Teacher observation comments and suggestions. Microteaching Demonstration.
Teacher observation comments and suggestions. However, it can be a bit too teacher-focused.
Teacher observation comments and suggestions Dec 6, 2024 · Teacher observations are critical for providing structured feedback that supports professional growth and instructional improvement. Teaching is a very difficult job, we acknowledge the great work you are doing in keeping kids together to learn and focus but we will like to implore you to always pay close attention to your students, and carry them along in your teaching. The first observation praised the teacher's timeliness, learning environment, and use of multimedia, but noted a lack of student motivation and unclear instructions. 51% 47% 2% 0% 0% 6. It also reinforces the importance of the observation process. Dec 28, 2012 · When it comes to classroom observation teaching requirements, teachers may become frustrated with the process. Learners provide feedback to teacher about their own learning and participate in classroom evaluations. An observer makes observations in three key areas and then provides feedback or Every teacher is different and every piece of feedback will differ, but the ones in this blog will help give you an idea of what effective lesson observation feedback examples should look like. 4. In both, the teacher started with prayer, attendance, and greetings. Students participated in group activities and the teacher provided feedback. I hope these observation tips help you ace your next principal observation lesson with confidence. Narrative Observation/Scripting : Entails taking detailed notes or using scripting techniques to document teacher actions, decisions, and interactions during the observation. Conversely, good teachers display an openness to risk taking and trying out new ideas and a desire to make a difference in the achievement of all students. 22. Designs, adapts, and delivers instruction to address each student’s diverse May 31, 2022 · In terms of classroom observation tips, this is one to really concentrate on long-term. 10. One potential policy challenge in this context is how to evaluate and provide teachers feedback and support in a virtual learning environment. Teaching takes dedication and commitment, and you exemplify both qualities. 7. This positive feedback is a valuable tool for improvement, providing administrators with a constructive means to recognize a teacher’s strengths and contributions in the classroom Mar 10, 2023 · Teachers Observation Comments Sample. Want to learn more? Continue to The Teacher Observation Tool is a valuable MagicSchool AI powered resource for educational leaders and administrators looking to provide feedback and support to teachers based on classroom observations. The teacher used Digital Quiz to review the past lesson and relate to the present. What do teachers indicate is the role or purpose of administrative classroom observational feedback on a teacher’s instructional practice? 3. Jun 19, 2023 · sample positive comments for teacher observations. Teacher observation feedback is a crucial element in enhancing teaching practices, promoting professional development, and fostering school-wide improvement. But there are a few things a teacher can do to diminish the likelihood of this happening. The teacher started class with prayer, attendance, and greetings. During the lesson, the teacher took attendance, oriented students to classroom rules, reviewed the previous lesson through student questions, and grouped students for an activity decoding words using arithmetic concepts. Feb 2, 2023 · It’s that time of year again! The time when teachers start getting observations from their principals and instructional coaches. Providing ‘Informed Feedback’ Adeyemi Stembridge, Ph. Classroom observation tool leads to improvement of teaching and learning. Student engagement is a key indicator of educational effectiveness and is closely tied to effective classroom management and clear communication of learning outcomes. However, when writing negative feedback for teachers, you should be careful not to speak rashly rather, your criticisms should be constructive without sounding rude. They motivated students with activities and questions. What do teachers identify as timely, effective feedback? 2. the classroom observation model. Ultimately, when an administrator or teacher-leader starts a conversation with glows, the teacher is more receptive to the feedback, which leads to the teacher being a more reflective practitioner. INTRODUCTION TO PEER OBSERVATION . I would advise that you ensure the movies he watches are english based, this will help to learn very fast. RONEL HARIÑO BALISTOY Public Schools District Supervisor Elementary English SDO- Las Pinas COT – RPMS OBSERVATION NOTES FORM OBSERVER: RONEL H. Jul 26, 2024 · Positive Comments for Teacher Observations refers to constructive and supportive feedback given to teachers after observing their classroom instruction, lesson delivery, and interaction with students. If you plan to do direct instruction, be sure to break it up with opportunities for active student engagement. ”; “The observation and feedback process improves my/teachers' instructional practice. For lesson observation feedback to be most impactful, it’s important to reflect on the lesson as a whole and move the conversation away from the teacher, focusing instead on the teaching in the classroom – ensuring the focus is objectively on the key aspects of effective pedagogy, rather than on individual performance. Administrators can provide constructive guidance to teachers using such feedback, improving teacher performance and resulting in greater student success. … Oct 30, 2024 · Teacher Observation Feedback Examples. 