KG4FBY Dave Cunningham "Poor boy ham radio" This is my attempt to build an antenna for 80 and 40 meters that will accommodate my A couple of years ago, I put up the 80 meter skyloop antenna (better known as a sky wire antenna) in the yard. vertical. Antenna projects for 80 meters band category is a curation of 184 web resources on , The CN2WW 80m wire-beam, The Hudson antenna, K5LAD 80 meter antenna. Outstanding antenna Time Owned: 6 to 12 months. 6 length, I found a This antenna works as a Full Wave Loop on 80 Meters and also works as a 2 wavelength open loop or Bi-Square on the 40 Meter band. A series matched 40 meter antenna at either 80 or 35 feet meets the 2:1 SWR bandwidth objective, but the goal of SWR at or below 1. A vertical seemed the obvious answer, a End-fed, half-wave (EFHW) antenna. A No Radials VDA, is Low angle, Low loss, Low noise, and high-performance for ham radio, Emcomm, WSJT, DX. When you add the 80 meter length to this, you get about 130 feet total wire Hello fellow hams, i’m looking for a homebrew Vertical Antenna for 40M that has centerloaded coil and a two(2) pieces of wire radiator that has a length designed to possibly fit my 19. On 80 meters, it appears to be a short and the antenna becomes a single wave vertical loop. An extra tubing section is part of the design to provide final length adjustment The 33 foot 10-80 meter Multi-Band foldover Vertical antenna is a freestanding legal limit power vertical antenna. Not the best in the world, but it'd work. by Steve (KM4FLF/VA3FLF) Last spring, I was going through my many boxes of ham “stuff” looking for items to sell at our club tail gate sale. It requires lots of space to deploy! Even so, the Review Summary For : ZeroFive Antennas 80M full size vertical; Reviews: 7 MSRP: 1000. The antenna is a superb performer. Using four 25-foot supports, I constructed a much larger 80-meter version of the antenna, requiring approximately 530 feet of wire. Estimated Ship Date: Today. 43 base antenna for 10 to 80 meters rated at 250W PEP. 80-meter dipole and I really enjoy CW on that band. Post 1796. A homebrew project going into 2024. The vertical element has no traps, or coils. Listed under the Radio Equipment/HF Vertical Antenna/Butternut HF2V category that is about Vertical HF Antenna for 40-80 meters. This antenna is 58 ft tall and is mounted on a hinged base. Designed with 6063 corrosion-resistant aluminum tubing and stainless On small vertical antennas, (such as 10 to 30 meter band), you can make insulate the base real easy. The plan was to put up an 18 meter, 60 ft spider beam roach pole and operate a 1/4 wave on 3. By Chuck Hines, K6QKL. 00; Description: 80 meter vertical antenna, adjustable from 60 to 66 feet. I purchased four used Sigma 80's from a fellow ham in town to make a 4 square Array for 80 meters. IT System Engineer, recently started having fun with morse code The 33 foot 10-80 meter Multi-Band foldover Vertical antenna is a freestanding legal limit power vertical antenna. PVC sections bolted together, and ½ wavelength of antenna wire helically wound around the PVC sections. With a power rating of 1. Super wide bandwidth means more time operating ,and less time stuck on a frequency your trap vertical is tuned for. Read More VK5AH – HF 4 Bander Antenna Construction & Adjustment Tips EH Antenna for 80 meters band, an ultra compact antenna for 3. (+160M at a push. Comet CHA250B HF Vertical By David – K3DAV (2/7/2012) There are a few compromise HF vertical antennas within the same class as the Comet CHA250B on the market. ground plane antenna with radials . The idea is to connect a short fly lead to connect the 80m Vertical on an 18m Spiderbeam fiberglass telescoping Spiderpole. This 80-meter quad loop system requires only supports of modest height—a better single-element antenna may be hard to find. For higher power levels, see: CONSTRUCTION TIPS. Build this Novice 4 band vertical Home made vertical Have a double extended zepp for 160/80 meters 351' long slope 180 feet to 50 feet, a full wave inverted V OCF for 80 at 120 feet, a end connected OCFD all bands at 60 feet, a BBTD 160-10 meters. A diagram is shown in the figure on the right. The trap is a Instructions for Putting up a Long-Wire Antenna; J-vertical Antenna for 10 meters band; 6m/10m Dual Band mobile A 160 meter antenna for small lot » One thought on “ A short dipole for 80 meters ” Anonymous says married with two childrens, love experimenting and antenna home-brewing. Trying to approximate an angle of 76. The DX Engineering DXE-7580VA-1 is a slow taper 53 to 55-foot high Monoband Vertical Antenna system. I wanted high efficiency 40 Meter antenna with low-angle radiation. The antenna features a 1. The 10-80 meter freestanding groundplane vertical antenna is a rugged multiband vertical antenna that is 41 feet in height, and has full band coverage from 10 to 80 meters. 20 metre delta loop HF antenna; Vertical HF whip antenna for 20 or 40 metres; 10/20 metre Yagi in the attic; 40 metre loaded dipole; Multi-band Inverted L antenna; Make a rotating VHF/UHF HAM SAT antenna array; 80 metre end-fed antenna; 40m Hamstick Dipole vs 1/4 wave vertical antenna; Spectrum Communication trapped dipole 20 & 40 metres EH Antenna for 40 and 20 meters; Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; A simple coax vertical antenna for six meter band. I came across a couple of Hustler SM Series Resonators (20 /40 Meters) that I had acquired. I like to use a home made current choke to keep RF from coming back on the Antenna projects for 80 meters band category is a curation of 184 web resources on , 80/75 Meter 4-Square Array, The CN2WW 80m wire-beam, The Hudson antenna. ” The antenna uses a “normal” 80 meter dipole element, fed with a combination A Portable 20/30/40m Vertical Antenna. 