4 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Congratulations for a job well done! The teacher motivates the students by way of a video presentation to relate her lesson to the day. #5: Develop a culture of care and respect in your classroom by getting to know each and every student. g. teacher performance and give teachers high-quality feedback and tools to help them improve their instruction. Provide encouraging feedback while gently guiding them towards improvement in specific areas. Every teacher is different and every piece of feedback will differ, but the ones in this blog will help give you an idea of what effective lesson observation feedback examples should look like. Soliciting and giving feedback to your peers can help to break down silos and create community by sharing things that have worked well and lessons learned with your colleagues (Hutchings, 1996). Archer, Cantrell, Holtzman Joe, Tocci, & Wood (2016) wrote: Evidence is the basis of fair evaluation and meaningful feedback. Assessment involved student questions. As a teacher, I consider it an honor to be a teacher to your bright child. Despite being terrified, she got some great advice, hit the ground running and developed into a competent observer. What is a lesson observation? A lesson observation, or classroom observation, is a form of professional development for teachers. Behavioral Observations: Examples of Social Skills and Classroom Behavior Report Card Comments. During the Visit. Pre observation conversation 11 g. Classroom Teaching Observation . Teacher Observation? 7 Tips For A Better Outcome. Observations give a clear view of what a teacher’s day-to-day teaching practices look like, and feedback should be based on specific moments. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, [online Apr 18, 2024 · The use of sample positive comments for teacher observations acknowledge and appreciate teachers’ efforts during evaluations through pre-formulated statements. The link below will direct you to make a copy of a ready-made survey that you can use to collect this information. May 1, 2023 · In such instances, negative feedback will be written. At our pre-observation meeting we discussed his concern that students do not come to class prepared for classroom discussions and what he had been instituting this semester to motivate this behavioral change. However, with a principal or other higher level administrator visiting the classroom, it is critical to consider it a learning opportunity. Planning - The Lesson Plan: Basic 1 _____ Grade and Subject Not Observed N/O Comments/Suggestions 1. 32% 45% 11% 12% 0% 4. Plan for Feedback Meeting: • Review Teacher-Child Interactions Self-Assessments from teacher(s). THE STAGES OF THE PEER OBSERVATION CYCLE . • Be clear about the artifacts you want to review before or during the visit, e. Atkinson, D. Lesson objectives were posted and discussed. First, many States use observation rubrics that are cumbersome in length and/or lack specificity. Nov 18, 2024 · Peer Observation: Involves other teachers or a team observing and collaborating to provide valuable feedback, offering insights and suggestions for enhancement. Giving Feedback to teachers after observation is a needed thing to be done. Remember, lesson observations are done to help teachers improve their practice. His reports on the interactions amongst the students were fascinating – they shared their learning perspectives during the lesson and this was interesting to hear. Form for Providing Feedback on a . However, writing constructive and insightful comments can be challenging. feedback on how to navigate the transition from in-person to virtual learning. What is peer observation? 8. Additional considerations for completing observations in remote/virtual settings: Explore opportunities to use recorded video lesson that may afford more flexibility for principals/evaluators/observers and decrease pressure for the educator. Feedback during observations often focuses on what’s happening in real time. The focus should be on encouraging existing strengths when providing feedback to a teacher who just needs a nudge. Use the feedback to make each future lesson even better. Microteaching Demonstration. Giving post-observation feedback Not only does this review of your teaching style provide an opportunity for you to self-check your professional practice, but it is also a great way to show off resources or techniques that make you the fab teacher you are. txt) or read online for free. For the participating teacher, each classroom observation experience includes the following core elements: Feb 13, 2023 · Waiting days or sometimes even hours after an observation reduces the impact your feedback will have. Dec 5, 2019 · I like this blog Tom. BALISTOY TEACHER OBSERVED: MARIA JUANA PASCUAL SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL: ENGLISH 3 DATE: OCTOBER 11, 2018 QUARTER: FIRST TIME STARTED: 1:30PM TIME ENDED: 2:30PM General Observation Learning Competence: Note details Step 2: Teaching observation The observation occurs at an agreed time and place for a set duration - use Teaching observation feedback form. 21. Oct 9, 2023 · Teacher observation feedback examples. Our extensive resources on classroom practice, including the Classroom Practice Continuum, support you to reflect on your practice against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Aug 29, 2023 · Teacher Feedback Examples for the Developing Teacher. 1. The school is proud to have you as a teacher. As you observe, take detailed anecdotal records on the student(s). 2. Classroom observations advocate that no matter how thorough the preparation of a lesson is, the teaching strategies must be manoeuvred as per the needs and pace of learners. You have established a positive classroom atmosphere. Narrative Observation/Scripting : Take detailed notes and/or using scripting techniques on teacher actions, decisions, and interactions during the observation. What kinds of teaching methods or instructional strategies is the instructor using? CLASS OBSERVATION TOOL DR. San Francisco, Ca: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand. Step 3: Post-observation meeting A discussion is held between the two teachers based on what was observed using Teaching observation feedback form. 74. Here are some teacher observation feedback examples to consider: Jan 4, 2025 · For feedback on course materials, a peer in your field can provide invaluable feedback on the content and organization; For feedback on teaching and classroom observation, a peer who is not necessarily in your field but is non-judgmental and supportive would be best; Establishing a Plan. Delayed feedback increases teachers’ anxiety and leaves room for negative assumptions to creep in. Teacher self-reflection 10. Gain a sense of community: Instructors may often feel as if they are teaching and dealing with the challenges of this work in isolation. More Classroom Observation Tips. Why engage in peer observation? 8. Aug 20, 2023 · Comments and Suggestions for Student Teachers. It is my belief that you shouldn’t leave constructive feedback for teachers unless you’re willing to have a face-to-face conversation about it within 24-48 hours. Observation, Feedback, and Support: Educator Performance and Practice 6 The table below provides examples of CCT Rubric Attributes that focus on the components of the Learner Framework. This has been done so you can gain valuable insights for your professional growth. However, observations have their limitations and challenges. Remember: I do, we do, you do. Jun 28, 2024 · 3. , provides technical assistance for school Cool Feedback • Teacher Leaders’ Coaching Cycle and Coaching Continuum (For Differentiating Feedback) Observation Accuracy • “Teaching Performance Feedback With Video: 21st-Century Tools and Tips” by Todd Finley • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s “Ensuring Accurate Feedback from Observations” • The Bill & Melinda Gates Sep 9, 2022 · Sample Feedback to Teachers After Observation. Meet with your peer to discuss your goals for the observation Feb 5, 2017 · Make sure you, as the observer, and the classroom teacher are on the same page about the protocol, documentation, date and length of observation (e. 12. 11. Share the CLASS Observation report with the teacher at least a couple days before the scheduled meeting to allow the teacher time to process the information. We have written out a few samples for your use. The teacher could use technology more effectively to support student learning. Classroom observation has become one of the most widely used sources of research internationally to give feedback to teachers. 8. Aug 31, 2023 · Teacher observation feedback can drive professional development and foster school-wide improvement. Jul 16, 2020 · Better Feedback for Better Teaching, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2016. The teacher explained each lesson object clearly using visual aids and ensured students understood before Sep 2, 2020 · Developed by preK-12 practitioners and experts at the University of Missouri, NEE brings together classroom observation, student feedback, teacher curriculum planning, and professional development as measures of effectiveness in a secure online portal designed to promote educator growth and development. Classroom Observations and Feedback Conversations Classroom Observations Classroom observations provide a view of teaching practice and the opportunity to collect evidence to assess practice using the Teacher Growth Rubric. Kindly slide in and read on. ) Giving post-observation feedback Every teacher is different and every piece of feedback will differ, but the ones in this blog will help give you an idea of what effective lesson observation feedback examples should look like. The key to accomplishing classroom observation tips like this one is to make sure students have a common purpose and goal to work towards. Comments / suggestions: DNM PM M Standard #2 Learning Differences The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that allow each learner to reach his/her full potential 1. Administrators play a pivotal role in providing constructive guidance to teachers during these observations. Using teaching observations to reflect upon and improve teaching practice in higher education. Students are excited to attend classes, all thanks to your teaching methods. or. Before the Visit. , anyone conducting classroom observations) about how they perceive the current state of observation and feedback. COT observation-notes-Sample 1 - Free download as Word Doc (. 