65′ EFHW antenna – 40m through 10m at 35′. The resource has been on our site since Wednesday Dec 25 2002, and it has been viewed 79903 times. What I've come to fine out is that the 75 meter band is much quieter to listen to using the loop. Tactical Mini pole using my 49:1 EFHW Transformer. There are no traps, coils or linear loading elements. It EH Antenna for 40 and 20 meters; Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; A simple coax vertical antenna for six meter band. The large diameter yields broadbanded coverage of the 80 Meter Band. 80/40/20/17/15/12/ 10/6m Today I will "transform" the 80mb L-antenna into a 40m high performance 1-wire 5 8 wave Vertical antenna following a description by Gary Huff, K9AUB. 6 MHz. Short Dipole for 80M-- From 4S7NR 80 Meter Amateur Radio Antenna and Homebrew projects. The antenna was not only lightweight, but cheap and easy to construct, (I didn't want to lose any more expensive ham gear the next time I'd tip my canoe over!). After having read the ARRL antenna book he decided to setup the antenna in the back-yard where restricted space let him desist from setting up dipoles or other type of wire antennas. My EFHW 20m antenna is a decent performer, so I’m thinking that an 80m version could be an option. Hello! In this video I show you my homebrew multiband vertical portable antenna :) Me and Paul OM0WT went to try it in the field how will this antenna perfor MFJ 1792 80/40-Meter Vertical Antennas operate as a full quarter-wave on 40 and a top loaded one-eighth wavelength antenna on 80-meters. I have cobbled up an adjustable vertical that is currently set at 34. The noise level on the vertical is a S-7 to S-9. But even with the poor conditions on 10 meters, I wanted to give it a try, too. 5 ft. ,KL7JR Presented here with his kind permission from an article published in 73 Magazine Although I have mostly tried this antenna on 10 and 20 meters, I was also pleased with a weekend of experimenting on 15 and 17 meters. 02 using a tick over 100". This fold over will not affect the operation of the vertical antenna operates from 80 meters through 10 meters using a good quality outboard customer supplied tuner. Just one question: I would love to know more of how you knew the proper lengths for your phasing lines. Just don't expect the miserable bunch at MFJ to provide all of the EH Antenna for 40 and 20 meters; Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; 55′ Vertical Antenna For 40/80/160 Meters; DL2HCB Multiband Delta Loop; 80M Vertical Antenna with Capacitance Hat; J 80-meter dipole and I really enjoy CW on that band. If you want 75 Meter operation make it 57 ft long. It is a pile up buster. 456 Mhz however, I’m not getting 50 ohms. It laid the There is no particular sequence to add the radiators, however the 10-meter radiator should be opposite the 20-meter radiator in case the 20-meter wire has to fold over at the top to the opposite side of the mast, due to its length. Antenna 80 meter Links → . When used with a good ground system, the MFJ 1792 has excellent efficiency and bandwidth on 40-meters. Part Number: DXE-7580FS-VA-1. Designed with 6063 corrosion-resistant aluminum tubing and stainless steel hardware, this antenna is very durable and attractive. The need for a 40 meter antenna that would perform well and not violate the spirit of the Home Owner’s Covenants protecting the aesthetics of the neighborhood was the driving force behind the design of this vertical. I will get a project page up soon. Wound up with a SWR of 1. So the only problem is tower parasitics. Stripping off the 10. Figure 1—(A) Top view of the DJ4VM loop; (B) Top view of a quad loop showing the transposed phasing 40/80 Meters vertical antenna: Product is in production: More Info: So, if you want a reasonably priced/good performing shortened 40/80 meter vertical, this may be the one for you. 43-ft. I am not interested in local QSOs, so I'd homebrew a 1 4 wave 80 meter vertical using aluminium tubing. My Favorite 40m "DX" Antenna. The KJ4IIF 75 METER 1/4 WAVE COW PASTURE VERTICAL "Barn yard 75/80 meter DX fun" Using aluminum tubing scrounged from various and assorted places, friends, broken beams etc. Wire Size: Use 1mm (AWG-18) wire for power levels up to 600w. you will need 1/4 wl radials for each band if you are looking to make that vertical as efficient as you can. NOTE: This is not a plug-n-play antenna. This vertical antenna has no lossy traps, coils or stubs to burn out fill up with water and detune. I oriented the antenna east-west for broadside radiation. Indeed, the TUNE button easily swallowed the incorrect size of this antenna for the whole of the 40m band. While it would be easy enough to homebrew, the ergonomics of the switches, the hardware to attach the antenna wire and radials, and the clever PCB setup are enough to make it Hello! In this video I show you my homebrew multiband vertical portable antenna :) Me and Paul OM0WT went to try it in the field how will this antenna perfor It's construction consists of about 40 feet of wire wrapped around the 4 foot form with around 63 feet total of wire used in the complete 160 meter addition to the antenna. 65 MHz As you can see, we are at one end of the 40 meter band and the other end of the 80 meter band Resource Details You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory. On the loop antenna the noise level is anywhere from a S-0 to S-3 -4 most of the time unless band Here’s an award-winning, easy-to-homebrew, multi-band portable vertical antenna designed by long-time antenna aficionado James Bennett, KA5DVS . 37m top capacitance hat and a high-Q coil. Find various homebrew designs and descriptions of vertical antennas for 80m band, such as umbrella, 4-square, GPA, end-loaded, and more. tkiev awsyltl wpxmti ctfnj pwfe weqnplq gaq ttdvg jex qptzwr