73. Ask open-endedly if there is anything you should know prior to the observation or if there are any questions, doubts or requests of the Feb 13, 2024 · Peer Observation: Have another teacher or team of teachers observe, collaborate, and provide valuable feedback, offering insights and suggestions for improvement. Your teaching was a great one and the student must have learned a lot from your numerous examples. 5 There is extensive research on using peer observation to support individual teachers, teams of teachers and a whole-school instructional approach, as well as making a positive contribution to the collective The teacher was observed teaching Science 10 to grade 10 students. Here are 10 examples of how you can give positive feedback to a teacher after an observation. If a teacher has done well, he/she should be commended and these observations are to be stated if there is a need for improvement or if the teacher should be removed. Jan 11, 2023 · It is vital to give positive feedback to teachers after an observation. Observer survey Apr 13, 2020 · Policy, thus, can encourage innovation and research around this practice so that peer observation and feedback models can be piloted and the most effective established, as well as strategies to The first step to a successful peer observation and feedback is to choose your peers carefully. Behavioral observations provide insights into a student’s social interactions and conduct in the classroom. The teacher could provide more opportunities for students to work collaboratively. The key is to be prepared, welcome feedback, and use it to build a better classroom. 72. In case the criteria falls short or does not cover a particular aspect, it is imperative that you leave adequate space in the report for other comments and suggestions. It includes examples of potential connections and alignment between the Learner Framework and the CCT Rubric/Teaching and CCT Rubric/Service Delivery. Includes preparation tips for teachers, teacher-to-teacher observations and tips for administrators observing lessons. An evaluator who only saw the mini-lesson and independent work period will likely provide feedback that the teacher should incorporate discussion, which occurred right after they left. Nov 21, 2024 · 27 tips for teacher observations Top tips to help teachers and administrators make the most of announced and unannounced teacher observations. Visualize success Apr 6, 2019 · 2 3 DATE: _October 1, 2018_____ TIME STARTED: _8:30_____ TIME ENDED: _9:30_____. individual strengths of the teacher to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. doc / . However, it can be a bit too teacher-focused. This is […] Aug 21, 2023 · Classroom Observation Comments And Suggestions. The aim of this meeting is for the observer to provide Great for instructional coaches, principals, assistant principals, and teacher leaders!The purpose of this Form:This form is intended to provide a deliberate focus on one aspect of a classroom routine; the entry routine. While most of these tips are focused on a planned observation, there are ideas in here for those surprise pop-ins too. Nov 9, 2023 · The “I saw” and “I heard” statements can be quite valuable for the teacher being observed, but how can the observation help the teacher who is doing the observation grow in their teaching practice? Author and educator Jennifer Gonzalez in her 2013 Cult of Pedagogy post, “Open Your Door: Why We Need to See Each Other Teach” says: A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR TEACHERS | 5. What do teachers indicate is the potential impact of administrative classroom observational feedback on a teacher’s instructional Nov 29, 2022 · How do you give your fellow teachers feedback without sounding as though you’re picking holes in their method or insinuating that they’re bad at their job? Here’s some advice on how to be constructive in your lesson observation feedback and ensure there isn’t a bad atmosphere in the staff room afterwards. Observation Feedback Form Instructor: Course Name: Date of Observation: Location: Number of students: Observer: Session Topic: Instructor Expertise Observed? Yes No N/A Comments Demonstrated confidence in disciplinary knowledge and skills This document contains an observation report of a teacher's classroom performance with 100 items assessed. Please provide as much information as you can to give the instructor feedback on his/her efforts to engage course participants in meaningful learning activities. It is important for your teacher observation report to contain a section dedicated to recommendations. Both teachers achieved their objectives and engaged students Apr 1, 2021 · Classroom observations provide teachers with constructive critical feedback to reflect upon their classroom management and instructional techniques. How these resources are structured 7. ABOUT THIS GUIDE. The Classroom Observation Tool (COT) is designed to capture a snapshot of a teacher's instruction during a single classroom observation visit. This tool simplifies the process of generating areas of strength and suggestions for next steps to enhance teaching practices. Coaches then use the data collected to guide their coaching efforts with teachers. e. Just keep teaching and don’t change your Adapted from: Framework of Faculty Teaching Performance Evaluation, Texas A&M University. Sample Comments For Teacher Evaluations # Sample Comments for Teacher Evaluations: A Guide to Effective Feedback Teacher evaluations are a crucial part of professional development, providing valuable insights for educators to improve their teaching practices. Through regular collection of data using evidenced-based observation tools, school leaders and teachers access timely information to identify areas for improvement. After the Visit. Teachers are observed normally by a member or members of the senior leadership team, and they then record and measure the quality of teaching to ensure pupils receive the best possible education. Dec 5, 2016 · He offered suggestions that resonated as sensible; I don’t think I’d be quite as receptive to non-specialist generic feedback. Gather information from observers (i. observation and feedback process. His performance has been very great in mathematics but he needs to improve in his spoken English. Listed below are negative feedback for teachers from students examples that you can use. Suggestions for improvement should be recorded separately from observations. • Observed teachers benefit from analyzing the descriptive data the. docx), PDF File (. Observing teachers in action helps identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement. While getting feedback is always a good thing, sometimes the way that feedback is delivered can make all the difference in the world. pdf), Text File (. The teacher observed two class sessions. Here are a few rapid-fire tips The teacher could vary their teaching strategies more to keep students engaged. The observer notes that the teacher demonstrated excellent classroom management skills, engaged students through clear instruction and a variety of teaching methods, and promoted critical thinking skills. 75. During the lesson, the teacher used a video and divided students into groups to complete tasks related to the material. The risk is you’ll have a classroom of passive students during your teacher observation. ” Emerging: Few teachers and observers are invested in observation and feedback. Download Free Now! This document provides sample comments that can be used to provide feedback on different aspects of a classroom observation for teachers. D. It is the school leader’s responsibility to reduce teachers’ fear of being observed and evaluated by familiarizing teachers with evaluations and changing the Peer observations benefit both the observer and the observed teacher: • Observers see new techniques in action, get new ideas for their teaching toolkits, and can reflect on their own assumptions, beliefs, and teaching practices based on what they witness. (In general, it is best to present these after some post-observation discussion. With all of these thoughts swirling, even the most effective teacher can stumble during an observation. Dear student teacher, we appreciate your effort but of all honesty, your teaching has not been of great significance to us, you are unable to impact us with proper explanations and it is disappointing. SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE GUIDE BOOk. Observation tools strengthen teaching and learning by providing teachers with supportive and constructive feedback about instructional practices. Student Teacher Assessment of Classroom Teaching _____ _____ Student Teacher _____ University Supervisor Assessment of Student Teaching (See back of page for rating definitions) _____ School Rating Points Date and Time _____ Cooperating Teacher Advanced 4 Proficient 3 Developing 2 I. Teachers may interpret classroom observations as a controlling measure which induces negative feelings such as stress, nervousness, fear, and resistance to feedback post-observation. Jan 3, 2022 · You might also be interested in The Best Resources f or Doing Classroom Observations. Specific strengths included effective use of technology, visual aids, questioning Step 4: Comments and Suggestions. It lets them know what they are doing well and provides encouragement to continue those practices. 59% 38% 2% 1% observation tool as compared to the 2% of the respondents 0% 5. The document contains 3 observations of teachers' classes with strengths and weaknesses noted in each. Resources. The School of the Future Guide is aimed at helping school leaders and teachers make informed choices when designing the learning environments of the future using existing and upcoming technologies, as they seek to prepare children for the rest of the 21st century – the result is a more efficient and competitive school. However, as an observer, it’s essential to provide constructive feedback that encourages growth and development rather than discouraging it. Jul 2, 2024 · A Classroom Observation Feedback Form is a tool used to gather feedback on classroom instruction, learning materials, and the overall learning environment. Both teachers achieved their objectives and engaged students teaching assistant to engage with the students. I prefer the revised classroom observation tool compare to the traditional evaluation model. Aug 31, 2023 · General Teacher Observation Feedback Examples. It also includes areas Every teacher is different and every piece of feedback will differ, but the ones in this blog will help give you an idea of what effective lesson observation feedback examples should look like. Example(s) of the student teacher’s strength in this domain as evidenced by his/her lesson plan, lesson delivery, or lesson reflection; student work data; student feedback; or Cooperating Teacher feedback: Prior to Observation Teacher choice in observation time Pre-Observation Conference •Trust building •Familiar with the lesson •Context of the larger unit •Teacher goals •Collaborative dialogue Work on Changing Culture Training on Rubrics Administration Teachers Observation Calibrations School wide focus Observation Classroom Observations provides for intentional sharing of knowledge and practise. Thank you for your excellent approach to teaching. Nov 17, 2023 · One note: Direct instruction is a fine teaching method. Feb 17, 2023 · This is done when the administrator or teacher-leader acknowledges the areas that the teacher is currently shining in. Sep 16, 2024 · Better feedback for better teaching : a practical guide to improving classroom observations. Teacher Observation Feedback Examples: May 17, 2018 · Feedback from classroom observations is an effective way for providing teachers with the information they need about their classroom behavior, and it can help them in their continuous professional 6 days ago · For classroom observation feedback to be most impactful, it’s important to reflect on the lesson as a whole and move the conversation away from the teacher, focusing instead on the teaching in the classroom – ensuring the focus is objectively on the key aspects of effective pedagogy, rather than on individual performance. These comments aim to: Acknowledge and reinforce effective teaching practices; Encourage and motivate teachers to continue improving May 4, 2016 · Better Feedback for Better Teaching is based on the knowledge of key partners in the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) project—which carried out one of the largest studies ever of classroom observations—and of states, districts, and charter management organizations at the leading edge of high-quality observation. States face several common challenges that prevent observers from providing more meaningful feedback to teachers. The ‘cycle of peer observation’ 9. (2010). The sooner feedback is delivered, the shorter the feedback cycle and the better teachers can contextualize the feedback. Developing: Some teachers and observers are invested in observation and feedback, but a few question its impact and usefulness. Identify the target student(s) for the observation and circulate the room as you observe students involved in reading, writing, or collaborative discussions. prior written feedback to teachers, formativ e evaluations or the principal’s schedule of classroom observations. Remember… you are an AMAZING teacher, and this observation is a chance to showcase your expertise and grow as an educator. the fear of ‘high stakes’ judgment completely ‘crowds out’ any propensity for development… and, of course, this is of little surprise given a raft of factors; inter alia, performance-related pay, the historic use of Jul 28, 2018 · Lesson observations – where to start?! Jeanette Barsdell, the author of ELT Lesson Observation and Feedback Handbook, was thrown in at the deep end and expected to observe a teacher on her first day as a DOS. State education agencies (SEAs) sought to address this Ł Suggestions for improvement should be recorded separately from observations. It includes positive comments addressing classroom management, instructional delivery, content knowledge, student engagement, assessment and feedback, classroom environment, teacher-student interaction, and professional development. observation means careful, thoughtful noticing of work of the classroom—both what the teacher does and says and what the students do and say. In general, it is best to present these after some post-observation discussion. It helps instructors, administrators, and educational leaders collect specific insights on teaching methods, student engagement, and areas for improvement. I am writing about this currently; it does however, overlook one significant factor – many teachers are not in the ‘ready to receive mode’…. , whether you plan to leave before the class ends), etc. Introduction. and Bolt, S. • Review Classroom-Level CLASS Observation Report. Teacher observation is a crucial way to improve the quality of education in schools. Aug 18, 2022 · Aside from being misrepresentative of the teacher/lesson, the ratings and feedback in this situation become somewhat worthless. Mentored teachers understand that the role of an IDRA mentor, for example, is not evalu-ative. . Including former Observations can also provide faculty with feedback on aspects of their teaching that students are not as qualified as peers to evaluate, such as the instructor’s content expertise or their implementation of specific teaching methods. 71. You want to observe and be observed by someone who has similar goals, interests, and challenges as you. You may wish to revise your suggestions after discussion with the instructor you observed. The teacher could be more reflective of their teaching practice and seek feedback; from students and Aug 18, 2023 · Teachers are always been observed to know if they are working effectively and if their teachings are effective on a child’s performance. The second teacher was commended for organized lessons and student activities, but could improve motivation and Jan 20, 2023 · Examples of Written Feedback to Teachers. Meaningful professional learning is coherent, sustainable, goal – oriented, evidence – informed and attentive to adult learning styles.
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